Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 60 Conspiracy

Chapter 60 Conspiracy
Plain, the backyard of the county government.

In the dim main room, Liu Bei was absent-mindedly reviewing official documents.

There was a lot of movement outside, and he was inexplicably irritable because of the noise. It was Guan Yu and Zhang Fei who were fighting.

Although Pingyuan is a small county, it is the county seat.

It sounds bluffing, but it is actually painful to know.

After all, the magistrates of other counties and prefectures are high mountains and the emperor is far away, so they feel at ease when they are officials.

However, as a county government, Pingyuan County is always under the noses of those county officials. The county magistrate really doesn't have much autonomy.

Under such a situation, how can Liu Bei, the county magistrate, be able to feel at ease.

Just as he was sighing, Zhang Fei came to report, "Brother, there is a man named Jian Yong asking to see you."

"Jian Yong Jian Xianhe?"

Liu Bei was startled for a moment, then overjoyed, "Quick, please come in."

Immediately, he reacted again, "No, I will go to meet him in person."

He jumped up while talking, and ran out quickly before he even had time to put on his shoes.

Rushing to the front yard, I saw a man in his 20s standing in the courtyard. He was handsome and handsome. It was his childhood friend Jian Yong.


Liu Bei yelled, extremely excited.

"Brother Xuande!"

Jian Yong smiled and cupped his hands, very free and easy.

Liu Bei rushed over in two steps in three steps, held Jian Yong's hand, and couldn't help saying: "It's been five or six years since Zhuo County was separated from each other in the past. Sleeping, I am full of emotion."

Seeing Liu Bei's enthusiasm, Jian Yong was also very excited, and said with a smile, "Yong also often thinks about the past with Brother Xuande."

"Go, let's talk in the house!"

Liu Bei couldn't help but drag Jian Yong into the inner courtyard.

During the dinner, when talking about the past when they were young, they couldn't help but sigh, and they gradually drew closer to each other.

Liu Bei introduced Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to Jian Yong.

Zhang Fei had a thunderbolt temper, and he held a big bowl to persuade Jian Yong to drink, so he was quite easy to get along with.

Guan Yu was rather aloof, and didn't pay much attention to Jian Yong.

Liu Bei winked, and Guan Yu reluctantly toasted Jian Yong with a bowl of wine.

Jian Yong didn't take it seriously, he opened his mind and talked with Liu Bei about the affairs of the world, and the host and guest had a good time.

Luoyang, Li Mansion.

Li Ru was flipping through the bamboo slips when suddenly the butler came in with the sound of footsteps.

"Master, General Niu Fu sent someone to invite you."

The housekeeper gave a salute before presenting an invitation card.

Li Ru took the invitation, flipped through it casually, and threw it aside.

The butler didn't dare to say any more, and hurriedly saluted and retreated.

Li Ru turned over for a while before putting down the bamboo slips, his brows gradually furrowed.

He really didn't want to invite him to a banquet.

Since ancient times, civil and military struggles in the imperial court seem to be caused by differences in political opinions or conflicts of interests.In fact, it is an unwritten unspoken rule in the officialdom. Civil and military do not compete, how does the king control his subjects.

If civil and military affairs are as close as a family, then the king will have a headache.

When the king has a headache, there will be problems in this world.

The so-called harmony between generals and prime ministers is just a kind of cooperation in official affairs, and it is praised in history books.

If General Xiangzhen wears a pair of trousers, the king's seat may be lost.

Li Ru was well aware of the subtleties. As Dong Zhuo's chief adviser, he really didn't want to, and couldn't get too close to Dong Zhuo's commanding generals, and he avoided private meetings if he could, so as not to spread any rumors.

However, it's not enough if you don't go to this banquet.

Li Ru sighed, ordered his personal escort to drive, and went to Niu Mansion.

At night, the city of Luoyang is brightly lit and very lively.

Niu Fu's mansion was near Kaiyangmen, adjacent to Taixue, and backed by Mingtang.

If the people living in the upper east gate are the rich and powerful, then the people living in the Kaiyang gate are the rich and powerful among the rich and powerful.

At that time, Sikong, Situ and other three lords, including the generals and Taiwei's mansion who were not under the three lords, were all here. It can be said that it was the most honorable place except the imperial palace.

After Dong Zhuo defeated the allied forces of the Kwantung princes, he rewarded his confidant generals with great rewards.

As the son-in-law of Dong Zhuo, Niu Fu can be said to be the chief general of Xiliang, and he was moved to the general of chariots and riders.

The Mansion of General Cheqi was not in Kaiyangmen originally, but Niu Fu can live here, which shows that he is extremely favored by Dong Zhuo.

The lights in Niu's mansion are brightly lit, there is a post at every ten steps, and a post at every five steps, and the security is extremely strict.

When Li Ru arrived in a carriage, only Niu Fu's family came out to meet him, but Niu Fu himself did not come out to meet him.

After entering the main hall, I found that only Li Jue came.

The rest of the generals in the Xiliang army didn't know whether it was Niu Fu who didn't have the banquet or whether he hadn't arrived yet.

"Military division, please take your seat."

Niu Fu got up to welcome the guests, and let Li Ru take the first place in the guest table.

Li Ru was a little polite, so he took his seat, didn't ask any questions, and just tasted the melons and fruits.

However, Niu Fu asked rather impatiently: "This time the military advisor is invited here, mainly to ask the military advisor for advice on how Niu Jin died. The military advisor should know something about it, right?"

