Chapter 337
The war drums shook the sky, and the horns sounded together.

The [-] Xianbei cavalry pushed their horses to the limit, and under the rain of arrows that were as dense as locusts, within a short period of more than a hundred steps, after paying more than a thousand casualties, they finally rushed to the front of the Xiliang army and smashed hard. On a strong fence.

Xi Yuyu...

Amid the resonant neighing of the horse, the galloping warhorse was pierced through by the ferocious antlers on the fence. It raised its head and neighed sadly, and let out a final desperate cry. The huge body fell down and never stood up again.

The Xianbei cavalry on horseback flew directly into the Xiliang army camp like cannonballs.

At this time, the archers had already withdrawn, and the two thousand spearmen who were waiting in full formation had already stepped out and arrived at the front of the formation.

The Xianbei cavalry who flew into the Xiliang army camp were pierced by countless guns before they landed, and hot blood poured down on the Xiliang soldiers' heads, and all the Xiliang soldiers standing in the blood stuck out their tongues and licked them. Licking his lips, his expression was ferocious and chilling.


Gao Shun shouted, and the first row of spearmen immediately stepped forward. Under the cover of the heavy infantry, the five hundred sharp spears stabbed the Xianbei cavalry crowded outside the fence one by one like poisonous snakes.

"Pull off these damn fences!"

Bu Dugen was furious and roared sharply.

The cavalry behind was still rushing forward, while the cavalry in front were blocked by two solid fences and could not rush in. Soldiers and horses were pierced by spears constantly, and the bloody light intertwined a tragic picture.

All the Xianbei cavalry had red eyes and roared with all their strength, wanting to charge in and flatten these damned camps.

On the towers on both sides of the camp, a thousand archers drew their longbows and once again shot and killed the Xianbei cavalry who were crowded outside the camp and couldn't rush in.

If the war horse is shot in the heart, it will riot.

Budugen was so jealous that he rushed to the front of the Xiliang army camp, and more than half of the casualties were already there. Adding in the [-] cavalrymen who died filling the last pit before, the casualties already exceeded [-]. This is definitely not a small battle. number.

"go away!"

With a loud roar, Bu Dugen swung his knife away from several stabbing spears, exerted all his strength, and slashed fiercely on the thigh-thick fence, finally breaking the fence that was smashed by the horse.

Soon, a gap was opened between the two layers of fence.

The Xianbei cavalry huddled nearby made a sound, rushed in immediately, and rushed in.

"The pikemen retreated and formed, and the first squad of hoplites blocked the gap."

The former military academy lieutenant waved his saber vigorously and roared loudly.

The fifty hoplites of the first team immediately placed the huge shields on the ground on their shoulders. There were brackets behind the huge shields, and each giant shield was carried by two shield infantrymen. The brackets were as thick as arms.

When it hit the ground, it immediately became a solid shield.

Even if it is not as strong as the fence buried in the ground, it is still not a problem to block the cavalry who have exhausted their charge.


Soon, the spearmen were re-arranged, and the former military school lieutenant gave an order, and two hundred spearmen immediately rushed over.

"Open it for me!"

Bu Dugen roared, and swung his knife with all his strength to split a huge shield. The sharp blade turned into a cold electricity, and the heads of the two hoplites carrying the giant shield flew back from their shins, splashing blood in their chests.

"Kill kill kill..."

Bu Dugen was about to take advantage of the situation to rush in, when there was a roar like thunder, at least ten spears stabbed at the same time, and three spears stabbed fiercely at the horse under his crotch, making Bu Dugen's eyes sting. crack.

"Go away!"

Budugen let out a wolf howl, and swung the sword around fiercely.

Puff puff……

Amidst the muffled sound of sharp blades cutting through the flesh, three long spears pierced into the horse's chest cavity in no particular order.

Although Budugen swung away more than a dozen long spears that were stabbing at him, he failed to stop the long spears that were stabbing at the horse under his crotch.The blood of the horse spurted out like a spring, and the war horse hissed sadly, and stood up straight up, throwing Bu Dugen off the horse's back.

puff puff!

Budugen was still in the air, but two spears pierced him at the same time, nailing him to death in the air.


Budugen howled in despair and died instantly.

"grown ups!"

Amidst the extremely shrill roar, the Xianbei cavalry were in chaos in an instant.

Xianbei Central Army.

Pu Tou was far away from the battlefield in front of him, and suddenly he rode a fast horse to the front.

"My lord, it's not good."

Laiqi was covered in blood, and roared in grief and indignation: "General Bu Dugen died in battle."


Botou was taken aback immediately, almost fell off the horse without being surprised, and said sharply: "What did you say, Budugen died in battle?"

The man wept blood and nodded, hissed: "General Budugen personally led his troops into the camp of the Han army, unfortunately he died in battle."


Pu Tou let out a loud roar, and felt his eyes go black, and his body shook violently a few times.

Bu Dugen is his younger brother and his strongest supporter. The reason why Pu Tou was able to secure the throne was because of Bu Dugen's support and the [-] cavalry in his hands to suppress all ministries.

