Chapter 85

Several Qiang people ran west without saying a word.

"There is someone there, hurry up and chase."

The sharp-eyed cavalry immediately saw several Qiang people running wildly in the wilderness.

More than ten soldiers from Xiliang riding shouted, and immediately put their legs on the horse's belly, and the horse chased after him.

Zhao Yun also spotted a few Qiang people at the first time, while gathering the cavalry, he urged the horses to chase them.

In the wilderness where there are no mountains and forests to block the line of sight, no matter how fast you can run on two legs, how can you run faster than a four-legged war horse.

The Xiliang soldiers quickly chased him a hundred paces away, brandishing their sabers and shouting loudly.

Several Qiang people could not keep their ears steady, and ran wildly in the wilderness.

Amidst the piercing sound of bowstrings, four spikes and iron branches shot through the sky like meteors chasing the moon.

The four Qiang people had no time to look back, they were shot through the back of the head, and fell down to death after running a few steps.

Zhao Yun slowly reined in the horse, and hung the horn bow behind the saddle.

Some Xiliang soldiers urged their horses to catch up and asked, "General Zhao Yun, do you still want to chase?"

Zhao Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "This place is already eighty miles away from the Dazhai of Zhongqiang's other tribe. It should be the limit for the Qiang people to run here without horses. However, in order to prevent any fish from slipping through the net, I will wait for another Search thirty miles to the west."

"As ordered."

The soldiers from Xiliang responded loudly, and the two hundred cavalry scattered in all directions and continued to search westward.

Lingju, the government office of the Lieutenant Department of Huqiang School.

Xun Yu was dealing with official documents when a small official rushed in.

"Sir, great joy, great joy!"

The little official is a member of the Xu clan. He waved his arms vigorously and said loudly: "Just now General Li Meng ordered people to report that my lord has conquered the nest of Zhongqiang's other tribe. General Li Meng led a thousand horses and drove more than 3 cattle. The sheep and horses came back first."

"Oh, is this true?"

Xun Yu was immediately refreshed when he heard the words, and put down the bamboo slips in his hand.

The little official said excitedly: "How dare I talk nonsense about such a big matter."

Jing Yu stood up and said, "Okay, that's great. With these 3 cattle and sheep, if you save a little, you can barely eat them for two months. If you get some more food, you can last until the autumn harvest." gone."

The little official rubbed his hands together and said, "What you said is very true."

Xun Yu asked, "Where are the cattle and sheep driven by General Li Meng?"

The little official quickly replied: "I have passed the Duanshui Bridge, and it is less than thirty miles away from Lingju."

Xun Yu nodded and said, "Quickly go and invite General Wu Xi and all the officials to come over and discuss the resettlement."

"As ordered."

The little official agreed and ran out immediately.

Before the sun set, Li Meng led a thousand cavalry and drove the cattle and sheep to the south of Lingju for five miles.

Xun Yu and Wu Xi had been waiting for a long time with all the officials and minor officials, and the hatchback greeted them.

Li Meng rolled off his horse from a long distance away, bowed his hands to Xun Yu and said, "I have seen Mr. Xun Yu."

Xun Yu bowed his hands back and said, "You don't need to be too polite, the general, have you ever been safe along the way?"

Li Meng grinned and said with a smile: "The road was smooth, but these beasts walked too slowly. They would stop and eat grass after half a day. what happened."

Wu Xi asked: "Why didn't General Luo Zheng come back?"

Li Meng didn't like Wu Xi very much, but he didn't show it, and replied: "As soon as the battle is settled, the general will order someone to drive the cattle and sheep back first, and there is still food that has not been collected, so the general will personally lead the army to requisition the food and escort it. "

Wu Xi asked, "I don't know when I will be there?"

Li Meng said: "The grain carts are moving more slowly, and they probably won't arrive until tomorrow or the day after."

Wu Xi stroked the willow beard, and didn't ask any more questions.

Xun Yu said: "General Li Meng, drive the cattle and sheep to the pasture first, let the soldiers enter the city to rest!"

"As ordered."

Li Meng respected Xun Yu very much, agreed, and immediately called on the soldiers to drive away the cattle and sheep.

By the time the cattle and sheep were driven to a pasture ten miles west of the city, it was already dark.

In a dense forest fifty miles east of Yunwu.

