Chapter 26 Four Paintings (8)
【Efficacy and application】Drying dampness and resolving phlegm: used for damp phlegm or cold phlegm cough, phlegm and chest tightness.It is often used with Pinellia, perilla, almond and Baiqian.For hot phlegm cough, excessive phlegm, thirst, and dry throat, it can be combined with Trichosanthes, Fritillary, Coltsfoot, Ophiopogon japonicus, etc.Regulating Qi and eliminating indigestion: It can be used in combination with hawthorn, malt, Citrus aurantii, etc.

Modern commonly used in bronchitis, gastroenteritis and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-6g; or into pills or powder.

[Cautions for use] It is not suitable for people with qi deficiency and yin deficiency with dry phlegm.

[Modern Research] Contains volatile oil, naringin, neohesperidin, aurantium glycosides, etc.Naringin injection has obvious anti-inflammatory effect on experimental inflammation in mice and rats, and can reduce capillary permeability and increase capillary resistance.It has a certain protective effect on virus infection and X-ray irradiation in mice.

Chinese rose see "Compendium of Materia Medica".It is the flower bud or the first open flower of Rosachinensis Jacq., an evergreen erect shrub of Rosaceae.It is widely cultivated throughout our country.

[Synonym] Four Seasons Flower, Moon Moon Red, Periwinkle Flower, Moon Moon Flower, Rose Red, Moonlight Flower.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, warm.Return liver channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation: It is used for irregular menstruation and abdominal pain caused by stagnation of qi and blood. It can be soaked in boiled water alone or used in the same way as Danshen, motherwort, angelica and Cyperus cyperi.Reducing swelling and relieving pain: used for scrofula unbroken, can be used in the abdomen of genkwa, agarwood, crucian carp, boiled in water and wine, de-medicated and eaten fish, or used with Prunella vulgaris, Fritillaria, oysters, etc.; used for boils, swelling and pain , can be used alone to mash the fresh product for external application, or grind it into powder and take it after mixing it with water.In addition, single use of smashed for external application and powdered wine for oral administration can also treat bruises.

In modern times, it is often used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, bruises, and unknown swelling.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-6g; or powdered.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying.

【Caution】Not suitable for pregnant women.

[Modern research] Contains a small amount of volatile oil, and its composition is similar to that of rose oil, mainly terpene alcohols.

See "Materia Medica for Rescuing Famines" for Fengluncai.It is the whole plant of Clinopodium chinense (Benth.) o.Ktze., a perennial herb of Lamiaceae.Distributed in South Central, East China, and Southwest China.

[Synonym] Honeycomb grass, knot grass, gall gall, bear bile grass, nine-story pagoda, falling plum blossom, nine pagoda grass.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, pungent, cool.Return lung meridian.

【Efficacy and Application】Shufeng and heat-clearing: used for cold, fever, sore throat, used alone, or decocted with Yama thorn.Detoxification and detumescence: used for furunculosis, pruritus, breast abscess, mumps, red eyes, fresh products can be pounded for application, or powdered for application.In addition, decoction of this product with water alone has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, and can treat various blood-heat bleeding syndromes.

Modern commonly used in influenza, dysentery, enteritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, snake bites, acute keratitis, mastitis, mumps and knife wounds.

【Usage and Dosage】Decoction: 9~15g.External application: appropriate amount, pounded for applying; or decocted for washing.

[Modern Research] Contains flavonoid glycosides, saponins, lactones, organic acids, inorganic salts, etc.It has hemostatic and antibacterial effects.

Bellows leaves see (Jiangxi "Handbook of Herbal Medicine").It is the leaves or shoots of Cephalanthus occidentalis L., an evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae.Distributed in various places south of the Yangtze River and Taiwan.

[synonym] water bayberry leaves.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cool.Return spleen, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】clearing heat and detoxifying: for diarrhea and dysentery caused by damp heat, decoct with water alone, add brown sugar, or decoct with mint; for wind-fire toothache, decoct with water alone for gargle.Moisture-absorbing and antipruritic: used for itchy skin sores, pemphigus, and toe rot, usually pounded and applied alone, or powdered and mixed with borneol, and applied to the affected area.

Modern commonly used in acute gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery, eczema and so on.

【Usage and Dosage】External application: Appropriate amount, crushed for applying; or powdered for applying.Decoction: 9-15g.

For bellows tree roots, see the "Handbook of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines" by the Guangzhou Army.It is the root or root bark of Cephalanthus occidentalis L., a Rubiaceae plant bellows tree.

