Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 342 Strong Military System

Chapter 342 Strong Military System

Luo Zheng was silent for a while before asking, "Where is Sun Ce, what's the matter with that guy?"

Cheng Ying said: "Sun Ce sent troops to attack the four counties in Jingnan in May, but was repelled by Liu Bei."

"Liu Bei?"

Luo Zheng frowned slightly.

Cheng Ying said: "Liu Biao's general Huang Zu died in battle, and he was defeated by Sun Ce all the way to Nanjun. Liu Bei put down the Jingnan rebellion several times, Liu Biao then ordered him to lead the army to meet Sun Ce, and Sun Ce was repulsed. Now he is stationed in the north of Baling. "

Luo Zheng asked: "How many soldiers and horses does Liu Bei have?"

Cheng Ying said: "Liu Bei's trilogy originally has three thousand, and there are also thirty thousand Jingzhou troops!"

Luo Zhengdao: "Sun Ce didn't take advantage of Cao Cao's opportunity to defeat Yuan Shu to send troops to the Northern Expedition, why did he go to fight Liu Biao?"

Jia Xu said: "My lord, Sun Ce's move is very wise. Now that Cao Cao is powerful, even if Sun Ce crosses the river and makes an expedition to the north, he will not be able to compete with Cao Cao at all. Rather than this, it is better to govern Jiangdong in a stable manner. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will fight sooner or later. , Our army wants to march eastward to the Central Plains when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are fighting, Sun Ce may not have this idea."

Xun Yu also said: "There are few poor people in Jiangdong. Only by accumulating food and becoming king slowly, and waiting for the opportunity to go north when the Central Plains is in chaos, can Cao Cao occupy a place. Only when Cao Cao completely stabilizes the south can he let go with Yuan Shao at ease." At this time, Sun Ce crossed the river and went to the north to go to war. A large-scale war with Cao Cao would have only disadvantages and no benefits. On the contrary, Liu Biao is weak. If he can take advantage of the situation and seize Jingnan, Sun Ce will greatly increase his strength. If Xun Ce's prediction is not bad, all of this should be From Xiping's plan."

Luo Zhengyan said: "Since ancient times, the world has been united from north to south, from west to east. There are factors of timing, geography, and harmony between people. Whether it is the courage of the people, or the abundance of products, population, and soldiers In terms of composition, the South is inferior to the Central Plains and Northwest. The North has many plains and cavalry gallops, and the Jiangdong has no horses. How can Sun Ce compete in the Central Plains?"

Fazheng also said: "My lord's words are very true. If Sun Ce guards the corner of the river, it is still possible. If you want to cross the river and conquer the Central Plains, it will not be so easy. No matter who wins or loses between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, Sun Ce will not May enter the Central Plains."

Xun Yu said: "Although this is the case, my lord should not underestimate the enemy. Nothing is absolute."

Luo Zheng nodded and stopped mentioning this. Although Sun Ce is also a character, he is not his main goal. His main goal is Cao Cao. If he doesn't kill Cao Ayu that old thief for a day, he will feel uneasy.

However, if you think about it from another angle, this might not be a kind of motivation.

It is precisely because of knowing how powerful Cao Cao is that Luo Zheng has been squeezing his own potential and growing rapidly. He has never dared to underestimate the heroes of the world. To a certain extent, the pressure Cao Aman brought to him is also the driving force behind his progress.

Luo Zheng thought about it again, it is estimated that Cao Cao will feel this way too!

It's like two competitors on the race track, each of them wants to get ahead.

Perhaps Cao Aman's pressure is greater than him, because Luo Zheng has always occupied a great geographical advantage, so he has always taken the initiative strategically, and the land of the Central Plains Four Wars, there is no danger to defend, and there are many strong neighbors around, geographically there is no There is no advantage at all. Cao Aman has always been in a passive state strategically, and has always been half a step behind Luo Zheng. The pressure should be much greater than him.

But then again, Cao Cao can still unify the Central Plains under such an unfavorable situation, which shows that Cao Cao has a strategy.

It is almost impossible to unify the Central Plains under such circumstances.

Luo Zheng asked: "How is the reorganization of the new army?"

Jia Xu said: "The reorganization has been completed, and all kinds are being practiced, but there is still one thing that needs to be decided by the lord."

Luo Zhengdao: "What is it?"

Jia Xu said: "Now under the rule of the lord, Guanzhong, Liangzhou, Hetao, Hanzhong and other places are already in place. The people are getting more and more rich, and the money and food are increasing day by day. It can be said that the army has enough food and supplies. Taking Guanzhong, Liangzhou, Hanzhong and other places will make great gains. The harvest is good, Hetao has grown golden rice for a season, and there is a good harvest, and the ruler no longer has to worry about money, food and supplies. I think it is time to reform the inherent military system."

"political reform?"

Luo Zheng got serious, raised his hand and said: "Wenhe, talk about it in detail!"

Jia Xu looked at Xun Yu and said, "Let's talk about it, Wen Ruo!"

Xun Yu did not refuse, and said: "The pre-Qin army invaded the world. Although the second generation will perish, it only respects the rule of law and does not respect ethics and leads to perdition. However, it cannot be denied that the pre-Qin military system was strong, and it still needs to be established in the future." Above the former Han Dynasty. The title of title began in the Qin Dynasty. In the pre-Qin period, the title of [-]th grade was set up to reward meritorious officers and soldiers, so as to improve the enthusiasm of the army in war. Fang's "Jiashi" heads can get the title of Duke, Tian Yiqing, Zhai Yiyi and a servant. The more heads you kill, the higher the title you get. In this way, when soldiers go to the battlefield, naturally everyone Kill the enemy desperately, so the Qin army is stronger than the six countries, and this is also the foundation of the army's strength."

