Chapter 56

Luo Zheng's heart moved, and he shouted: "Bold, you dare to deceive this general?"

Wu Yi said in a deep voice: "The next sentence is true, the general should not misunderstand."


Luo Zheng said with a dark smile: "Guanzhong is now in a state of chaos. If you take your family to Guanzhong, is it because you have a brain problem, or is this general easy to deceive? I think you want to take your family and go to Sichuan to join Liu Yan, right? ?”


Wu Yi's expression changed drastically, and he could no longer calm down.

Luo Zheng understood at a glance, this guy really wanted to enter Sichuan.

As for going to Guanzhong, it was just an excuse.

Now the imperial court is under the control of Dong Zhuo, and Liu Yan raised an army to attack Dong Zhuo, which has already torn his face, but Wu Yi wants to take his family to Xichuan to join Liu Yan.

Now that Luo Zheng has made it clear, there is no reason not to be shocked.

Luo Zheng yelled: "You don't want to serve the court, you want to go to Xichuan to join Liu Yan's rebellion. Simply, it's a big rebellion, and the law of the country can't tolerate it. Come on, I'll tie up all of you for this general, but if you resist, you will be killed. "

"As ordered."

With a roar, Xu Chuhu wanted to lead hundreds of cavalry to kill him.

Wu Yi turned pale with shock, and hurriedly called out, "Wait a minute, General."

Xu Chu had to stop and look at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said coldly to Wu Yi: "What else can you say?"

Wu Yi's complexion changed, and he smiled apologetically, "May I take a step to speak, General?"

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth, and with a wave of his hand, the surrounding soldiers immediately retreated ten steps away.

"If you have anything to say, you can say it now."

Luo Zheng looked down at Wu Yi condescendingly, wondering what this fellow would bribe him with.

Wu Yi's face twitched, he glanced around, and then he leaned forward, took out a fist-sized foal from his bosom, handed it over, and said with an apologetic smile: "This thing is worth a thousand gold, General, please accept it with a smile."

Luo Zheng took the horse and played with it for a while, and couldn't help secretly praising it, it is indeed a good thing.

If placed in the 21st century, such a treasure will definitely fetch a record high price.

But it's a pity that in the troubled times of the late Han Dynasty, such things that could not save their lives were just playthings no matter how valuable they were.

"Although treasures are good, they are just playthings. How is it different from bricks and stones?"

Luo Zheng didn't miss it, and threw the gentle nephrite horse back.


Wu Yi was stunned and a little dumbfounded.

Even a thousand pieces of gold can't move his heart, so what to do.

Everyone in the world is greedy for money, and this is the first time Wu Yi has met someone who can buy thousands of gold like bricks and stones.

Money can't move his heart, so how can he escape the current disaster?
Wu Yi's thoughts turned and his forehead started to sweat.

Luo Zheng suddenly asked: "The general heard that you have a younger sister, can you call me to see her?"


Wu Yi's complexion changed again, and his heart turned cold.

Luo Zheng didn't know that this guy really had a younger sister, but he didn't know if it was the number one beauty in Xichuan that Liu Bei married after entering Sichuan. He lowered his face and said coldly: "Why, you don't want to?"

Wu Yi reluctantly said, "My sister is still in her boudoir. It's really inconvenient. Please forgive me, General."

"Waiting for word in your boudoir?"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth, and he shouted: "Copy it for the general."

"As ordered."

Xu Chu responded loudly, and immediately rushed over with hundreds of cavalry.

Wu Yi was short-tempered, couldn't bear it anymore, pointed at Luo Zheng and cursed: "Bandits, they are simply a group of robbers..."

Luo Zheng's eyes showed murderous intent, and he glanced over with cold eyes, Wu Yi's heart felt cold for a moment, his throat seemed to be pinched by a powerful big hand, the words behind him could no longer be cursed, and he quickly avoided look.

"Dare to call this general a robber?"

Luo Zheng said with a dark smile: "Wu Yi, you are quite courageous. You call the imperial army a bandit. From this point of view, the Wu family of Chenliu really has the intention of rebelling. Such a traitor, An Neng will forgive him lightly. Come on, give it to me." General Ben is tied up."