[synonym] water bayberry root, bayberry tree root, water bayberry root.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cool.Return small intestine, liver, lung meridian.

【Efficacy and application】clearing heat and promoting dampness: for hot drench, dysuria, edema, decocted with water alone; for damp-heat jaundice, can be taken with Polygonum cuspidatum and coix seed root 30g each, decocted in water and adjusted in sugar.Eliminates phlegm and relieves cough: For cold, fever, cough and sore throat, decocted with water alone.Dispelling blood stasis and reducing swelling: for bruises, soaked in wine alone, taken orally and rubbed externally; for sores and carbuncles, used alone, soaked in wine and applied externally; used for rheumatic arthralgia, used alone, or fried with tofu Clothes.

Modern commonly used for colds, influenza, jaundice, dysentery, urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis, bruises, rheumatoid arthritis, acute bronchitis, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 30-60g; or soak in wine.External application: Appropriate amount, decocted for gargle; ground into powder and sprinkled; or adjusted for applying.

[Modern Research] Contains alkaloids, glycosides, etc.

See "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" for Dan.It is the root of Salvia miltiorrhizaBge., a perennial herb of Lamiaceae.Mainly produced in Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places.

[Synonym] Red Ginseng, Purple Salvia, Red Root, Purple Codonopsis, Mountain Carrot, Live Blood Root, Shaojiu Pot Root, Dahongpao, Blood Ginseng Root, Blood Salvia, Red Salvia, Wine Salvia.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, slightly cold.GUIXIN, Liver Channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis: It is used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal mass and postpartum lochia caused by stagnation of blood heat. It can be used with angelica, safflower, peach kernel, motherwort, etc.; it can be used with safflower, red peony root, Jiangxiang, and Chuanxiong for chest pain, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath due to blood stasis. Collaborator in Beijing); for liver depression and hypochondriac pain, it can be used with turtle shell, oyster, green skin, etc.; for epigastric pain caused by blood stasis and qi stagnation, it can be used in combination with sandalwood and amomum, such as Danshen drink (" "Medical Golden Needle"); for bruises, blood stasis pain, can be used together with angelica, frankincense, and myrrh, such as Huoxuexiaolingdan ("Medical Hearts in Shenxilu").Eliminate restlessness and soothe the nerves: used for irritability and delirium caused by febrile disease and heat entering the camp blood, often compatible with Shengdi, Scrophulariaceae, bamboo leaves, etc., such as Qingying Decoction ("Wenbing Tiaobian"); used for long-term dizziness caused by deficiency of essence and blood Pain, insomnia, and lack of energy, it can be taken alone with powdered wine, or decocted with Schisandra chinensis.Reducing swelling and relieving pain: used for carbuncle sores, mastitis, and silver flower, forsythia, and myrrh; used for joint muscle swelling and pain caused by heat arthralgia, can be decocted with water alone.

In modern times, it is often used for irregular menstruation, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatosplenomegaly, neurasthenia, hypertension, thromboangiitis obliterans, mastitis, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-9g; or into pills or powder.External application: Appropriate amount, boiled for ointment, or decocted for fumigation.

【Cautions】Use with caution in those without blood stasis.

[Modern research] Contains tanshinone Ⅰ, ⅡA, ⅡB, cryptotanshinone, etc.The injection can lower blood pressure, increase coronary artery flow, slow down heart rate, shorten the duration of experimental myocardial ischemia, inhibit platelet aggregation and anticoagulation, and reduce the pathological changes caused by acute experimental myocardial infarction.It has a calming effect on the central nervous system.Can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and drug-resistant strains.The alcohol immersion solution has the effect of inhibiting Mycobacterium tuberculosis and some fungi in the test tube.Can treat experimental tuberculosis in mice.Can lower blood sugar in rabbits.

See "Supplements to Materia Medica" for black medicine.It is the root tuber of the evergreen shrub of Lauraceae or the small tree Lindera strychnifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) Villar.Mainly produced in Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui.