Jia Xu said: "Although the Han Dynasty inherited most of the systems of the pre-Qin period, it is specious, especially in terms of military merit titles, which are far behind the pre-Qin period. The title of Liehou, the army desperately killed the enemy soldiers but did not get rewards, and the combat effectiveness of the army naturally went from bad to worse."

Luo Zheng pondered for a while, and said: "Wenhe means to implement the Qin army's law in our army?"

Xun Yu said: "It is to learn from the laws of the Qin army, not to copy them completely. After all, there are imperfections in the laws of the Qin army. Our army can learn from them, but we cannot completely copy them. We must formulate a set of laws suitable for our army based on the reality of the Lord's rule. The military system will do."

Luo Zheng said with great interest: "Speak in detail!"

Xun Yu said: "If you want to support a huge military warfare system, you not only need to reform the existing system, but also need the support of people's resources, material resources and financial resources. For example, the Qin Army stipulates that if you capture the head of an enemy soldier, you can get a title Gongshi, a field, a house, and a servant. The title can be awarded, but where does the field, a house, and a servant come from? All these require huge material and financial resources to support them. Otherwise, what rewards will be given to make military exploits? soldiers. If there is no clear distinction between rewards and punishments, the reform is empty talk.”

Luo Zheng nodded again and again: "This general understands, does our army meet the conditions for these reforms now?"

Xun Yu said: "It's not a big problem. My lord conquered the eight hundred miles of Qiang Plain and the vast grasslands of Mobei, and captured more than [-] slaves, which is enough to reward the soldiers. However, the Qin army's military system also has unreasonable aspects, such as After winning a battle, the higher the military rank, the more rewards the soldiers get. The rewards received by the soldiers are far less than those of the generals with high military ranks. This is unfair and will affect the enthusiasm of the soldiers to fight the enemy. If our army wants to reform, we must Get rid of these dross, and you can no longer continue to use the Qin army's military system."

Fazheng said: "You can classify the heads of the captured enemy soldiers, and divide the rewards for beheading the commanders, commanders, and even generals of the enemy army according to their ranks, so as to motivate soldiers to kill the enemy. For example, if you capture the head of the commander , You can enjoy two hectares of land, two servants, if you capture the enemy's general, even if it is a small soldier, you can also be sealed as a Marquis or even a Liehou. In this way, every time there is a war, the soldiers of the three armies will work together to kill the enemy."

Luo Zhengjie said: "This method is good. In this way, even if you go to the battlefield, even if you encounter the enemy's fierce generals, the soldiers of the three armies will no longer shrink back in fear of the enemy. For the sake of great merit, they will definitely rush forward. Kill the enemy to death."

Jia Xu said: "The salaries and spouses of different titles can also be separated. If you have military exploits, you will be rewarded. After you get the title, you will also have a generous salary and treatment. It will also motivate soldiers to fight the enemy bravely."

Luo Zheng said happily: "Very well, in this way, when we are on the battlefield, I am afraid that the soldiers will dare to kill Cao Cao."

Everyone laughed, and thought it was not impossible.

If the military ranks of the enemy soldiers and generals were used as the criteria for evaluating military merit, then for the Xiliang Army, Cao Cao was definitely the greatest military merit. As long as Cao Cao can be killed, it is estimated that he can directly be named a lieutenant.

For such a large sum of military merit, let alone the soldiers, the generals who commanded the troops would probably be jealous.

Xun Yu added: "The inheritance of titles can no longer follow the example of the former Han Dynasty. The only way to obtain titles is through military merit. The determination to kill the enemy and the initiative in war can also motivate the enthusiasm of the people under the rule to join the army, which is fundamental and cannot be discarded."

Luo Zheng stroked his beard and pondered for a while, and said: "Although this is the case, the meritorious army is not only killing the enemy on the battlefield, not to mention anything else, Wen Ruo sits in the center, so that the general will have no worries when he goes out, Wen and the military staff, also Hard work is high, and in terms of meritorious service, it is still higher than the generals in command. Do you have to go to battle with Wen Ruo and Wen He to kill the enemy in order to be awarded the title?"

Jia Xu and Xun Yu both cupped their hands and said, "Fame and wealth are nothing but things outside of the body, and you can throw them away!"

Fazheng and Chengying also nodded in agreement quickly, this is a great opportunity to express their hearts.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "It's still not right, even if you don't care about fame and fortune, you can't ask everyone in the world to regard fame and fortune as dung. This is unrealistic and not in line with people's hearts. If there is only one way to get a title by military merit, who else would want it? Governing the local area, everyone wants to lead the army to fight. You can discuss it later, and there must be a set of incentive mechanisms for civil servants. Of course, in order to motivate the combat effectiveness of the army and the enthusiasm of the people to join the army, military merit incentives must take precedence. The military officers who lead the troops are all included in the civil service system to keep the army more pure, so as to show the importance of military merit."

"As ordered!"

Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Fazheng and others all surrendered.

Regardless of whether they really don't care about these, at least they have the attitude they should have.

It is even more impossible for Luo Zheng to ignore this issue. As he said, even if these few people don't care, he can't ask other bureaucrats under his rule to not care. The territory under his rule is getting bigger and bigger, and the class of bureaucrats is getting bigger and bigger. However, if we only emphasize military merit and ignore the civil and military class, it will definitely plant a huge hidden danger.

Letting civilian officials dominate will of course deal a fatal blow to the combat effectiveness and independence of the army.

The later Song Dynasty is a living example. The weak army makes people who read history books extremely speechless.

Similarly, if the military is allowed to dominate, there will be militarism and even military power politics, which is not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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