Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 57 Celebration

Chapter 57 Celebration
The first year of Chuping was an extremely turbulent year.

In this year, Emperor Ling passed away, Emperor Shao came to the throne, Dong Zhuo went to Beijing to abolish Emperor Shao, and established King Chenliu as emperor. Afterwards, the princes of the Kanto Province raised troops to attack Dong Zhuo one after another.

When the beams and pillars that supported the building in the past decayed, all that was left was a pile of rubble.

The nearly 400-year history of the Eastern and Western Han Dynasties has indeed come to an end.

Since the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the first year of Zhongping, the Han Dynasty has been in turmoil. Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion was suppressed, it also strengthened the local tyrants, and the central imperial power was further weakened, and it was no longer able to deter the feudal towns.

Once the clothes on ** are stripped off, countless people will laugh at them.

Although it is very unrefined, it is the most appropriate description for today's Han imperial family.

Up to now, no matter how dull-minded people are, they seem to have seen the sign that the big man's building is about to collapse.

Unknowingly, people's concept of being loyal to and believing in a great man is quietly changing.

At the beginning of August in the first year of Chuping, Yuan Shu presented himself to the imperial court and took over the shepherd of Yuzhou himself, so he stayed in Yuzhou and did not leave.At the same time, Yuan Shu also presented to the imperial court to plead for merit for Wu Chenghou and Changsha prefect Sun Jian, and presented Sun Jian as General Hu Lie.

In order to appease Yuan Shu and Sun Jian and relieve the pressure from the Kwantung princes, Dong Zhuo reluctantly agreed to Yuan Shu's performance.

But at this time, Cao Cao, the peerless hero, had not yet found a place to live. He temporarily stationed in Chenliu and sent him under the fence of his friend Chenliu's prefect Zhang Maung.

At the end of August, Luo Zheng led three thousand Xiliang cavalry back to Luoyang.

Dong Zhuo ordered all the generals under his command to go out of the city ten miles to meet them, and gave the army a very high courtesy.

That night, another banquet was held in the Jiade Hall to celebrate again.

In the resplendent and resplendent hall, there were nearly two hundred seats.

All the ministers in the court and the generals in Xiliang were present, and they were seated according to their official positions.Drinks and delicacies were served like flowing water. Amidst the melodious sound of silk and bamboo, the palace dance band came, singing and dancing, and the music was overwhelming, which made people intoxicated.

It is indeed easy to get addicted to such a drunken life.

Dong Zhuo obviously enjoyed this kind of life, frequently persuading him to drink, with a red face.

The generals in Xiliang also blushed, their necks were thick, their postures were indulgent, a little more enjoyable, and a little less tough.

Luo Zheng is secretly vigilant, it is easy to go from simple to extravagant, and it is difficult to go from extravagant to simple.

Living in luxury is the easiest way to wear down one's ambition and lead one to degeneration.

Although the princes of the Kanto have retreated temporarily, the real troubled times have not yet come, and it is really not the time to enjoy them.

Look at Dong Zhuo, then look at the Xiliang generals, the decline of the Xiliang warlord group is not without reason.

"I have a word, Mr. Ji, please listen."

At this moment, Dong Zhuo suddenly spoke in a long voice.

Everyone immediately shut up and looked at Dong Zhuo one after another, and the hall was silent for a while, and a needle drop could be heard.

Dong Wen raised his wine bottle and said loudly: "The success of repelling the Kwantung rebels this time is all due to the hard work of all the troops, so as to protect the country and the country. Hu Zhen, Hu Mao, Niu Jin and others even died in the battle. Feeling very guilty, I intend to play the role of the emperor, posthumously enfeoff Hu Zhen as the second-class Marquis of Chiyang, and let his eldest son inherit the noble salary, I don't know what you think?"

"The prime minister is wise."

"My lord is wise!"

All the ministers and Xiliang generals agreed without any objection.

Long before the Kwantung princes raised their troops, the people who opposed Dong Zhuo in the court had been almost wiped out.Now that the Xiliang Army has repulsed the Kwantung Allied Forces again, their prestige has been greatly boosted. At this time, who would dare to stand up against Dong Zhuo.

Those who can sit here are all court ministers who are attached to Dong Zhuo.

Seeing that there was no objection, Dong Zhuo couldn't help feeling overjoyed, and said: "Although Hu Zhen is dead, Xiaoqi Captain Luo Zheng led the army to conquer all parts of the Central Plains and defeated Sun Jian's army. He also contributed a lot. What do you think should be rewarded?"

"It all depends on the master's decision!"

All the ministers and Xiliang generals naturally dared not be ignorant, and relegated the decision-making power to Dong Zhuo.

Then Niu Fu made a different voice, "My lord, Luo Zheng's origin is unknown. Although he has minor achievements, the two generals Hu Mao and Niu Jin died strangely. The general thought that it would not be too late to award the two generals after the cause of death was found out." .”

"General Niu Fu's words are very serious, please check clearly, my lord."

General Li Jue also agreed, looking at Luo Zheng with a cold look.

Several ministers and generals of the Xiliang Army also joined forces, obviously Niu Fu or Li Jue's party.

"Niu Fu, Li Jue."

Luo Zheng remained calm, but his eyes turned cold.