[Synonyms] Taiwuyao, Tiantai Wuyao, Hengzhou Wuyao.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, warm.Return lung, spleen, kidney, urinary bladder channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Promoting qi and relieving pain: It can be used with agarwood, ginger, codonopsis, etc. to treat abdominal cold pain caused by stagnation of qi due to moderate cold; it can be used with fennel, toosendan and woody to treat small intestinal hernia caused by stagnation of qi due to cold, such as Tiantai Wuyao Powder ("Medical Invention"); to treat abdominal pain during menstruation, often used together with woody fragrance and angelica, such as Wuyao Decoction ("Jiyin Compendium").Warming the kidney and dispelling cold: used for frequent urination and enuresis due to deficiency of kidney yang and cold, it can be mixed with Yizhi kernels and yam in equal parts, ground into powder, rice wine as pills, and light salt soup for delivery, that is, Shuquan pills ("Xiaozhu woman Recipe").

It is commonly used in modern times for superficial gastritis, irregular menstruation, hernia, senile prostatic hypertrophy, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 5-9g; grind into juice; or into pills or powder.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated for those with qi deficiency and internal heat.

[Modern Research] Contains volatile oil, and contains a variety of sesquiterpene components;Feeding rats for a long time can increase their weight quickly, and the exhaust soup mainly composed of black medicine can promote the peristalsis of the intestinal tube in anesthetized dogs.

For ebony, see "Compendium of Materia Medica".It is made by roasting the immature fruit of Prunus mume (Sieb.) Zucc. in Rosaceae.It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Guizhou.

[synonym] plum, smoked plum, orange plum meat, black plum meat, black plum charcoal.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sour, warm.Return liver, spleen, lung, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】Astringing the lung and relieving cough: used for chronic cough due to lung deficiency, often mixed with millet husk as the powder, mixed with honey soup when sleeping ("Behind the Elbow"), or mixed with poppy husk, almond, donkey-hide gelatin, Pinellia, Su Leaves, ginger, and licorice are used together, that is, one dose of powder ("Shi Yi De Xiao Fang").Astringent intestinal antidiarrheal: for chronic diarrhea and chronic dysentery, used alone, or used together with nutmeg, codonopsis, woody, etc., such as Guchang pills ("Syndrome and Treatment Guidelines"); and Coptis chinensis as pills to treat diarrhea and inedible, that is, Wumei Wan ("Taiping Shenghui Fang").Harmonizing stomach ascariasis: used for abdominal pain and vomiting caused by ascariasis, often used together with Coptis chinensis, Cortex Phellodendron, Asarum, and dried ginger, such as Wumei Wan ("Treatise on Febrile Diseases").Consolidation and hemostasis: used for blood in the stool, hematuria, metrorrhagia and metrorrhagia, often single-flavored charcoal powder, vinegar pills, and water to take.Producing body fluid and quenching thirst: used for quenching thirst and polydipsia, boredom, used alone, or used together with astragalus, Radix Ophiopogon japonicus, and pollen, such as Yuquan Wan ("Shen's Zunshengshu").

It is commonly used in modern times for non-specific colitis, biliary ascariasis, bacillary dysentery, gastrointestinal neurosis, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, whooping cough, intestinal parasitic diseases, and viral hepatitis.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 2.4-5g; or into pills or powder.External application: Appropriate amount, calcined, grinded and sprinkled, or adjusted for application.

[Cautions for use] Do not take it if there are real evils.

【Modern Research】Contains citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, benzoic acid, oleanolic acid, and sitosterol.Ethanol or hot extract can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro; it can also inhibit the growth of some common pathogenic bacteria fungus.The decoction can reduce the death of guinea pigs in protein anaphylactic shock.It has inhibitory effect on isolated rabbit intestine.

See "Compendium of Materia Medica" for silky chicken.It is the meat of Callus gallus domesticus Brisson, a pheasant species, or the whole body with the internal organs removed.Originally produced in Taihe County, Jiangxi Province, it is also raised in other areas.

[Synonyms] black-bone chicken, medicine chicken, Wushan chicken, wool chicken, black-legged chicken, bamboo silk chicken, fluffy chicken.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, flat.Return liver, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and application】Replenishing qi and nourishing blood, regulating menstruation and stopping belt: It is used for thin body, irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia and vaginal discharge due to deficiency of both qi and blood. Use, such as Wuji Baifeng Pills ("Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China").If cardamom and grass fruit are burnt into the belly of chicken, tied and cooked, it can cure spleen deficiency and diarrhea; to treat leukorrhea, you can boil ginkgo, lotus meat, pepper, and Jiangmin in the belly of chicken and eat it. .Nourishing yin and reducing fever: used for fatigue and thinness, five upset fever, can be compatible with ginseng, astragalus, coptis, cortex, rehmannia glutinosa, and Anemarrhena, such as Wuji Wan ("Xingyuan Shengchun").

