Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 41 The Beauty Touches Your Heart

Chapter 41 The Beauty Touches Your Heart

"See General."

Li Meng, Wang Fang and more than a dozen members of the military academy stepped forward and bowed their hands to Luo Zheng.

"You have worked hard."

Luo Zheng waved his hand, a smile just appeared on the corner of his mouth, and it quickly disappeared. The whip pointed at the carriage behind a few Xiliang cavalry who had caught up, and asked: "Who is in this carriage?"

Li Meng immediately leaned forward and whispered something in his ear.

Luo Zheng suddenly frowned, and said displeasedly: "An dare to violate my military regulations, you kid thinks you have a long life?"

Li Meng hurriedly said: "General, the brothers are all out of good intentions, and definitely did not intend to violate military regulations."

Wang Fang also nodded again and again, "General, you might as well take a look first, and if you are not satisfied, brothers, let him go."

Luo Zheng scolded: "Everyone has snatched here, and then let them go. Where can a weak woman go? You bastards dare to give me a problem, and I will settle accounts with you when I have time."

Li Meng, Wang Fang and others couldn't stop laughing, but they were relieved.

Although the general's tone was displeased, he was not very angry, obviously not really angry.

Luo Zheng urged the horse to go forward, raised the curtain of the car with a whip, and saw a jade face with a beautiful face and a slightly panicked face.

"What a beauty!"

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up in an instant, and he couldn't help but secretly praised him.

No wonder Li Meng, Wang Fang and others dared to snatch this woman and give them to themselves. Although there are many beauties in the world, such beauties with excellent looks and temperament are rare, and no one will let them go if they meet them.

Even if it's me, I'm afraid I have to find a way to marry back into the house.

Although Luo Zheng was heartbroken, he still frowned and said: "Military regulations are like mountains, how can this general take the lead in destroying them."

A small school shouted: "General, this is a concubine, not a prostitute, so how can it be considered a violation of military regulations. Hehehe, general, don't worry, go to the bridal chamber with the little lady, brothers will never say anything."

The rest of the military academies and the surrounding soldiers also booed, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Luo Zheng still thinks it's not right, if he starts it himself, how can he restrain his subordinates in the future.

Even if the soldiers are full of heart, if someone violates the military regulations and is punished in the future, people will always be dissatisfied.

Luo Zheng thought about it for a while, and immediately thought of a compromise, and said loudly: "Since it is everyone's wish, then this general will accept it with a smile. However, the military regulations are set by this general after all, how can we take the lead in destroying them. In this way, when General Jizhou takes his concubine, all the soldiers in the army will also lift the ban for one day, and it is only for one day, and the offense cannot be committed again after the time limit."

"Thank you General!"

All the military academies and soldiers responded immediately, and the atmosphere instantly became heated.

The soldiers who were far away didn't know what was going on, and when word of mouth passed it on, and when they understood what was going on, they immediately yelled and shouted, all of them showing lewd eyes, wishing they could go to Jizhou immediately and find a girl to have fun some.

The next day, Luo Zheng raised his army and crossed the north.

It took more than a hundred fishing boats ten times to transport the [-] Xiliang cavalry to the north bank.

Liyang, Jizhou army camp.

"My lord, it's not good."

General Pan Feng rushed into Han Fu's big tent, waving his arms vigorously and shouting loudly: "Just now Cao Cao condemned people to report, and everyone said that Luo Zheng led seven thousand Xiliang cavalry from Cangting to the north of the river, and went to Jizhou gone."


Han Fu jumped up in shock, and gasped, "How could the Xiliang rebels enter Jizhou if they don't return to Luoyang?"

Pan Fengji said: "Cao Aman sent someone to say that Luo Zheng'er is likely to lead his army northward from Jizhou to enter Youzhou, leave the fortress from Daijun, then detour through the desert, go south to Hedong via Hetao, and return directly to Guanzhong."


Han Fu was dumbfounded when he heard the words, which was really unexpected.

Pan Feng said anxiously: "My lord, if the rebels from Xiliang are forced to enter Jizhou, the situation will be over."

Han Fu shuddered cleverly, and immediately thought of the key point, cold sweat immediately fell from his forehead.

Jizhou is full of powerful people, and those who are not extremely talented are not enough to gain a firm foothold.

Not long after Han Fu entered Jizhou, he was in a state of running-in with the local gentry in Jizhou.

If the Xiliang rebels turn Jizhou upside down, it will be really troublesome.

Pan Feng obviously also understood this point, so he was a little anxious to get angry.

Han Fu gritted his teeth and said: "Damn Luo Zheng, you don't want to go on the Central Plains Avenue. If you insist on detouring so far, you will go to Jizhou to harm me. And that fellow Cao Cao, it's all his bad idea, if it wasn't for all the ways The princes are besieging, how can Luo Zheng's son go to Jizhou to go to Jizhou? I am angry, I am really angry!"

Pan Feng hurriedly said: "My lord, what should I do now?"

Han Fu hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up, order the three armies to cross Hebei quickly, and then send a fast horse to the vicinity of Guantao. If you find the Xiliang army, you must meet Luo Zheng face to face. Our army will never be an enemy of him. Please be merciful." , don’t harm my land, Jizhou.”

Pan Feng hurriedly said: "Obey, I will take care of this at the end."

Han Fu waved his hand and said, "Go quickly."

Yecheng, Jizhou Governor's Mansion.

Zhang He entered the side hall, bowed his hands to his staff member Tian Feng, and said, "I don't know what the master is looking for?"

Tian Feng looked worried, walked back and forth for a few steps, and then said in a deep voice: "Just now the Yuancheng ordered the people to report that [-] Xiliang rebels have crossed the north of the Yellow River and entered the territory of Jizhou, and they are burning everywhere. Looting."


