Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 42 Extortion

Chapter 42 Extortion
Yuan Shao watched Yan Liang leave, and then he showed a smile that took pleasure in others' misfortune.

The Xiliang army went north this time, wow, it's really great.

The gentry in Jizhou suffered a disaster, so it has nothing to do with me. It would be great if they were killed and turned upside down.

At the same time, Gongsun Zan, Liu Dai, Zhang Miao and other princes also got the news that the Xiliang army had entered Jizhou. It was true that some people were happy and some were worried. The most worrying thing was Han Fu, the governor of Jizhou.

To the west of Guantao, in a manor.

Luo Zhengda sat on the head of the hall with a golden knife and asked: "Where is the army of the princes?"

The captain of the scout rushed out and replied: "General, Cao Cao's army has gone back to Chenliu, Yuan Shao also led his army back to Bohai, Han Fu's army is rushing to Guantao at night, and the rest of the army of the princes have no idea."

Luo Zheng frowned and said, "Yuan Shao went back to Bohai Sea?"

Immediately, he understood what was happening, and showed a clear smile, "Yuan Shao is not a good guy. He even wanted to use this general's knife to harm Han Fu. The abacus was so loud, hmph!"

The scout captain doesn't know why, so it's not easy to ask questions.

At this moment, amidst the sound of hasty footsteps, a small school rushed in.

"General, the envoy Han Fu, governor of Jizhou, is asking to see you."

The little school clapped his hands and said loudly.

"Han Fu envoy?"

Luo Zheng was stunned, and immediately shouted: "Bring it up."

The little principal went away under orders, and came in with a group of scribes after a while.

"I've seen the general."

The scribe looked calm and bowed his hands in salute.

Luo Zheng didn't move, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

The scribe replied: "I'm Geng Wu, and Tianju is a long history under the account of the governor of Han."

Luo Zheng turned around in his mind, he hadn't heard of it, he thought it was some unknown person, his face sank at the moment, and he asked: "Han Fu eats the king's salary, but doesn't want to serve the country, and dares to raise troops to rebel, the crime cannot be tolerated. This general raises troops to fight against rebellion, but you still dare to come to see this general, aren't you afraid that this general will pull you out and kill you?"

Geng Wu calmly replied: "General, you don't need to frighten me. I don't mean any malice this time. In fact, I was ordered by the governor to form a good relationship with the general. My lord does not want to be an enemy of the general, and is willing to provide the necessary food and grass. How about asking the general to leave Jizhou?"

Luo Zheng sneered and said: "Joke, this general wants to leave, what can Han Fu do against this general?"

Geng Wudao: "I don't know how the general can spare the Jizhou gentry?"

Luo Zheng had an idea, and said with a sly smile: "It is not impossible for this general to leave Jizhou. However, this general has a few small conditions, and it depends on whether Han Fuken agrees."

Geng Wu asked: "I don't know what conditions the general has?"

Luo Zhengdao: "It's very simple, let Tian Feng, Jushou, and Zhang Yun come to discuss with this general."


Geng Wu was stunned, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Luo Zheng's gourd.

Luo Zheng also understood in an instant that Han Fu didn't want Jizhou to be turned upside down by himself, so he sent someone to negotiate with him.That being the case, why not take the opportunity to rip off and get a few Hebei universities before going back.

There are many talents in Jizhou, but the only ones Luo Zheng can fancy are Tian Feng, Jushou, and Zhang Yun.

The rest are either mediocre, or not very impressive, and don't remember their names.

Luo Zheng said coldly: "If you can't be the master, you'd better go back and discuss with your lord as soon as possible. If this general doesn't see the sincerity of your lord before leaving Changshan County, he will definitely kill the Jizhou gentry Do not stay."

Geng Wu shuddered, and hurriedly said: "I will go back to my lord right now."

"see a visitor out!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, and several soldiers immediately escorted Geng Wu out.

Li Meng asked: "General, who are Tian Feng, Ju Shou, and Zhang He?"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "I told you that you don't know it, and you will know it later."

Li Meng scratched his head and stopped asking.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and shouted: "This general keeps his word. Tonight, the whole army will lift the ban. Brothers can find a woman to have fun, but only tonight, and it is not allowed to kill innocent people and kill lives. Do not harm the common people."

"General wise!"

All the military academies immediately showed burning eyes and shouted in unison.

