Chapter 84
The morning light was slightly dew, and the fire in Zhong Qiang's village was soaring into the sky, reflecting the sky red.

The Qiang people had been completely defeated in their resistance. They fled around like headless chickens, trampling each other to death. Countless people were burned to death by the fire, and less than a thousand people were actually killed by the Xiliang army.

Qiang villages with tens of thousands of people are connected together on the mountainside.

It is five miles long from east to west, and three miles up and down.

By the time [-] Xiliang cavalry had penetrated the Qiang village, the sky was already bright.

Hundreds of Qiang people ran and cried, and fled down the mountain like a flock of sheep being chased by wolves.

Luo Zheng was covered in blood, and he stopped his horse and shouted, "Where is Zhao Yun?"

Zhao Yun had already turned into a blood man, and urged his horse to step forward and shouted: "The end is here."

Luo Zheng sternly said: "Speed ​​two hundred riders and bring five-day dried meat to the west to chase the fleeing Qiang people. Be sure to kill all the Qiang people who fled to the west, regardless of male, female, old or young, and don't let a single one go. Within five days, this general does not want the news of defeating Zhong Qiang's other tribe to reach Han Sui's ears, remember, remember, hurry up."

"The last will obey."

Zhao Yun quickly took the order, and immediately ordered two hundred riders to rush down the mountain like a whirlwind, and pursued westward.

Luo Zhengfu yelled again, "Where is the duty officer?"

A small school rode forward and said loudly, "What orders does the general have?"

Luo Zheng said loudly: "Quickly send people to look for the two generals Li Meng and Wang Fang, and order them to each lead a thousand riders, and order Li Meng to drive the cattle, sheep and horses in the stronghold back to Lingju; order Wang Fang to prepare chariots and horses and prepare to move the stronghold. COFCO fodder."

"As ordered."

The officer on duty quickly responded and went down to deliver the order.

"The rest of the generals will follow this general."

Luo Zheng greeted, waved his hand, and immediately urged the horse to rush to the top of the village.

It wasn't until noon that the fighting in the village gradually subsided.

At this time, Li Meng had already led a thousand cavalry, driving thousands of cattle, sheep and horses and set off first.

The fires in the Qiang village still haven't been extinguished, and are still burning sporadically.

In a tribe of more than [-] people, more than half of them were killed or injured overnight.

The Xiliang army only killed less than 2000 people, and most of them trampled to death in the chaos, or were burned to death.

Wailing everywhere in the vast Qiang village, there are Qiang people who are injured but unable to move, crying in despair, howling helplessly, or cursing with grim faces, including old people, children, and women.

That's what war is, bloody and brutal.

A soft-hearted person can never become a qualified soldier.

If you don't have a cold heart, why don't you just plow the fields and be a soldier.

Luo Zheng couldn't sympathize with these Qiang people.If he sympathizes with these people, nearly 2 of his men will starve to death.

Since you have chosen to be your own enemy, you must bear the consequences.

There is nothing to say, these Qiang people are not Han people.

If there are other options, Luo Zheng may give these Qiang women and children a way out.

But now the nearly [-] mouths under his command could barely support them, so he couldn't care less about these Qiang people.

In the meeting hall of Tushen Dazhai, the leader of Zhongqiang's Biezhi, all the officers above the Xiliang Army's military marquis were present.

Luo Zhengda sat on the head with a golden sword, and shouted: "Bring Tushen to this general."

A soldier had already shouted his orders and ran out with his legs wide open.

After a while, Tushen, with disheveled hair and shaggy arms, was escorted up.

Tushen was five big and three thick, and he was also a fierce man, but at the moment he was extremely embarrassed, covered in blood, not only was his right arm broken by Xu Chu, but his knee was also smashed by Xiliang soldiers with extremely cruel methods, and he was standing on his feet at all. Can't get up.

"Tu Shen!"

Luo Zheng shouted, got up and walked down.

Tu Shen reluctantly raised his head, his rough face was incomparably ferocious, his eyes were staring like copper bells, bloody red, filled with endless hatred, he gnashed his teeth and said: "Post, hairless boy, you must die! "


Luo Zheng laughed three times, looked down at Tushen from a high position, and said solemnly: "This general will not die well? What a joke, this general is standing in front of you now, how do you want to make this general not die well, you might as well talk about it !"

"I'm a ghost and I can't spare you!"

Tushen hissed and roared, but was unable to stand up at all.