Zhang He was taken aback and said in disbelief, "Now the princes have retreated from Hulao Pass. The Xiliang rebels didn't go south and return to Hulao Pass. Why did they enter Jizhou? Is there any reason for this?"

Tian Feng nodded and said: "Although the princes withdrew from Hulao Pass, they hated this Xiliang cavalry to the bone. The reason why Lord Inspector has not returned is that he is besieging this Xiliang cavalry, and wants to get rid of them quickly. "

Zhang He suddenly said: "So that's how it is!"

After a pause, he was puzzled and said: "But Jizhou is in the north of the Yellow River. If you enter Jizhou, there are only two roads to return to Luoyang. Huguan is guarded by Zhang Yang, and Liyang is even more difficult. Isn't the Xiliang rebels throwing themselves into a trap? ?”

Tian Feng's eyes lit up with astonishing brilliance, and said: "When I heard the news just now, I was also puzzled. According to the news from various sources, Luo Zheng, the commander of the Xiliang rebel army, is extremely rich. Yong Lue, will never throw himself into the trap. The only explanation is that Luo Zheng has no intention of going to Huguan or Li Yang to return to Luoyang, only in this way can it make sense."

Zhang He said in amazement: "If you don't go to Huguan and Liyang, how can you get to Luoyang?"

Tian Feng said: "There is still a way, the general might think about it carefully."

Zhang Yun thought for a long time, then suddenly changed his color and said: "If Huguan and Liyang Avenue are abandoned, then only the north to Youzhou, from Daijun to the desert, and then south to Hedong via Hetao, and then back to Guanzhong, will the Xiliang rebels really attack?" Detour so far?"

Tian Feng smiled and said: "Why can't the Xiliang rebels take a detour? Although this road is long, it is still safe. At least it is easier than breaking through the nets set up by the princes from all walks of life. The grass is flourishing in summer, and the Xianbei people in Mobei are Hurry up and graze horses, there is no time to go south to plunder, and going out of the fortress can be said to be the best time."

Zhang He thought for a while, then said in a concentrated voice: "Sir, are you going to defeat this Xiliang rebel army?"

Tian Feng shook his head and said: "They are all cavalry, they come and go like the wind, and if something goes wrong, they will be led away. Our army is all infantry, and there are only a few thousand infantry. It is not easy to defeat them."

Zhang He said dejectedly: "What you said is very true."

Tian Feng laughed again: "However, although we can't fight head-on with them, the law of war says that the first strategy is to attack the army, and the second is to attack the fortifications. Although our army can't fight head-on with the Xiliang rebels, if we devise a clever plan, we can defeat them Not necessarily impossible."

Zhang He said, "I don't know what kind of plan sir has to defeat the Xiliang rebels?"

Tian Feng said loudly: "Since the Xiliang rebels entered Jizhou, they have burned, killed and looted all the way. If it is not bad, the Xiliang rebels should go north to Zhao County via Guantao and Qingyuan, and then enter Changshan from Zhao County. After Zhending, going north to Zhongshan and entering Guangchang, the general only needs to plant an ambush in the place where he must pass, and when he is unprepared, he will lead the army out, and then he can make meritorious service."

Zhang He frowned and said, "I heard that the Xiliang army will scout and ride everywhere whenever they go. I'm afraid it's not easy to lay an ambush."

Tian Feng said confidently: "If it is a regular ambush, it will naturally not be able to bury the Xiliang rebels' spies. However, there is a way to let the general's ambush escape the Xiliang rebels' eyes and ears, and give them a fatal blow."

Zhang He was aware of Tian Feng's plan, and he said happily after hearing the words, "I don't know what good strategy you have to teach me?"

Tian Feng whispered in his ear, and Zhang He was overjoyed to hear it, and immediately applauded, "I'll go get ready."

"Don't waste time, General."

Tian Feng said solemnly: "The Xiliang rebels are slaughtering our Jizhou gentry right now. If they can't be defeated in Luancheng, the Jizhou gentry may be wiped out. Time is running out, the general must keep in mind, and defeat this Xiliang rebel army as soon as possible." military."

Zhang He surong cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry, sir, I'll take care of it."

Snake Hill, Yuan Shao's camp.

General Yan Liang hurriedly stepped into Yuan Shao's tent, cupped his hands and said, "See my lord."

Yuan Shao said anxiously: "Waiting for the ceremony, have you ever found out the movements of the rebels in Xiliang?"

Yan Liang said quickly: "It has been found out. A few days ago, Luo Zheng's son led an army to Xuchang. He crossed Dongping Lake by force at night and returned to Fan County overnight. He not only killed Qiao Mao by surprise, but also made Cao Cao in Dongping. I have been waiting for a long time."


Yuan Shao was taken aback, and then said in a concentrated voice: "This little Luo Zheng is really hard to deal with!"

Yan Liang said again: "My lord, the Xiliang rebels have already gone north to Cangting, crossed the Yellow River and entered Jizhou. Cao Cao's army has already led the army back to Chenliu. What should our army do? Should we pursue it?"

Yuan Shao thought for a while, then suddenly revealed an unpredictable smile, and said: "Since the Xiliang rebels have already entered Hebei, what's the use of our army chasing after them. Besides, the governor of Jizhou, Han Fu, has a large army, and he will definitely be able to defeat them." Xiliang rebels defeated."


Yan Liang scratched his head, really not understanding why his lord had such an attitude.

Yuan Shao waved his hand and said, "Gongji has worked hard in military affairs, let's go down and rest!"

Yan Liang quickly agreed, and retreated suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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