Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 338 The Big Killer

Chapter 338 The Big Killer

Outside Manyi Valley, horns blared, horses neighed and people boiled.

bang bang bang bang...

The horses running at high speed kept crashing into the wall of the Xiliang Army's stronghold. Amidst the startling neighing of the horses, after being pierced by sharp antlers, the horses screamed desperately. The Xianbei cavalry on the horses all looked like Like a cannonball, it flew directly into the Xiliang army camp from the horseback, and was pierced through the body by sharp spears.

The number of cavalry is different, and the formations chosen when charging are also different.

If there are thousands of cavalry, they will form a triangular cone-shaped assault formation when charging to ensure maximum attack power.

But this assault formation also has a fatal flaw, that is, it is not flexible enough.

Once the momentum of the charge is blocked and they fall into a melee, it will be too late to change formation.

The advantage of the cavalry lies in its powerful impact and mobility, and melee is precisely the most unfavorable to the cavalry.

Therefore, once the size of the cavalry exceeds [-], they will form a more flexible geese-shaped formation when charging to maintain maximum flexibility and mobility. If you advance, you can attack, and if you retreat, you can defend. The most commonly used cavalry of Xianbei is geese. shape array.

But now, due to the constraints of the terrain on both sides of the mouth of the Manyi Valley, the [-] cavalry of the Tuoba tribe could not spread out to the two wings. charge.

This kind of suicide charge is still very effective.

Soon, after paying huge casualties of [-] cavalry, the Xiliang Army’s wall was finally overwhelmed, and was knocked down by the Xianbei cavalry with flesh and blood. The red-eyed Xianbei cavalry screamed excitedly, rushing went in.

In front of the Xiliang army formation, five hundred hoplites erected huge shields to drive the surging Xianbei cavalry with their flesh and blood.

A hundred steps away, Gao Shun's eyes were fixed, and he waved his hand violently.

The Xiliang army split to the two sides like a tide. Amidst the creaking of wheels, two thousand infantry worked together to push a whole hundred huge chariots to the front of the formation, lined up, and on each chariot, Ten soldiers stood there.

These chariots can be two feet wide and seven feet high. They look like a large wooden box, with a huge winch on each side of the box, and ten fist-sized holes in the front.

In each hole, there is half a long spear exposed outside, which can be half a foot long.

The gun blade is not the iron-cast gun head used by spearmen, but it has been sharpened very sharply, and the penetration power will definitely not be bad.

Hundreds of chariots lined up, immediately blocking the Taniguchi.

Amidst the screams and screams, the wall of flesh and blood formed by five hundred hoplites was overwhelmed, and was completely submerged by the surging Xianbei cavalry. All five hundred hoplites died in battle, and none survived.

Although the Xianbei cavalry is not as equipped as the Xiliang cavalry, their tactics and training are also inferior to the Xiliang cavalry.

But these wolves on the prairie have an astonishing ability to withstand death. As long as the horn of the charge continues, they dare to go forward and launch the most violent charge, even if there is a mountain of knives in front of them, they will not back down.

Gao Shun's face was expressionless, and he didn't have any emotional fluctuations. Even if he watched the five hundred hoplites turn into flesh and blood under the surging Xianbei iron hooves, he couldn't see the rock-like resolute face. Even if it hurts a little bit.

It wasn't until the Xianbei cavalry rushed within fifty steps that they violently raised their right arms and swung them down, "Kill!"

"Kill kill kill..."

All the Xiliang infantry in front of the formation roared loudly.

buzzing buzzing...

Amidst the violent box vibration and the sound of machine brackets, counting from left to right, the spears in the holes in front of the odd-numbered fifty huge tanks were ejected immediately, intertwining into a forest of death, shooting To the Xianbei cavalry who rushed over.

The ten Xiliang soldiers standing on the chariot didn't bother to watch the results at all. Three of them turned the winches on both sides, and the remaining four quickly reloaded the ten wooden guns one by one from the horizontal frame behind the chariot. went in.

Amidst the shrill screams and the neighing of startling horses, the Xianbei cavalry who rushed over fell like pieces of cut wheat grass.

No flesh and blood drive can block these big killers, and neither can war horses.

No matter how strong the bow and arrow are, their lethality is very limited.If it wasn't for being shot at a vital point, at most it would be injured but not dead. If it was wearing a few layers of thick leather armor, even if it was shot at close range, it would be slightly injured at most.

Unless you use a strong bow with more than three stones to shoot at close range, you can completely penetrate the leather armor and shoot people to death.

But for those who can open a strong bow with more than three stones, apart from some brave generals, there are few people who can open a three-stone bow.

As for war horses, let alone, animals are much more able to withstand death than humans, except for the unrivaled warriors like Zhao Yun who use five-stone strong bows and iron arrows forged from pure iron to hit vital points. One arrow shot the horse to death.

Ordinary archers, even if they hit the horse's head, would not be able to kill the horse with one arrow.

Therefore, even if all the Xianbei cavalry were injured, as long as there was no trap, they could still rush to the front of the Xiliang army.

Bows and arrows can only cause damage, and the chance of directly shooting people and horses to death is much smaller.

