Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 341 Sweeping the Desert

Chapter 341 Sweeping the Desert
At the same time that Zhao Yun defeated the Tuoba tribe and the Fuluo Han tribe, the [-] Wangting cavalry in Putou were also defeated by Yan Xingsha. went.

Luo Zheng saw it clearly from the high tower, and immediately ordered Zhao Yun and Yan Xing to lead an army to chase after the victory. They chased and killed them until dark before they retreated. Putou failed to catch up, and Fu Luohan couldn't run to it. Zhao Yun Capture alive.

Fuluo Han's eldest son vented his mud force and refused to surrender, but was beheaded on the spot by Zhao Yunzhen.

The [-] Xianbei cavalry were wiped out, nearly [-] were killed in battle, nearly [-] were captured, and more than [-] were scattered. Only Putou and Kebi were able to lead thousands of horses each and fled into Mobei. Towards decline.

Putou has not been established for a long time, so it is difficult to convince the public.

This overturned and persuaded the various ministries to send troops to the south, in order to stabilize their position with a big victory.

Now that they have suffered such a big defeat, the central Xianbei will inevitably fall into civil strife.

After discussing with Jia Xu, Fazheng, etc., Luo Zheng immediately led two cavalry troops of [-] to go out of Wuyuan to conquer the desert, and ordered Gao Shun to lead the army back to Hetao to rest. Jia Xu, Fazheng, etc. also went back together, and Send [-] Xianbei captives to slave camps.

In March, after Putou fled back to the old camp at Danhan Mountain, he gathered all the soldiers who could fight to meet the Xiliang cavalry west of Qiushui.

Luo Zheng ordered Xu Chu to lead [-] wolf cavalry to form an assault. Generals Zhao Yun and Yan Xing each led [-] cavalry from their troops to cover up and kill them. They defeated the Xianbei cavalry again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ke Bi Neng gathered thousands of soldiers and horses and fled into Mobei again.

Luo Zheng immediately sent his troops to smash the royal court of Danhan Mountain, and ordered the massacre of Xianbei, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. The blood flowed from the directly killed Danhan Mountain within dozens of miles, and the floating corpses were everywhere. Eagles dare not approach.

The remaining Xianbei people were all demoted to slaves, and rewarded to the meritorious soldiers after the desert was cleared.

In May, Luo Zheng sent troops to expedition to Mobei.

In the sixth month, Ke Bineng's troops were defeated at Yulangjuxu Mountain, and Yan Xing broke into the Chinese army and beheaded Ke Bineng.

Since then, the central Xianbei, the most powerful of the three Xianbei, has officially perished.

In August, Luo Zheng marched westward and rushed thousands of miles to attack Dragon City.

Western Xianbei hastily fought, and those who were killed were defeated, and hurriedly withdrew to the old camp of Jiluo Mountain.

Luo Zheng ordered the army to rest in Longcheng for ten days, and then went south with great fanfare, attracting the main cavalry of the Western Xianbei to the south bank of the Xiongnu River, but secretly ordered Yan Xing to lead [-] cavalry to detour thousands of miles, and attacked the old camp of Jiluo Mountain in the western Xianbei in one fell swoop.

The old battalion was raided, and the main cavalry of Xianbei in the west immediately went south regardless of everything.

Luo Zheng then sent his troops across the river to go down the river, defeating the main force of Xianbei in the west in one fell swoop, beheading more than hundreds of Xianbei nobles such as leaders, leaders, households, etc., and slaughtering the old camp of Jiluo Mountain in Xianbei in the west for thousands of miles.

When the news spread to the Western Regions, all countries in the Western Regions were shocked. While gathering soldiers and horses to prevent Luo Zheng from advancing into the Western Regions, they quickly ordered envoys to travel thousands of miles to Guanzhong to deliver a letter of surrender, willing to pay tribute to Luo Zheng as a courtier.

In October, the north has come to the cold winter.