Luo Zheng said fiercely: "Tell the soldiers, this is only one time, and this general will never issue a ban in the future, and the rest of the commanding officers and schools are not allowed to follow suit. If anyone violates the order, he will definitely be killed."

"As ordered."

All the military academies immediately became awe-inspiring when they heard the words, and calmed down the luck in their hearts.


Luo Zheng waved his hand, dismissed all the military academies, turned around and went to a side room next to him.

Dozens of personal soldiers were divided into two groups, taking turns to be on duty.

The villain Xu Chu stayed outside the door all the time and didn't go out to have fun.

In the dimly lit wing room, a lamp is like a bean.

Gan Qian sat by the window, staring at the night, feeling miserable and silent.

Troubled times are bleak, especially for women, who are often involuntary.

Especially in this era of power dominated by men, the fate of beautiful women is often very miserable. It is good to be reduced to a man's plaything. Not a good death.

When Luo Zheng first arrived in your land, he was very disgusted with some concepts and practices of this era.

But after integrating into this era, some things were quickly accepted.

For example, for a man to take a concubine, it might be a good thing for a woman to think about it from another angle.

It's better to be the concubine of a powerful man than to be robbed and humiliated.

The door was pushed open, and Luo Zheng strode in, staring at the woman sitting by the window.

Gan Qian quickly stood up, bowed her knees, bowed her head and waited for the fate to come.

Luo Zheng walked over, and Da Ma went to the couch with a golden knife, beckoning to Gan Qian, "Come here."

Gan Qian didn't dare to refuse, she moved lightly with lotus steps and walked over.

Luo Zheng stretched out his hand and Gan Qian immediately snorted and fell into his arms.

"What's the beauty's name?"

"Little girl Gan Qian."

Gan Qianyu's face was flushed, her eyes were sad, and there were crystal clear tears rolling down her face.

Luo Zheng couldn't see a woman crying, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

The big hand that was moving behind Gan Qian also stopped and stopped moving.

Gan Qian is a smart woman, she immediately noticed that this man seemed a little unhappy, she panicked, she quickly wiped away her tears, but she didn't dare to get up, she forced her smile and said, "Let, let the servant general rest!"

After saying this, his head drooped again, and his face was a little red.

Luo Zheng smiled, his smile was a little uncertain, he waved his hand, "No hurry, this general listens to you."

Gan Qian was startled, but didn't know what to say.

Luo Zhengdao: "Tell me about your life experience, and what happened to you."

Although Gan Qian was puzzled, she didn't dare to ask more questions, so she talked about her life experience and experiences in a soft voice.

In troubled times, almost most women will have the same experience.

Broken family, displaced.

Gan Qian's experience is nothing more than the same, but with a little twists and turns.

The only fortunate thing is that he was not captured by bandits and bandits, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Luo Zheng listened to her quietly, and the violence that had accumulated in his heart for a long time was gradually calmed down in a soft voice.

Ever since he came to this age, in order to survive, he had to abandon some things in his human nature, became ruthless and disregarded human life, survived step by step with difficulty, and gained a little bit of self-protection strength.

Suddenly she calmed down and listened to Gan Qian talk about her life experience and experiences, which removed the distorted things in human nature.

"Go to sleep!"

Luo Zheng stroked Gan Qian's supple black hair, got up and left the wing.

Gan Qian was a little at a loss, and couldn't figure out how this man would let her go.

Outside the door, Xu Chu stood at the door like a stake.

Seeing Luo Zheng coming out, the villain was a little puzzled, "Master, why do you..."

There was nothing to say below, but everyone knew what this villain wanted to express.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said indifferently: "Zhongkang, go and lead the horse, and follow me."

Xu Chu agreed, and immediately went to lead the horse over.

Seeing Luo Zheng riding his horse over, the soldiers were very surprised.

Isn't the general going to take a concubine tonight? Why didn't he go to the bridal chamber and ran out to watch the night?

"See General."

Several western cavalry soldiers in the field saw Luo Zheng and hurriedly got up to salute.

The woman lying on the ground was so ashamed that she didn't dare to see anyone, she quickly turned sideways and shrank into a ball.

Luo Zheng frowned and scolded: "Take it easy, don't make a fuss."

"Don't worry, the general, the villain has recorded it."

Several western cavalrymen scratched their heads and laughed a few times.

Luo Zheng urged the horse forward and nodded when he saw that soldiers were on duty not far away to watch the night.

(End of this chapter)

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