Unless it hits some fatal points, how can ordinary archers have such shooting skills? If there is such a shooting skill, Luo Zheng only needs to train [-] archers, and he will be invincible in the world, and how many enemies come to shoot and kill.

If there were to be such shooting skills, the Xianbei cavalry would have rushed to the front of the battle.

But these big killers that appeared for the first time are different. The giant crossbows pulled by carts built by these Xiliang craftsmen not only have a range of 150 steps, which is farther than ordinary bows and arrows, but also have the penetrating power of flat shots. , It is also much stronger than the upward penetration of bows and arrows.More importantly, the weight of these wooden guns is many times greater than that of the arrow shaft, and the rate of fire within eighty steps has almost no attenuation, which is basically the same as the rate of fire just ejected.

Unlike bows and arrows, the rate of fire will drop after shooting fifty steps, and it depends on the free-falling penetration to injure the enemy.

There is no doubt that the lethality of these wooden guns is extremely terrifying.

Not to mention soldiers, even the horses of the Xianbei people can't withstand the penetration of these wooden spears, no matter how hard the bones are, they can't stop these sharpened wooden spears. The long wooden gun is pierced.

The wooden gun continued to go unabated, and the powerful impact brought the horse back a few steps, and met another horse. Half of the gun shaft plunged into the head of the second horse without hindrance, and the two horses nailed together.

As for the Xianbei cavalry on horseback, they seemed to be skewered together like lamb skewers.

Often a single wooden spear can pierce the bodies of four Xianbei cavalry in a straight line.

Such a huge lethality would not cause damage, but direct death.

Even if he was pierced through his arm and survived for the time being, he would still be disabled for the rest of his life, and he would never be able to go to the battlefield again.

buzzing buzzing...

Fifty chariots had just been equipped with wooden guns, and the guns were loaded, and Gao Shun, who personally commanded the front of the battle, gave an order, and the five hundred wooden guns on the other fifty chariots were ejected in an instant, turning into A forest of death.

Wherever they passed, no Xianbei cavalry could stand on the flat ground at the mouth of the valley.

The horse was wounded by a bow and arrow, but could continue to charge.

But being pierced by these killer weapons, how could he stand up again.

When the Xiliang army's camp was smashed, the Xianbei cavalry's charge was blocked, and the formation became very dense.Just one round of salvo from the giant ballista caused no less than a thousand casualties to the Xianbei cavalry.

Rather than minor injuries, death or disability.

The corpses of Xianbei cavalry and horses blocked the entrance of the valley, and soon blocked the way to charge.

Occasionally, a fish that slipped through the net rushed over, and was shot into a hedgehog by a thousand archers arrayed behind the chariot.

Sudden such a tragic blow, the Xianbei cavalry suddenly became chaotic, and the screams and neighing of the horses almost overturned the sky, while the Xianbei cavalry behind couldn't hold back, and they didn't know what happened. rush forward.

Xiliang rear formation, above the tower.

Luo Zheng's eyes were condensed, and his face was twitching non-stop.

Jia Xu, Fazheng, Chengying and the others kept breathing.

It's amazing, the lethality of this thing is really abnormal.

Compared with these big guys, bows and arrows can only be regarded as children's toys.

A wooden spear, after piercing through one horse, can also nail the second horse to death.

Such terrifying penetrating power really sent chills down the spine.

You must know that war horses are not human beings. Not only are their bodies much larger than humans, but their bones are also much harder than humans. Even if Zhao Yun were to shoot at close range with a five-stone strong bow and iron arrows forged from fine iron, he could shoot the war horses straight through. That's the best.

With such terrifying lethality, not to mention leather armor, even the iron armor of hoplites would absolutely be unstoppable.

Fazheng recovered from the huge shock, and said frantically, "My lord is far-sighted, and I really admire you. If the lord hadn't spared no effort to improve the status of craftsmen and encourage those craftsmen to invent, how could we have created such a thing?" It is a sharp and terrifying weapon of war. With such a sharp weapon, there is no need for the bandits to be destroyed, and there is no need for the world to worry about uncertainty."

Luo Zheng shook his head and said: "There is no ever-victorious army, and there is no perfect weapon of war in this world. Although these giant crossbows fixed on carts are terrifying, they also have fatal flaws. It is not difficult to defend against them."

Jia Xu nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, although these big guys are terrifyingly lethal, they are too big and inconvenient to move. At most, they will be taken by surprise. If the princes know about it, they will definitely be prepared. As long as they don't It is difficult for these big guys to come in handy if we fight head-on with our army, or make the ground pitted."

Fazheng said: "I agree with what the military adviser said, but water is impermanent, and soldiers are impermanent. As long as the plan is good, these weapons of war can still come in handy. Otherwise, the lord spent so much manpower and material resources to make such a big weapon. Killing weapon, if it’s useless at all, wouldn’t it be a waste of effort!”

Luo Zheng said happily: "What Xiaozhi said is very true. There are no useless weapons in the world, only incompetent generals. Although these giant ballistas have many shortcomings, they also have many advantages. As long as they make good use of their strengths, they can be beneficial to the war. "

Jia Xu also nodded in agreement, giving Fazheng an appreciative glance.

This kid is becoming more and more confident, and his thinking is becoming more and more careful.

(End of this chapter)

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