Luo Zheng ordered Wang Fang and Liang Xing to lead five thousand cavalry troops each to suppress the Xianbei of the two tribes in the Central and Western regions. At the beginning of October, he led his troops to the south and smashed through the other branches of the Xiongnu in Yanhai. Thousands of slaves went back to Guanzhong.

Accompanying the army to the south were hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep, war horses and livestock.

Xianbei people have nothing else, but they have countless cattle, sheep and livestock, and all kinds of fur goods.

With such supplies looted from the Xianbei people, it is enough to support tens of thousands of troops for three years.

In November, Luo Zheng led his army back to Chang'an.

Before the dust could be washed away, Jia Xu, Fazheng, Xun Yu and others had already come to see him hand in hand.

Luo Zhengtu couldn't help it, so he reluctantly left Ruanrouxiang and went to the outer hall to meet with his confidants.

It's been more than half a year since they left, but they didn't expect Da Qiao and Wu Zhen's stomachs to move, they both had a big belly, which somewhat damaged their graceful figures, only Xiao Qiao and Mi Huan didn't move, they were so worried that they didn't think about eating or drinking.

The eldest daughter, Luo Yan, is almost four years old and can already make soy sauce.

The little girl Luo Rong also started running all over the place, and what her father called was a slip.

Luo Zheng was in a good mood, swept away his previous fatigue, and went to the outer hall to meet Jia Xu and others in a trembling spirit.

"Congratulations, my lord, for sweeping the desert and building the merits of the world."

As soon as they entered the door, Jia Xu, Fazheng, Xun Yu, Cheng Ying and others stood up and sang.


Luo Zheng waved his hand, walked to the main seat and sat down, and let everyone take their seats one by one, then frowned and said displeasedly: "This general has been out for many years, and the sandstorm in the desert is too big, so I haven't taken a breath when I come back. , you are here now, is there anything that can’t be discussed in a few days? You have to come here now.”

Xun Yu cupped his hands and said: "Work hard for the government, the hero of the world, don't blame us!"

Luo Zheng smiled bitterly: "Okay, Wen Ruo doesn't have to put a high hat on this general, let's talk, what's urgent."

Xun Yu then said: "One, the envoys of the countries in the Western Regions will hand over the letter of surrender and pay tribute as a courtier."

"Western Region?"

Luo Zheng touched the stubble and pondered.

Jia Xu said: "My lord has wiped out Mobei, and the news has spread to the Western Regions. The countries in the Western Regions feared that the lord would take the opportunity to invade the Western Regions, so they condemned their envoys to surrender. Among them, Dawan and Wusun each offered five bloody BMWs. Calculate."

"Oh, so many bloody horses!"

Luo Zheng was immediately refreshed. Playthings such as gold, silver and jade could not enter his eyes at all. Only sweat and blood horses were rare. He wiped out the Xianbei people in Qiangyuan and Mobei for [-] miles, and only got three or four sweat and blood horses. , has been reluctant to give away.

In this era, a hard-earned BMW is many times more expensive than the Rolls-Royce of later generations.

Rolls-Royce can be bought with money, but hard-earned BMWs can't be bought with money.Not to mention landlords and businessmen, even a prince who dominates one side like Cao Cao and Yuan Shao can't get a hard-earned horse.

Unexpectedly, there are many good horses in a small country in the Western Regions.

This thing is definitely the best partner for generals.

When the generals fight in front of the battle, the quality of the horses is also a factor that affects the outcome.

When Zhao Yun fought fiercely against Lu Bu in Yuzhong, he suffered a bit because his horse was not as good as Lu Bu's red rabbit horse.Ten horses of sweat and blood, and the generals under his command can each share one horse. This gift is a good one, and it is his heart.

Luo Zheng didn't know much about the situation in the Western Regions, and asked, "How many soldiers are there in the countries of the Western Regions?"