Wu Yi's face turned pale in an instant, his face was ashen, and cold sweat dripped down his face.

Just now, he spoke quickly, and couldn't help cursing out what was in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the misfortune came out of his mouth, and he was accused of treason, it is really hard to tell now.

If this crime is confirmed, according to the law of the Han Dynasty, it will easily end in ransacking the family and exterminating the clan.

However, before he could tell, two Xiliang soldiers who were like wolves had already charged up and took him down.

Not long after, Xu Chu brought a few soldiers and drove a carriage over.

Luo Zheng pointed to the carriage and asked: "Who is in the carriage?"

A soldier laughed and said: "Report to the general, she is a little lady."


Luo Zheng nodded slightly, then urged the horse forward, and opened the curtain of the car with the whip.

Looking around, the eyes are bright.

I saw a charming girl sitting in the carriage, about [-] or [-] years old, with extremely exquisite facial features, like a girl who came out of a painting, and was endowed by the artist with the most perfect appearance, compared to Cai Yan, Gan Shi Even slightly better.

What's even more rare is that this woman also has a charming and delicate beauty, which makes people want to caress involuntarily.

The girl in the carriage had a pretty pale face and frightened eyes, like a frightened deer.

It was the first time Luo Zheng saw such a beautiful woman, and he couldn't help but look a little fascinated.

The dozens of soldiers behind him were also stunned, their eyes widened, unable to recover.

Only Xu Chu, a villain who doesn't know what beauty is, looks around with his tiger eyes, very conscientious.

"Famous and beautiful flowers are in love with each other, and the king often looks at it with a smile."

Luo Zheng couldn't hold back and recited two lines of Li Bai's famous poem, pretending to be elegant.

The nearby military academies and soldiers applauded repeatedly, and the admiration in their hearts was like a torrent of water flowing eastward.

Listening to the writing of this poem, even an illiterate leader can appreciate some of the literary talent in it.

I thought the general was a rough man just like myself, but I didn't expect to have such literary talents, but I was really delusional.

The bright eyes of the girl in the carriage also lit up, and the fear disappeared slightly.

Luo Zheng wanted to caress the willow beard, but he had no hair on his mouth and no beard on his chin, so he held his chin and pondered for a while, then waved his big hand and said: "Send a few people to serve the little lady, don't be negligent, and don't be thin It weighs half a catty."

"As ordered."

Some of the guards had already agreed and drove the carriage off.

Li Meng asked: "General, what should the others do? Do you want to..."

Having said that, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Go, don't just know how to kill people."

Luo Zheng scolded with a smile, thought for a while, and said: "For the time being, I will wait until I return to Luoyang to deal with it."

"As ordered."

Li Meng agreed and urged the horse to leave.

At this moment, Zhao Yun urged him to come forward immediately, and said in a low voice, "My lord, there seems to be something wrong with those two lines of poetry just now."

"What's wrong?"

Luo Zheng was stunned for a while, and then he understood.

The famous flower blossoms in the country and the two enjoy each other, and the king often looks at it with a smile.

This is comparing yourself to the king. If it is spread, it will be troublesome.

Although I just chanted it casually, it was different when others heard it.

In this day and age, if you say the wrong thing, you will be killed. This is the so-called misfortune from the mouth.Freedom of speech is a patent after 2000. In this era of feudal thinking, those rebellious words must not be said indiscriminately, and complaints are not allowed.

Luo Zheng said awe-inspiringly: "Zilong reminded me that this general is a little bit smug."

Zhao Yun's eyes showed surprise, and he cupped his hands and said, "My lord is wise."

Luo Zheng tapped his palms slowly with a horsewhip, and said: "Order all the military academies and personal soldiers, the two lines of poems read by the general just now are not allowed to recite indiscriminately, and it is not allowed to recite in private, but those who violate the order will never Forgive me."

"As ordered."

Xu Chu agreed, and immediately ran to follow the order.

Luoyang North Palace, Jiade Hall.

Dong Zhuo sat on the soft couch with a fat body, enjoying the service of his concubines to his heart's content.