Luo Zheng said coldly: "I didn't want to go to war with the tribes of the Western Qiang people in Fuzhen, but as long as you Qiang people obediently follow the orders of the general, I can give you a way of life. You guys don't want to join the alliance That's all, to dare to beat up the general's envoy and openly challenge the majesty of my great Han court is really asking for death."

"If you die, you will die, so what are you afraid of?"

Tu Shen gritted his teeth and said, "The only thing I regret is that I can't drink your blood raw."

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Come on, drag it out and chop it."

Two wolves-like soldiers rushed in immediately, and dragged Tu Shen out like a dead dog.

"Puff, you must die."

Tu Shen yelled loudly, Ruo Yeyou wailed, making people feel chilly.

The scolding stopped abruptly soon, and a soldier came in to return with a bloody head in his hands.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Take this head down and put it away, don't break it."

"Uh, obey!"

The guard was stunned for a moment, and hastily retreated as ordered, holding his head and retreating.

Luo Zheng leaned back and said with a sneer: "Half a month later, the various tribes of the Qiang will meet, and my general Zhengqiu has no suitable gifts, so I will give them to the heroes of the Qiang and Hu tribes! The head of Lu Shen is a good gift. Hahaha!"

"Hey hey hey!"

All the generals in the hall also laughed grinningly, revealing their murderous aura.

Luo Zheng straightened up and shouted: "Wang Fang!"

Wang Fang rushed out and cupped his hands, "What orders does the general have?"

Luo Zheng asked: "The general asked you to prepare the horses and horses, are you ready?"

Wang Fang hurriedly said, "Are you ready?"

Luo Zheng asked again, "Where is the grain and fodder, have you ever counted it?"

A small school came out and replied: "It's being transported, so I don't have time to count. However, General Yimo estimates that the combined wheat and millet in the village is about [-] shi. If you save a little, it will be enough for our army to feed for a month."

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Hurry up and carry it, and then hit the road."

"As ordered."

The little school hurriedly bowed his hands and took orders.

When the sun was about to set, the army finally set foot on the return journey.

All the grain in the Qiang village was looted and loaded on hundreds of carts, but they couldn't fit it, so they used the leftover horses and oxen to carry them. Two thousand Qiang men who were arrested drove the carts and horses down the mountain road , heading north.

As for the [-] Xiliang cavalry, the tigers are watching.

But some Qiang people wanted to escape, so they killed them without saying a word.

After killing dozens of people, these Qiang people with faces full of hatred calmed down.

As for the old, young, women and children who are still in the village, they can only fend for themselves.

Luo Zheng did not order to kill all these Qiang people, it is already hard to abandon human nature.

If it were those truly cold-blooded heroes, they would kill even their parents, let alone these Qiang people.

It is more than two hundred miles away, and it arrives very quickly. The cavalry can march quickly in one day.

But it will take a lot of trouble to go back, at least five or six days.

Even if there are ditches and ridges in the wilderness, if the cavalry don't bring luggage, they can pass by on horseback.

But driving grain trucks is difficult, you have to follow the official road, and the speed is really too fast, and because the cart pulls too much ground, you have to stop and rest after walking for a while, and you can walk fifty or sixty times a day. , it is already very good.

Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless, and sent fifty fast horses to explore a radius of fifty miles.

Five miles west of Zhiyang, on the west bank of Zhishui.

On the big rock by the roadside, several Qiang people were lying on the ground, resting.

After the winter snow melted, the grass that had been withered and yellow for a winter was soon covered with a touch of green.

Several Qiang people covered in blood were lying on the grass beside the road, their eyes were blank, and they were panting violently.

Last night Xiliang soldiers took advantage of the night to sneak attack, Zhong Qiang's other troops were destroyed in one blow, and in a hurry, they couldn't stop the wolves and tigers of Xiliang soldiers from killing people. Some Qiang people took advantage of the chaos and escaped, running the fastest He kept running past Zhishui before he dared to stop and rest.

However, the family is broken and the people are dead, and the world is so big, what should I do?
The eyes of several Qiang people were a little gloomy, and some couldn't accept this sudden change.

at this time.

A Qiang man suddenly turned over and sat up, listened intently for a moment, and suddenly his face changed drastically.

"not good!"

The Qiang man jumped up and shouted: "There are cavalry chasing soldiers."

The remaining three Qiang people also rolled over, looking around nervously.

Soon, a black line appeared on the road to the northeast.

Two hundred cavalrymen scattered all over the mountains and plains, searching all the way here.

(End of this chapter)

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