In modern times, it is often used for malnutrition, irregular menstruation, postpartum hemorrhagic failure, leukorrhea, thrombocytopenia, anemia, tuberculosis, diabetes, and chronic enteritis.

[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: Appropriate amount, boiled; or in pills, powders, wine preparations.

[Modern Research] Contains protein, fat, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, copper, zinc, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. It has the functions of nourishing and strengthening, and delaying aging.

See "Supplements to Materia Medica" for black tallow.It is the seed of Sapium sebiferum (L.) Raxb., a plant of Euphorbiaceae.Distributed in East China, Southwest China, South China and Hunan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places.

[Synonym] black tea seed.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, cool.poisonous.Return spleen, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Insecticide: For scabies, it can be used together with mercury and camphor for external use; for eczema, it is usually rubbed with a pestle; for chapped hands and feet, it can be decocted and washed alone.Diuretic and laxative: used for edema, constipation, often taken with decoction alone.

It is commonly used in modern times for scabies, skin eczema, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] External application: Appropriate amount, squeezed oil for applying; mashed for application or decocted for washing.Decoction: 3-6g.

【Modern Research】The seed wax layer contains 74.75% solid fat, and the shell contains 34.94%.The seeds contain 64.1% oil, which contains toxins and cannot be eaten.

See "Supplements to Materia Medica" for Chinese tallow tree leaves.It is the leaf of Sapium sebiferum (L.) Raxb., a plant of Euphorbiaceae.

[Synonyms] Cotyledons, oil cotyledons, rainbow leaves.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, slightly warm.poisonous.Return lung, kidney, stomach, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Purge water and expel water: used for edema, swelling, and constipation. Its leaves are decocted in water alone, or combined with Houttuynia cordata and Plantain.Detoxification and detumescence: used for carbuncle sores, poisonous snake bites, can be equal to Shegan, smashed and applied to the wound.Killing insects and relieving itching: For eczema, it can be ground into powder with Mituseng, mixed with raw oil, boiled, and applied to the affected area; for athlete's foot, fresh leaves can be added with a little salt, smashed and applied to the affected area. o Dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain, use young leaves alone, mash together with brown sugar and wine, squeeze the juice, stew and take it orally; or mash with leek root and goose herb for external application.

In modern times, it is often used for nephritis edema, schistosomiasis ascites, eczema, athlete's foot, boils, snake bites, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 6-12g.External application: appropriate amount, fresh products smashed for applying; or decocted for washing.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated for those who are physically weak, pregnant women, and patients with ulcer disease.

[Modern Research] Contains unbound terpene, tannin, shikimic acid, etc.The decoction has a purging effect, and can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Leptospira in vivo.

See "On the Properties of Medicine" for Wushao snake.Dried whole body eviscerated for snake snake Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor).Mainly produced in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guizhou, Hubei and other places.

[Synonyms] Sword Ridge Black Snake, Black Flower Snake, Black Peak Snake, Green Snake, Black Wind Snake, Green General, Sword Spine Snake, Black Black Snake, Black Wind Snake.

[Sexual ignorance returns to the meridian] sweet, salty, flat.It is slightly poisonous.Return liver, lung meridian.

【Efficacy and Application】Expelling wind, dredging collaterals: used for wind-damp impediment, inhumane skin, pain in joints, inability to stretch, often used with Nanxing, Scorpion, Fangfeng, Qianghuo, Ephedra, Duhuo, etc., such as Wushe Wan ("Taiping") Sheng Huifang").Extinguishing wind and relieving convulsions: for acute and chronic convulsions in children, it can be used with musk and acacia, such as Wushe powder ("Health Jiabao"); for tetanus, it can be used with white snake and centipede powder, such as Dingming Scattered ("Sanji Zonglu").In addition, it is combined with dried lotus leaves and Citrus aurantium as a powder, mixed with honey wine, that is, Sanwei Wushe Powder, which can cure all dry and wet tinea, and has the ability to kill insects and relieve itching.

Modern commonly used in rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spondylosis, tetanus, bone and joint tuberculosis, mange, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-12g; soak in wine; or dry and powder into pills and powders.External application: appropriate amount, burn charcoal for application.

[Cautions for use] It is contraindicated for patients with blood deficiency and wind.

[Modern Research] Contains 17 kinds of amino acids such as lysine, leucine and glutamic acid.Has anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic and other effects.

(End of this chapter)

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