Chapter 55

Luo Zhengce stepped forward immediately, and glanced at the terrified bandits holding sticks, ragged clothes, and uneasy, and asked, "Who are you? Why did you run away when you saw the general's army? Could it be bandits?"

The faces of all the bandits turned paler, and no one dared to speak.

Several unkempt women collapsed to the ground in fright, and passed out directly.

Seeing this, a general quickly replied: "General, these are bandits. They wanted to rob us just now. Fortunately, the general's army arrived in time to scare these bandits away. Thank you, General."

Luo Zheng glanced at the bandits again, and couldn't help but sighed for a long time.

There are dozens of bandits in the area, not only the elderly, but also women and children.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't survive, who would want to run out to rob the road with his head up.

Those desperate and numb faces all show how difficult the life of the people is.

"Li Meng."

"The end is here."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and ordered: "Give them some money and food, and persuade them to go back to plant the land, and don't come out to rob again."

"The last will obey."

Li Meng agreed, and immediately went down to do it.

in the carriage.

The little maid couldn't help curling her lips, "How can I let these hateful bandits go, really."

The young lady glared at her, "Don't talk nonsense, and be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Dozens of bandits were quickly taken down, and Luo Zheng also looked at the carriage.

"Who is in the carriage, come out and see."

Although the sound in the carriage is small, but it is so close, Luo Zheng is not deaf, how can he not hear it.I didn't want to be troublesome at first, but when I heard that the woman in the carriage dared to criticize me, I wanted to see which lady was so bold.

More than a dozen masters raised their nervousness to their throats, but they dared not answer.

Soon, the curtain of the carriage opened.

The little maid quickly jumped out of the carriage, and helped the young lady down again.

Luo Zheng only glanced at it, and his eyes were fixed.

I saw that the lady was born with a beautiful face and a beautiful appearance, which was not under the Gan family. She had a kind of beauty in appearance and wisdom.

The only regret is that she is wearing a woman's bun, obviously married as a woman.

"I've seen the general."

The young lady calmly bowed slightly to Luo Zheng, and at first glance, she was a lady of every family.

The little maid supported the young lady, followed by a salute, and secretly looked at Luo Zheng.

When Luo Zheng's eyes swept over, he hurriedly lowered his head in panic.

Luo Zheng asked: "How do you call Miss, and where do you want to go?"

The young lady replied: "Cai Yan, the wife of the Wei family in Hedong, wants to go to Luoyang to find her father."

"Cai Yan?"

Luo Zheng was stunned, and said with great surprise: "You are Cai Yan, the daughter of Cai Yong, the servant?"

The young lady showed surprise on her face, and said: "It's the concubine's body."

Luo Zheng took a good look at Cai Yan, and then slowly asked: "Is your husband Wei Zhongdao dead?"

The little maid curled her lips subconsciously, but was quickly startled and quickly lowered her head.

Cai Yan frowned slightly, but still replied: "My husband has passed away."

Luo Zheng sighed: "I'm so disrespectful, it turned out to be Mrs. Cai's daughter. If the general wants to go back to Luoyang, he will go the same way. Madam will board the carriage and go to Luoyang with the general. You can also take a photo or two along the way to prevent the night."

Cai Yan hesitated for a moment, then saluted generously, "Thank you so much, General."

The little maid took a peek at Luo Zheng again, and quickly helped the young lady to board the carriage.

The ten or so fellows breathed a long sigh of relief, and they were secretly excited.

The general didn't seem to want to offend the young lady, the road is not safe now, if these thousands of Xiliang cavalry can take care of him along the way, he won't have to worry anymore, he will be robbed by bandits at any time.

Luo Zheng glanced at the carriage again, clamped the horse's belly, and rode the horse first.

There are several famous women in the Three Kingdoms, and the one Luo Zheng knows the most is this Cai Wenji.

This woman's life can be said to be extremely bumpy. First, she just married into the Wei family, and her husband died. She couldn't bear the indifference of her in-law's family, and then returned to her natal family in a fit of anger, but was captured by the Huns outside the Great Wall. It seems that she gave birth to two son.

During the period of the Huns, he created the Hujia Eighteen Pai, which was passed down to later generations.

As a woman, she can leave a strong mark on the history of Chinese literature and music, which shows how outstanding this woman's talent is. However, her rough experience has made many historians of later generations lament.

The army went back on the road and arrived in Shan County when it was dark.

Early the next morning, the army left Shan County and marched eastward, heading towards Hangu Pass along the Chang'an Ancient Road.

Passing through Strider Pond and Xin'an all the way, we arrived at Hangu Pass three days later.

Located on the ancient road of Chang'an, Hangu Pass is located on the plateau in the west, Juejian in the east, Qinling Mountains in the south, and the Yellow River in the north. It is one of the earliest Xiongguan fortresses built in Chinese history. The danger of "one husband guards the gate, ten thousand husbands cannot open it".

Hangu Gatekeeper Li Huan is Dong Zhuo's confidant general Li Jue's younger brother, and he is a bit arrogant.

Luo Zheng's army entered the pass and ordered the small school to present the customs clearance documents.