Cheng Ying replied: "I only inquired about it for a while after the countries in the Western Regions handed in their letters of surrender. However, the Western Regions are thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, and some remote and small countries are even thousands of miles apart. There are many Gobi deserts in the middle. I can only inquire some gossip from the Hu people who travel to and from the Western Regions and Guanzhong. The Western Regions are small, but there are as many countries as a cow's hair. The stronger ones include Qiuci, Shanshan, Cheshi, Wusun and other countries. Among them, Wusun has been closely related to the Han Intermarriage, friendship with each other, and the rest of the big countries are not very peaceful. Although they are attached to the big man as a minister, they have always wanted to be independent. If the Western Regions are not too far away, it is not conducive to conquest. I will definitely suggest that the lord wipe out the Western Regions in one fell swoop and completely incorporate the Western Regions. Our territory of the Han people is based on the unfinished achievements of the previous Han Dynasty.”

"This is not urgent, take your time!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "The Qiang Hu people and the Xianbei people have surrendered at the foot of this general, and the barren land in the Western Regions is nothing, and when there is a chance to send a division to lead the troops, just sweep the Western Regions. "

Jia Xu said: "It's a matter of time. My lord is clearing the desert right now. It will take at least two to three years for the situation in Mobei to be completely stabilized. Otherwise, if there is a change in Mobei, the lord's hard work will be in vain."

Xun Yu and Fa Zheng also nodded in agreement, this is an indisputable fact.

Mobei is no better than the Central Plains. Although they were beaten down, the Xianbei people were almost killed.

Even if the Xianbei people are not killed, they will be reduced to slaves. It will take time to digest the vast grassland in Mobei into a racetrack for the Han people. Those Xianbei people will not be honest and peaceful.

During this process, there must be a large number of heads rolling to the ground.

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "Let's let the matter of the Western Regions go first, as long as those small countries are honest and peaceful, this general has no intention of making trouble for them for the time being. But the tribute that should be demanded can't be less, and I will squeeze it hard for this general These people from the Western Regions passed on all the expenses of the general's foreign wars to these people from the Western Regions and Xianbei."

Xun Yu nodded and said, "There is one more thing, Liu Biao has become King of Chu."

"Liu Biao?"

Luo Zheng said with a smile: "These descendants of the Liu family can't fight for the world, and they are more active than one when they become kings!"

Jia Xu said: "Liu Biao is also a family member of the Han family. Liu Zhang has already become the king of Shu. It is expected that Liu Biao will become the king. Otherwise, Liu Biao and Liu Zhang would not be herdsmen. If they do not become the king of Chu, their names will be lost in righteousness. I was overwhelmed by Liu Zhang."

Luo Zhengdao: "Liu Biao is just a dog, don't talk about it, what about the others, what happened this year?"

Cheng Ying said: "Yuan Shao defeated Feiru, and Gongsun Zan was already defeated. However, the Black Mountain bandits were powerful and often went down the mountain to plunder. Yuan Shao marched into the army several times, but failed to destroy them. After Gongsun Zan, the Black Mountain bandits have become the leader of Yuan Shao's unification of Hebei. biggest obstacle."

Luo Zheng said in surprise: "This Zhang Yan is capable, even Yuan Shao can't stand him!"

Jia Xu said: "Zhang Yan is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary bandits. This person not only organizes the black mountain bandits to open up wasteland and cultivate fields, but also has a good understanding of military strategies. This caused Yuan Shao a headache, and he returned without success after several raids."

Luo Zhengdao: "Where is Cao Cao, what's the matter with that guy?"

Cheng Yingdao: "Cao Cao sent troops after autumn and defeated Yuan Shu's tens of thousands of troops in one fell swoop. Yuan Shu has already been killed by his subordinates. Now Huainan and Lujiang counties are all owned by Cao Cao."

Luo Zheng's eyes are fixed, "Yuan Shu is dead?"

Cheng Ying nodded, "Exactly!"

Luo Zheng was speechless for a long time, and the general situation of the world was rolling forward. Most of the princes who raised troops in the first year of Chuping have fallen under the wheel of history. Now that even Yuan Shu is dead, who will be next.

(End of this chapter)

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