Even Budugen, who was brave and good at occupying, was killed in battle. Who else would support him with all his heart in the future.

Xianbei Left Wing, Fu Luohan sneered after hearing the news.

On the right wing of Xianbei, Kebi showed joy when he heard the news. Only Lord Tuoba, Tuoba Liwei couldn't help sighing after hearing the news. The army is really a tough nut to crack.

But the arrow has been wound, I'm afraid it won't come back.

So many people died, even Budugen died in battle. If you don't break through the Han army camp, just run back to the old Hanshan camp in such a desperate manner, the central Xianbei will definitely split again, this is absolutely unacceptable to Putou of.

Tuoba Liwei also couldn't tolerate the Great Xianbei's split again, that would only speed up the defeat of the Great Xianbei.

Just like the Huns, they were eventually replaced by the stronger Xianbei.

Soon, a group of remnants and defeated generals appeared in front.

This is the cavalry under Bu Dugen's command. Only less than 2000 people came back, and all of them were wounded, just like a group of scarred sheep bitten by wolves. miserable.

Tuoba Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart felt inexplicably heavy.

Fu Luohan and Ke Bineng secretly called it a fluke. Although there were a lot of casualties in filling the pit before, but not many died in the battle. Most of them were shot by bows and arrows. No matter how half of them survived, it was much better than Budu Gen. .

Look at this appearance, the root of the step is completely disabled.

More importantly, Budugen was also killed in battle, and one of Putou's powerful arms was cut off.

"Putou should be furious, right?"

Ke Bi can help Luo Han think so, secretly happy in his heart.

It's okay to be angry, but I'm afraid that Putou will not be angry.As long as Pu Tou is angry, he will definitely fight with the Han army forever. Even if Pu Tou can eventually flatten the Han army camp, he will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. If he still wants to suppress his own tribe, it will not be so easy.

"My lord, the king has an order to order our troops to attack."

Soon, a fast horse rushed over, rushed to Tuoba Liwei, and said loudly.

Tuoba Li nodded slightly. Although he was getting older, his heroism did not diminish in the slightest. He raised his arms and shouted: "My sons from the Tuoba tribe, the despicable Han people poisoned our river, killing countless of us. Wives, children, and cattle, sheep and livestock, this is a blood feud that cannot be shared, and we must avenge it. Kebineng, Fuluohan, and Budugen have cleared the obstacles to the offensive and filled all the pits. Now it is our task to expand It's time for the warriors of the Babu tribe to show their bravery, pick up your sabers, mount your horses, smash down the Han camp in front of you, kill all the Han people, and avenge your tribe!"

"Ow ooh..."

Tens of thousands of Xianbei cavalry roared at the top of their voices, like ten thousand wolves roaring, the momentum was extremely astonishing.

Soon, amidst the sound of the horns, the [-] cavalrymen of the Tuoba tribe broke away from the right wing and rushed towards the Xiliang army camp dozens of miles away from the side, and kept moving closer to the center as they moved forward. .

The Xiliang army is in the rear, on the tower.

Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "The Xianbei people are finally desperate, and they even dispatched [-] cavalry directly."

Jia Xu smiled and said: "My lord, don't worry, Budu's roots have been beaten and disabled. Kebinengbu and Fuluohan are all pregnant with ghosts, and they are trying to save their strength. They will definitely not fight to the death. As long as Tuoba can be dealt with Of the more than [-] cavalry under Liwei's troops, only the [-] cavalry in Putou are left. This is just the beginning, and the best is yet to come!"

Luo Zheng nodded happily, the good show has indeed just begun, and the more exciting is yet to come.

Fazheng said: "It's time for the bed crossbowmen to go out."

Luo Zhengdao: "I can't wait in front of the formation, let Gao Shun decide!"

Jia Xu said: "General Gao Shun has a good command of the army, he will definitely seize the opportunity and make good use of this big secret weapon of our army at the most suitable time, and destroy Tuoba Liwei's troops in one fell swoop."

Luo Zheng nodded, did not speak again, and turned his eyes to the battlefield.

Fazheng, Chengying, etc. also had bloodshot faces and were a little excited.

A vulgar craftsman has no status in this era where scholars are respected, and is even worse than a farmer. However, Luo Zheng spares no effort to improve the social status of various craftsmen, and even does not hesitate to give some outstanding skills and achievements. The artisans were granted titles and lands, and the artisans were encouraged to innovate. For this reason, almost all the scholars under his command opposed it.

It wasn't until the Xiliang Army's equipment became more and more sophisticated that those voices of opposition gradually disappeared.

Now, those craftsmen have spent several years of hard work, and under Luo Zheng's many personal suggestions, they finally made a secret weapon with huge lethality, and it was equipped in the army at the end of last year.

It just so happened that the Xianbei people were going south in a big way, and it was time to test the lethality of the secret force.

The rumbling thunder filled the world, and Tuobabu's [-] cavalry stepped through the filled pit, and against the dense rain of arrows like flying locusts, they finally reached the front of the Xiliang army again, and slammed into Strong wall.

(End of this chapter)

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