When Li Huan received the news, he hurriedly led hundreds of soldiers to welcome him out of the pass.

Hu Zhen is a confidant general under Dong Zhuo's command, and his status is still above Li Jue, so how could Li Huan dare to neglect.

Unexpectedly, when he was outside the customs, he saw the flag from a distance, and he became suspicious.

When he learned that Hu Zhen had died in Qiao County and that Luo Zheng would be in command of the troops, this fellow immediately changed his face.

Without saying a word, he rushed back to the city without looking back with hundreds of soldiers, and ordered the guards to raise the suspension bridge.

The more than [-] Xiliang cavalry who watched under the pass were furious and cursed.

Li Meng scolded with a livid face: "Li Huan is just rude, it's unreasonable to lock the door and prevent a certain army from passing through. When we return to Luoyang, the last general will definitely participate in the battle in front of the prime minister." He has one."

Wang Fang, Xu Chu and others also cursed one after another, and they almost failed to greet Li Huan's eighteen generations of ancestors and relatives.

Luo Zheng's face was gloomy and scary, and there was a frightening light in his eyes.

Seeing that it was getting late, I had to order the army to retreat three miles and set up camp, and rest for a night before talking.

Early the next morning, the army broke out from camp and arrived outside Hangu Pass.

A small school came forward to call Guan, and waited for a long time, but there was no movement.

Luo Zheng had no choice but to go out in person, rode his horse to the gate, and shouted: "Why don't you switch?"

The guard turned his head and looked around for a few times, and said with embarrassment: "Unless General Li Huan orders, I dare not switch."

Luo Zheng was extremely angry and shouted: "Where is Li Huan?"

Close the soldier and replied: "The villain also doesn't know."

More than three thousand cavalry officers and soldiers almost exploded in anger, and they all burst into curses.

Luo Zheng said sharply: "This general was led by the prime minister to go to the Kanto, and now he is returning with his army. He wants to return to Luoyang to return to his life. Li Huan's dog thief dares to retreat and stop him. When he returns to Luoyang, this general will definitely read him a book in front of the prime minister. No switch?"

It's difficult to turn off the pawns, neither to switch nor to turn off, it's hard to do both.

Seeing the anger of the more than [-] cavalrymen in the city, they had to turn their heads aside and turn a blind eye.

Luo Zheng's face was ashen, and after waiting for a while, he couldn't see the switch, so he had to let the soldiers get off their horses and rest.

This wait is more than an hour.

Everyone was suffocating a fire in their hearts, and they wished they could enter the customs.

From Guanzhong to Luoyang, there is only one ancient road to Chang'an.Hangu Pass happened to be stuck on the only way, with steep peaks and cliffs on both sides, even if you want to go around, you can't get around it, you can only pass through the pass.

It wasn't until almost noon that a cry was heard, the suspension bridge fell, and the city gate opened.

Without saying a word, Luo Zheng ordered the army to mount, quickly rushed into the pass, and exited from the east gate.

It wasn't until several miles away that the sides of the official road gradually opened up.

Luo Zheng reined in his horse and turned back, looking at the Hangu Pass stuck between the two mountains, a cold murderous intent bloomed at the corner of his mouth.

As early as in Hulao Pass, Li Jue had been very unfriendly to him.

What Li Huan did today has completely aroused his murderous intent towards Li Jue.

All the military academies and soldiers were still scolding their mothers, no matter how unpleasant they were, for fear that Li Huan would not hear them.


Luo Zheng waved his hand and galloped forward.

More than [-] riders gathered to keep up, and billows of dust and smoke rose from the official road in an instant.

As we were walking, we saw a convoy slowly approaching on the official road ahead.

This is a convoy consisting of more than ten large carts, and there are no less than 500 guards, including more than [-] knights in fresh clothes and angry horses. All of them are armed with swords. private soldiers.

He can bring no less than five hundred guards with him when he travels. This is not an ordinary powerful family.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, and dozens of cavalry immediately rushed over and stopped the convoy for questioning.

Not long after, a young man in his 20s with gorgeous clothes was brought to him.

"Who are you?"

Luo Zheng raised his whip and asked.

The young man replied: "I will leave Wu Yi here."

"Wu Yi?"

Luo Zheng murmured, and then asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Although I feel that the name is a bit familiar, I can't remember which fairy it is.

Wu Yi replied, "I want to go to Guanzhong."

Luo Zheng pointed at a dozen carts with a whip, and asked, "What's in the cart?"

Wu Yi didn't answer in silence, with a very unhappy expression on his face.

A cavalry soldier from Xiliang replied, "General, the carriage is full of family members and belongings."

"Family and property?"

Luo Zheng was stunned, this is to move his family to Guanzhong!
However, Guanzhong is more chaotic than Luoyang now, isn't it rushing to die!
After carefully looking at Wu Yi for a few more times, he suddenly remembered.

I remember that after Liu Bei captured Chengdu, there seemed to be a general named Wu Yi under him, and there was also a beautiful girl who married Liu Bei as his wife, and was rated as one of the few peerless beauties in the Three Kingdoms by good people.

Could it be this guy?

(End of this chapter)

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