If Niu Fu had an opinion on him, Luo Zheng had expected it.

After all, Niu Jin is dead, no matter what, this Niu Fu will hate him.

But Li Jue didn't offend him, he scolded him when he was at Hulao Pass, and his younger brother Li Huan blocked him for a night at Hangu Pass, and now he is even stumbling him. It made him very angry.

Dong Zhuo remained calm and asked Li Ru, "What do you think of Wen You?"

Li Ru was about to speak up to agree with Li Jue's proposal, but suddenly noticed something strange in Dong Zhuo's eyes, and he was startled, what he was about to say turned into, "Ru drank two more cups, already slightly smoked, my lord, please make a decision. "

Dong Zhuo pondered for a moment, then said: "In that case, let's put it down for now!"

"My lord is wise."

All the ministers naturally shouted in unison, it's none of their business anyway.

Li Jue's face was pale, and an inexplicable light flashed across Luo Zheng's eyes.

Luo Zheng drank expressionlessly, his eyes drooping, but in fact there was a cold murderous intent flickering.

Li Meng and Wang Fang were also honored to attend the celebration feast, and they were seated at the last seat near the entrance of the main hall.

Seeing that the reward for meritorious deeds was put on hold, he suddenly became furious.

The two followed Luo Zheng from Qiao County all the way to Yanzhou, and then from Yanzhou to Hebei, and fought for thousands of miles. They threw the five bodies that Luo Zheng admired to the ground. Now seeing Luo Zheng being squeezed out by Li Jue and others, how could they not be furious .

If it weren't for the fact that presumptuousness is not allowed here, I'm afraid they would have jumped up to copy guys and slash people.

If meritorious deeds are not rewarded, how can we make the soldiers die, and how can we convince the masses.

Although Li Meng and Wang Fang didn't dare to say it, they were dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo's actions for the first time.

The two started in humble beginnings, and although they belonged to the old tribe of Xiliang, they were not Dong Zhuo's confidantes when he started his family.

He led several months of soldiers under Luo Zheng, but he was convinced by Luo Zheng long ago.

Now seeing Dong Zhuo's unfair rewards and punishments, how can he not feel dissatisfied.

This kind of dissatisfaction may not be a big deal, but it will plant a thorn in my heart.

Luo Zheng sat at the top of the two, only separated by a seat, and quickly winked when he saw this.

Only then did Li Meng and Wang Fang's anger fade away, and they lowered their heads and drank their wine.

As for Xu Chu and Zhao Yun, they are the generals of Luo Zheng's family, and they are not qualified to attend such a celebration banquet.

Luo Zheng also doesn't intend to let these two people show any limelight in front of others, so as not to be jealous.

The next morning.

After the court meeting, Dong Zhuo called Li Ru to the side hall.

Li Ru seemed to know what was on Dong Zhuo's mind, his expression was as calm as usual, and he didn't say anything.

Dong Zhuo pondered for a while before asking: "Wen You thinks, what about Luo Zheng?"

Li Ru pondered and replied: "Being able to conquer and fight well is quite capable of commanding troops."

Dong Zhuo was surprised and said, "How can you see that?"

Li Rudao: "Confucius asked the soldiers in the army. Since leaving Wuguan, this man has had a lot of tricks. General Hu Zhen's attack on Wancheng was also due to this man's tricks. Later, he attacked Qiao County at night and defeated Gongsun Zan's three thousand secluded land. The Yan cavalry crossed the river and marched into Jizhou, went north to Youzhou, went out of the desert, went south from Hetao and returned to Guanzhong, all of them had superior strategies."

Dong Zhuo stroked his long beard and said slowly, "I don't want Wen You to think so highly of this person."

Li Ru was just talking about the facts, not speaking for Luo Zheng, and he was silent when he heard the words.

Dong Zhuo said again: "But what about Hu Mao and Niu Jin?"

Li Rudao: "Although there are doubts about this, Rushi dare not speculate."

Dong Zhuo said, "Wen You might as well try to say it."

Li Ru had no choice but to answer: "Hu Mao and Niu Jin died in Luo Zheng's tent. It is said in the army that the two wanted to seize military power, so they wanted to put each other here. However, in Ru's view, the death of the two should be related to Luo Zheng has something to do with it."

Dong Zhuo narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly asked: "Wen You thinks, is this person available?"

Li Ru didn't dare to jump to conclusions. After pondering for a while, he put forward his own opinion from Dong Zhuo's standpoint, "If you can use it, you can save it. How to appoint him still needs to be decided by the lord."

Dong Zhuo nodded, "His ability can be used, and his heart can be saved. Wen You said it well, and it hits the nail on the head."

Li Ru's face was calm, and he didn't say anything, but there was an imperceptible icy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Dong Zhuo said again: "What Wen You said is exactly what I want. If there are generals who don't use them, it's my fault! If you don't reward those who have meritorious service, why do you want to convince the people? I intend to add the title of Luo Zhengling Zhonglang General, and the rest of the military academy will also be rewarded for their meritorious deeds. , let Wen You handle the matter of asking for credit!"

"Ru, obey."

Li Ru leaned slightly to obey the order, and then retreated.


(End of this chapter)

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