"General Zhao Yun, it has been five days."

A Xiliang soldier looked at Zhao Yun's face and couldn't help but said.

Zhao Yundao: "You don't need to tell me, I know."

The Xiliang soldiers said: "The general said that we would return after five days of interception. Today is already the fifth day, and the brothers have already eaten the dried meat. The general probably has arrived at Lingju. Should we go back? "

Zhao Yun nodded, and said: "Well, my lord is about to arrive at Lingju, let's go, let's go back."

The two hundred Xiliang soldiers cheered up immediately, got on their horses one after another, and galloped away to the north.

Yunwu, Han Sui's official residence.

Counselor Cheng Ying said to Han Sui: "My lord, things are a bit strange. I heard that a cavalry force of 200 men has been haunting the east of Yunwu for the past few days. Our military sentries went to investigate, but they never returned."

Han Sui said 'Oh' and said, "Where are the cavalry, are they horse thieves?"

Cheng Ying shook his head and said, "It's not like a horse thief."

Han Sui's eyes froze for a moment, "It's not a horse thief, but where are those cavalry?"

Cheng Ying said: "I don't know about this. Anyway, it shouldn't be a horse thief. If it is a horse thief, it's okay to run out and wander around. Neither rob nor rob. And there are no horse thieves near Yunwu."

Han Sui thought for a moment, then said, "Let Liang Xing lead a thousand horses to take a look."

"As ordered."

Cheng Ying took the order and went out immediately.

When the sun was about to set, Liang Xing came back unscathed.

"What, the cavalry is missing?"

Han Sui was startled when he heard the report, a little confused.

Liang Xing replied: "Exactly, but the general asked the nearby people in detail, and heard the people's description, this cavalry is very likely to be the cavalry under the command of the Qiang Zhonglang General Luo Zheng, but for some reason, he came to Yunwu .”

Cheng Ying frowned puzzled and said: "Why did Luo Zheng's cavalry come to Yunwu?"

Han Sui's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Little Luo Zheng is too deceitful. He sent two hundred cavalry to let me walk the horse. This is provoking this general. Does this kid really think that this general dare not step on the order?" Can't you do it?"

Cheng Ying shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, Luo Zheng, I won't be so boring, there should be another story about this matter."

Han Sui asked, "What's the inside story?"

Cheng Ying pondered: "This, I can't think of it in the next moment."

Han Sui frowned, and then opened it again, saying: "On the first day of February, Luo Zheng's son is going to call a meeting of the leaders of the various Qiang tribes at the white grass beach at the northern foot of Longwei Mountain. What does Gongying think about this?"

Cheng Ying said calmly: "It is said that when Luo Zheng'er conquered the Guandong, he killed the gentry in the Central Plains and Hebei and scattered corpses all over the field. He was very happy to use force to solve the problem. The purpose of calling the alliance of various Qiang tribes this time is just to show off their force."

Han Sui said disdainfully: "Don't tell me Luo Zheng still dares to use force?"

Cheng Ying said: "According to Luo Zheng's previous behavior style, this fellow may really use force. However, he is a newcomer and has not yet gained a firm foothold in Liangzhou. He has only eight thousand soldiers. Most of the Qiang tribes have strong soldiers. Luo It’s fine if Zheng Xiao’er doesn’t insist on coercion. If Luo Zheng Xiao’er dares to mess around, which one of the Qiang tribes will be easy to provoke.”

Han Sui deeply agreed: "What Gongying said is very true. Since Beigong Boyu and Li Wenhou raised their troops in the first year of Zhongping, the Qiang tribes no longer obeyed the orders of the Han court. Although the Ministry did not raise troops to plunder the land, but Luo Zheng'er really thought that the imperial court would give him a general to protect the Qiang, and he would be able to supervise the Xiqiang, that is daydreaming."

Cheng Ying repeatedly nodded and said: "No, I heard that Shaodang, Gong Tang, and Zhong Qiang's other tribes ignored Luo Zheng'er. The handsome Tu Shen of Zhongqiang's other tribe even beat up the people sent by Luo Zheng'er Go out, don't sell Luo Zhengxiao's account at all."

Han Sui laughed and said, "The general will just wait and see the show."

Cheng Ying stroked her beard and smiled.

But the next day, when the news came, Han Sui jumped up in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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