This concubine is not Dong Zhuo's concubine, and it is impossible for Dong Zhuo's woman to be called a concubine.

These concubines are all concubines of Emperor Ling of Han.

As early as when the Guandong princes raised their troops, Dong Zhuo had already slept in the dragon bed and entered the forbidden palace.

After defeating the Kwantung Allied Forces, this guy lost all scruples and simply moved to live in the imperial palace. He travels in the royal chariot, and the guard of honor follows the emperor's etiquette.

As for the concubines of Emperor Han Ling, they became the playthings of this guy.

Playing with the emperor's concubine is not a good feeling.

As long as it is a man, there is no blood boiling.

The concubines knelt and sat around Dong Zhuo, some squeezed their shoulders, some beat their legs, they didn't know what they were doing, and a group of eunuchs stood ten steps away, serving them carefully.

Dong Zhuo squinted his eyes half-closed, murmured enjoying himself, his face twitching constantly.

Two sounds of pain came from the mouths of the two concubines.

But Dong Zhuo didn't know why, suddenly grabbed it hard, and the two concubines couldn't help crying out in pain.


Dong Zhuo looked down for a moment, his wolf-like eyes glanced at the two pale concubines, and he said fiercely: "What are you calling, you dare to spoil the interest of the truth, what do you want? Come on, pull it down and chop it up." .”

"Prime Minister, spare your life, Prime Minister, spare your life!"

The two concubines collapsed to the ground in shock, begging for mercy and crying.

Not far away, several Xiliang soldiers who were like wolves rushed over and dragged the two concubines down.

The faces of the rest of the concubines were pale with fright, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps not far away.

Li Ru's long sleeves were fluttering, and he went straight to Dong Zhuo without hindrance, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Ru, I have seen the lord."

Dong Zhuo waved his hand and said with a chuckle, "Wenyou, please forgive me!"

Li Ru ignored the concubines and said to Dong Zhuo, "My lord, the army from the Kanto region has returned."

Dong Zhuo immediately cheered up, "Oh, Hu Zhen is back?"

Li Rudao: "It is not General Hu Zhen who commands the troops, but Luo Zheng, Captain Xiaoqi."

Dong Zhuo asked in astonishment, "What's going on, where's Hu Zhen?"

Li Ru said solemnly: "I just got the news that General Hu Zhen died in battle when he was in Qiao County. The [-]-strong army has no leader. Hu Mao and Niu Jin led their own troops to attack each other in order to seize the command of the army. ..."

"Bold bastard, you are courting death!"

Dong Zhuo was furious, and before Li Ru could finish speaking, he interrupted Li Ru and said angrily: "These two trash, who don't want to work together to serve the country, dare to lead the army to attack each other, what's the use of keeping it? Quick and the truth Take it and behead it for public display."

Li Ru sighed and said, "Master, the two of them are already dead."

Dong Zhuo frowned and said, "Wen You should tell me what's going on!"

Li Runing said: "According to Luo Zheng, Captain Xiaoqi, Hu Mao and Niu Jin led the crowd to attack each other. Although they blocked them, they both wanted to put each other to death. When they led their relatives to fight, they died together. Luo Zheng Daitong."

"Oh, that's it!"

Dong Zhuo stroked his long beard, lost in thought.

There are a lot of doubts in this explanation, and everyone can hear it.

However, Dong Zhuo didn't ask any more questions, but frowned and thought about it.

Li Ru looked at Dong Zhuo's face, his lips moved, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

As a military adviser, for some things, he can only consider the pros and cons from the perspective of the lord Dong Zhuo from the overall situation.And some things can only be said from the standpoint of Dong Zhuo, once there is a bias, it is easy to go wrong.

Especially this kind of matter involving the battle between generals, it is better to say less.

This is different from the Xiliang Army and the Bingzhou Army. Lu Bu's Bingzhou Army is not Dong Zhuo's direct line after all. Li Ru stands in Dong Zhuo's position to advise Dong Zhuo and suppress the Bingzhou Army. That is his duty and he must do his best.

But if it's a problem between the old Xiliang department, he, a counselor, won't be able to talk too much.

(End of this chapter)

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