Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 61 Soft Knife

Chapter 61 Soft Knife

It was late at night, and the city of Luoyang gradually became quiet.

Luo Zheng is still reading at night by candlelight, studying some strategies in "Wei Liaozi".

People in later generations often simply think that ancient strategies are just some simple conspiracies and tricks. With the broad vision of people in the 21st century, if they go back to ancient times, they will definitely be able to outwit Zhuge.

But really standing in the background of this era to study, only to find that this kind of thinking is too naive.

People in this era are only limited by social productivity and ideology, and their vision is relatively narrow.

But in terms of wisdom, the wisdom of the ancients may not be inferior to that of later generations.

Those people with extraordinary wisdom can leave their names through the ages, how can they be stupid and simple people.

For example, some of the strategies in "Wei Liaozi" are not simple, not only in line with the social background of this era, but also thought-provoking, involving astronomy, geography, human heart and other aspects.

Every time I read it, I will have different feelings and thoughts.

Gan shi knelt and sat aside, quietly grinding ink for Luo Zheng, like an orchid in an empty valley.

The heavy footsteps outside the door shattered the tranquility in the room, Luo Zheng put down the bamboo slips and looked at the door.

Xu Chu pushed the door open and walked in, saying, "My lord, Lord Situ, Wang Yunzhu, is here to invite you."

Luo Zheng was stunned, Situ Wang Yun was one of the three princes, how could he invite someone to invite himself a little Zhonglang general, but thinking that Dong Zhuo died because of Wang Yun's beauties, he suddenly moved in his heart and said: "Yes Please."

Xu Chu agreed, turned and went out.

Gan Shi quickly got up and retreated into the back hall.

Soon, Xu Chu brought in a servant in his thirties.

"Wang Hao has met General Luo Zheng."

The visitor respectfully gave Luo Zheng a salute, and the etiquette was very thoughtful.

A mere servant, Luo Zheng will naturally not surrender his status.

Raising his hand, he said: "Waiting for the ceremony, I don't know if Sir Situ is calling, what's the matter?"

Wang Hao sent the letter and replied: "Master Situ has something important to discuss with the general, please move the general to Situ's mansion tomorrow."

Luo Zhengdao: "Please reply to Master Situ, the general will arrive tomorrow."

Wang Hao saluted again, and then retreated.

Xu Chu immediately closed the door and personally sent Wang Hao out.

Luo Zheng opened the letter, only glanced at it, and his face changed.

"Li Ru, Niu Fu, Li Jue."

Luo Zheng's eyes were condensed, and there was a cold murderous intent brewing.

This letter was written in great detail, and even some of the original words were clearly written, so no one could believe it.

However, how could Wang Yun know such a confidential matter?
Luo Zheng's thoughts turned, and then he was stunned.

If it is not bad, there must be Wang Yun's eyeliner in Niu Fu's residence.

It seems that these court ministers are not vegetarians either. After all, the Xiliang army entered Beijing not long ago, and they do not have a strong foundation and connections in Luoyang. In terms of this kind of hidden power, they are indeed inferior to those court ministers who have been in Luoyang for decades.

It is not impossible for the government to arrange a few eyeliners.

"What a good Wang Yun, he really isn't a good stubble."

Luo Zheng quickly figured out Wang Yun's poisonous plan, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This letter is not signed, even if it is seen by others, Wang Yun can push it clean.

Regardless of whether the content of the letter is true or not, I will be careful.And according to Luo Zheng's judgment, Li Ru, Niu Fu, and Li Jue's discussion of dealing with him probably has something to do with it.In this way, some people's wishes were fulfilled.

When Wang Yun sent this letter, he didn't mean to remind himself to be more careful.

If Luo Zheng is casually killed by Li Ru and others, I am afraid that some people will be disappointed.

On the contrary, the more fierce the internal fighting in the Xiliang army, the happier some people will be.

Although Luo Zheng has not dealt with the ministers of the court, he knows that Dong Zhuo was actually murdered by Wang Yun.It can be seen that a group of ministers in the court hoped that Dong Zhuo would die soon, how could Wang Yun be so kind.

Even if he showed this letter to Dong Zhuo, it probably wouldn't do any good.

Even if Dong Zhuo believed that the letter was written by Wang Yun and killed Wang Yun, he would not get any benefit.

If the contents of the letter were true, and he was not a direct descendant of Dong Zhuo, in the end, if Dong Zhuo had to choose between Li Ru and others, he would probably favor Li Ru and others. This is an undeniable fact.

After thinking about it, the best way to deal with it is to pretend that you don't know anything.

However, Wang Yun invited him to go or not to go.

If you go, it will definitely not take one night before the wind will reach Dong Zhuo's ears.

If I don't go, I'm afraid that Li Ru, Niu Fu and the others conspired against me, and it will soon be heard in the streets and alleys, forcing me and Li Ru and the others to become more at odds. Once the face is torn, the situation will be even more worrying.

Before gaining Dong Zhuo's enough trust, tearing up the face with Li Ru and others will only do harm and not good.

When that time really came, Dong Zhuo would choose to sacrifice him for the stability of the Xiliang Army without hesitation.

"This Wang Yun is really not bad at playing tricks."

Luo Zheng's face was gloomy, racking his brains to think about how to deal with Wang Yun's poisonous plan.

It didn't take long to think of a countermeasure.

In the early morning of the next day, all the ministers gathered in Deyang Hall to discuss matters.