Li Jue also stared at Li Ru fiercely, but his status was inferior to Niu Fu and Li Ru after all, so it was difficult for him to speak.

Li Ru calmly said: "Didn't Luo Zhonglang explain it very clearly? Generals Hu Mao and Niu Jin died due to fighting for the right to command the army. Why does the general still ask this question?"

Niu Fu stared at Li Ru, and said word by word: "Is this really what the military teacher is thinking?"

Li Ru smiled lightly and did not answer.

Niu Fu said again: "This kind of nonsense can only deceive those three-year-old children, how can it deceive others. I just want to ask the military teacher, is Niu Jin killed by Luo Zheng?"

Li Ru was silent for a moment, and then said: "My lord is no longer asking about this matter."

These words are very particular, and they are implying to Niu Fu that even though there is an inside story about this matter, the lord does not intend to explore the details for some reason, so why do you, Niu Fu, insist on it.

But obviously Niu Fu is not a smart person, so he didn't hear the hint.

"My lord doesn't know the details, so it's not easy to pursue."

Niu Fu said calmly: "Even if Hu Mao and Niu Jin lead the crowd to attack, they will not die together. If the military master knows the inside story, please tell this general. If Niu Jin is really Luo Zheng's victim, I will definitely not let this boy die!"

Li Ru's heart moved, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

I have already hinted at it, but Niu Fu didn't hear it, so it has nothing to do with me.

Dong Zhuo is old and will die eventually.

If he didn't want to be squeezed out by the Xiliang military in the future, he had to stand by Niu Fu's side.

Moreover, Li Ru was also somewhat hostile to Luo Zheng, and it was precisely because of Luo Zheng that he proposed to move the capital, which failed.

In any case, out of emotion and reason, he should stand by Niu Fu's side.

Even if the lord finds out in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

He had already hinted at Niu Fu, but Niu Fu didn't hear it, so he could completely write it off.

Thinking about it, Li Ru sighed and said: "I don't want to hide from the general, I just have doubts in my heart, but there is not enough evidence, and Luo Zheng has made great achievements. If he is punished, it will chill the hearts of the soldiers. .”

Niu Fu was furious, and said to the case: "Even if the military adviser has doubts, then it can't be wrong. Niu Jin was really killed by this thief. Hmph, Luo Zheng, I can't spare you."

Li Rudao: "General, don't be impulsive, or I'm afraid it will be difficult for the lord to explain."

Niu Fu said angrily: "It's just a little Luo Zheng, even if I kill him, my lord won't say anything."

Li Ru couldn't help scolding the idiot, who killed the general in the army without authorization, who do you think you are.

Even if you are the lord's own son, it doesn't work. A courtier has to look like a courtier. Even the general who has made great contributions can be killed if you dare. From the perspective of the lord, what are you trying to do? Rebellion failed?

This is different from Hu Zhen's defeat, even if he let it go lightly, it's okay to protect his confidant and beloved general.

But if you kill a general in the army without authorization, you are challenging the authority of the lord, and this kind of high-tension line must never be touched.

Even if Luo Zheng is really guilty, he will be dealt with by the lord himself. You shouldn't be fighting and killing Niu Fu, unless the lord is dead.

Li Ru advised a few words, but Niu Fu was still angry.

Li Jue also hurriedly persuaded: "General, what the military adviser said is reasonable, even though General Niu Jin was killed by Luo Zheng, but there is not enough evidence, we can't convict him. And Luo Zheng is the old Xiliang after all, My lord didn't go into this matter, obviously I didn't want the old Xiliang department to fight internally, if I push too much, I'm afraid it will make my lord dissatisfied, so I really shouldn't act rashly."

Li Ru nodded slightly, Li Jue saw it much more clearly than Niu Fu.

Niu Fu said angrily: "Then what should we do? Could it be that a small Luo Zheng in a certain company can't do anything about it?"

Li Jue looked at Li Ru, and replied: "Don't worry, general, if you can't do it clearly, you can come secretly. As General Xiliang's status as the chief general of Xiliang, I want to make trouble for that little Luo Zheng, and find a chance to get rid of it." Getting rid of him is not a piece of cake."

Li Ru also nodded and said, "What General Li Jue said is absolutely true."

Only then did Niu Fu get a little angry, "What advice does the military commander have?"

Li Ru looked at Li Jue and said, "General Li Jue has a plan in mind, he should have a plan."

Li Jue laughed twice, and said: "The military commander praised it, praised it! The general thought that right now, I don't want to trouble that little Luo Zheng, so as not to scare the snake, but secretly bought more than [-] soldiers who came back from the expedition , If we can find the evidence that Luo Zheng'er killed General Niu Jin, then everything will be easy to deal with, and I will directly ask the lord to punish him for killing the general who commanded the army."

"Okay, this plan is very good."

Niu Fu clapped the table and applauded, then asked Li Ru, "What do you think the military adviser thinks?"

Li Ru nodded and said, "General Li Jue's plan is very appropriate."

Only then did Niu Fu show a smile, and discussed the details with Li Ru and Li Jue.

Late at night, Situ Mansion.

Situ Wangyun was reviewing official documents when suddenly a servant hurried in and whispered in his ear.

"Well, Niu Fu, Li Ru, and Li Jue are discussing how to deal with Luo Zheng?"

Wang Yun was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, he pondered for a while, then wrote a secret letter, and handed it to the servant: "Send it to Luo Mansion overnight, just say, just say I have something important to discuss, let him Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

The servant promised and immediately went down to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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