There are two shifts for civil and military affairs, while Dong Zhuo set up a soft couch and sat alone under the imperial case, his honor can be seen.

The court meeting was very short, Xiandi Liu Xie was just Dong Zhuo's puppet, Dong Zhuo nodded in agreement, and naturally passed the proposal smoothly; Dong Zhuo disagreed, all of which were rejected, and the young Xiandi only had to nod.

At the end of the early dynasty, Luo Zheng immediately went to the Jiade Hall to see Dong Zhuo.

After waiting for half an hour, he was led in by his own soldiers and met Dong Zhuo.

"I will see the lord at the end."

Luo Zheng was meticulous, saluted respectfully, and did not dare to overstep.

"Peace free."

Dong Zhuo asked seemingly kindly: "Come and see me in the morning, do you have something important to report?"

Luo Zheng replied: "Yesterday, I received an invitation from Lord Situ Wangyun, and I invited the general to go to Situ's mansion today. I didn't know what Master Situ meant, so I didn't dare to go rashly, so I came to ask the Lord to inform me. Do you want to go?"

Dong Zhuo narrowed his eyes, seemed to be talking about Wang Yun, and asked calmly, "Where is Shengping's original intention?"

Luo Zheng replied: "Master Situ invites you, if the last general does not go, he will inevitably be blamed, criticize the young general behind his back, say that the young general is arrogant, and even the current Situ will not pay attention to him, so let me excuse you The general accused me of being arrogant and domineering in the Xiliang army. Therefore, the final general thinks it is better to go to Situ's mansion to invite him to see what Master Situ called the final general."

Dong Zhuo nodded, "Well, Shengping is very considerate, so let's go and have a look!"

Luo Zheng gave another salute, and then retreated.

After leaving the Jiade Hall, he secretly wiped off his cold sweat.

He secretly thought that if Dong Zhuo hadn't been vaccinated in advance, he would have accepted Wang Yunzhi's invitation to go to Situ's mansion, and he didn't know what rumors would come out.

When he arrived at Situ's Mansion, he realized that Wang Yun had invited not only himself, but also several court ministers.

Shangshu Zheng Zhong, Sili Xiaowei Huang Wan, Xiaowei Yang Zan, etc. were all present.

"Haha, Shengping, please come in quickly."

Wang Yun stood up to greet him personally, and welcomed Luo Zheng into the main hall.

Luo Zheng bowed in groups and saluted Zheng Zhong, Huang Wan and other ministers.

Zheng Zhong and Huang Wan are highly respected people, so it's fine if they don't get up.

Yang Zan is just a school lieutenant, and his position is still under Luo Zheng, but he just nodded, his face very cold.

Luo Zheng was a little upset, he didn't want to come, and now he has to look at people's faces.If it weren't for Situ Wangyun's enthusiasm, he might just throw up his sleeves and leave without saying a word. Anyway, he doesn't rely on these people for a living, so there is no need to look at their faces.

"Peace and take a seat!"

Wang Yun saw all this in his eyes, and smiled and let Luo Zheng go to the head of the right seat Yang Zan.

Yang Zan was even more displeased, snorted coldly, and didn't even look at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng ignored the birdman, just drinking and eating meat, and seeing what medicine Wang Yun sold in the gourd.

Under Wang Yun, the master, the atmosphere of the banquet was quite lively.

Both Zheng Zhong and Huang Wan praised Luo Zheng a few words. They were all nonsense about being brave and strategic, and commanding troops well.

Only the school lieutenant Yang Zan was a little unhappy with Luo Zheng, and he didn't know where Luo Zheng offended him.

Not long after, a dancer came in, singing and dancing to the sound of silk and bamboo instruments, showing a moving style.

Wang Tu, Zheng Zhong, Huang Wan and others looked at it from time to time and smiled with their beards twisted, their faces devastated.

Yang Zan was young and strong, staring fixedly at the dancer, without hiding the naked desire in his eyes.

Luo Zheng had no interest in this kind of dance music at first, but when he saw this dancer, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, secretly thinking that there is such a stunning beauty in the world, even better than Gan and Wu Zhen.

It is not enough to describe it as overwhelming the country and the city, it is simply a disaster for the country and the people.

When the dance music was finished and the dancer stepped back, Luo Zheng looked away.

Turning his head to look at Yang Zan, he saw that this guy looked like he was giving away his soul, and even his soul was about to be taken away.

The three old guys Wang Yun, Huang Wan, and Zheng Zhong have been observing Luo Zheng secretly. Seeing that Luo Zheng has been calm and composed, although the eyes of the dancer are a bit hot, they are far less unbearable than Yang Zan, so they all gave him a high look.

Since ancient times, heroes love beauties, and those who can not be moved by beauties are either eunuchs or people with extremely firm minds.

Besides, with the stunning appearance of the dancer just now, even the eunuch would be tempted, but his heart is more than enough but his strength is not enough.

Looking at Yang Zan's performance, one can see how strong the woman's sexuality is.

Luo Zheng is seductive but not lustful, appreciative but not obsessed, why not teach a few old foxes who have already matured to look up to them.

Wang Yun stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "What do you think of this girl?"

Luo Zheng remained calm, and sincerely praised: "The posture of sinking fish and wild goose, the appearance of closing the moon and shameful flowers, looking back and smiling, Bai Meisheng, the six palaces of pink and black are colorless, even if Chang'e descends to the earth, it is nothing more than that, it is really the rebirth of Xi Shi!"

(End of this chapter)

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