Chapter 31 Five Paintings (2)
See "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" for licorice.It is the root and rhizome of Glycyrrhizauralensis Fisch., a perennial herb of leguminous family.Distributed in Northwest, North China, Northeast and other places.

[Synonym] Fencao, powder licorice, old country, raw licorice, roasted licorice, sweet grass.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, flat.GUIXIN, lung, spleen, stomach warp.

【Efficacy and application】Reinforcing the spleen and replenishing qi: used for weak spleen and stomach, shortness of breath and fatigue, lack of food and loose stools, often compatible with Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, etc., such as Sijunzi Decoction ("Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription"); used for qi deficiency and blood loss For palpitations, spontaneous sweating, and intermittent pulse, it can be combined with ginseng, cassia twig, habitat, donkey-hide gelatin, etc., such as Zhigancao Decoction ("Treatise on Febrile Diseases").Moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough: used for various coughs and asthma.For wind-cold cough and asthma, it is often combined with ephedra and almonds, that is, Sanao Decoction ("Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau Prescription"); for cough and asthma with lung heat, it is often combined with ephedra, almonds, and gypsum, that is, Maxing Shigan Decoction ("Treatise on Febrile Diseases") ); for dry cough due to yin deficiency, it is often combined with Adenophora, Ophiopogon japonicus, mulberry leaves, etc. Zhisou San ("Medical Mind Awareness").Heat-clearing and detoxifying: used for swelling and pain in sores, sore throat, and dysuria due to hot shower.To treat sores and swelling, it is often combined with honeysuckle, forsythia, dandelion, red peony, etc.; to treat sore throat, it is often combined with platycodon grandiflorum, Niuzi, Shegan, Scrophulariae, etc.; , Li storage, talc and so on.Relieving spasm and relieving pain: used for epigastric and extremity spasm and acute pain, often used together with peony, that is, Shaoyao Gancao Decoction ("Treatise on Febrile Diseases").For those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, epigastric cramps and acute pain, it can be mixed with osmanthus twigs, peony, maltose, etc., such as Xiaojianzhong Decoction ("Treatise on Febrile Diseases").Harmonize medicinal properties: use with tonic medicine to make it mild and long-lasting; use with laxative medicine to make it vent but not violent; The cold does not defeat the stomach.

Modern commonly used in stomach, duodenal ampulla ulcer, viral hepatitis, hysteria, arrhythmia, upper respiratory tract inflammation, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, stomach cramps, gastrocnemius muscle spasm, boils and abscesses, pharyngitis, urethritis, etc. .

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 1.5-10g (up to 30g for large doses), or in pills or powders.External application: powdered and mixed, or decocted for washing.

【Cautions for use】It should be used raw for clearing away heat and detoxification, and it is often used for tonifying the middle, moistening the lungs and relieving cough.This taste is sweet, can help dampness and stagnation of qi, and make people feel full. It is contraindicated for those who are full of dampness in the chest and abdomen, vomiting and edema.Anti-euphorbia, genkwa, kansui, seaweed.

【Modern Research】Contains glycyrrhizic acid and glycyrrhetinic acid.In addition, it also contains licorice flavone glycosides, isolicorice flavone glycosides, etc.Containing glycyrrhizic acid or its calcium salt has a strong detoxification effect, such as diphtheria toxin, tetanus toxin, snake venom and so on.For some allergic diseases, animal experimental hepatitis, etc. have a strong detoxification effect.The glycyrrhizic acid and glycyrrhetinic acid contained in it also have adrenal cortex hormone-like effects, which can reduce the urine output and sodium excretion of various animals, increase potassium excretion, increase blood sodium, and decrease blood calcium.Licorice extract has a protective effect on experimental gastric ulcer in rats, not only inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid, but also promoting ulcer healing.Glycyrrhizae can significantly reduce liver degeneration and necrosis in animal experimental liver injury, most of the glycogen and ribonucleic acid content accumulated in liver cells are restored or close to normal, and the activity of serum alanine aminotransferase is significantly decreased, indicating that licorice has Anti-hepatic damage effect.Licorice has phenylbutazone or lightened cortisone-like anti-inflammatory properties.After oral administration of licorice extract and licorice mixture, it can cover the inflamed pharyngeal mucous membrane, alleviate the stimulation of inflammation to it, and thus play an antitussive effect.Licorice has an expectorant effect, which can promote the secretion of the throat and bronchi, making it easy to cough up phlegm.Glycyrrhetinic acid has inhibitory effect on experimental myeloma in rats.Licorice extract and decoction have inhibitory effect on the isolated intestine of animals, and have antispasmodic effect on intestinal spasm caused by acetylcholine, barium chloride, histamine, etc.The combination of licorice and Daphne genkwa had the opposite effect. The toxicity of the leachate of the combined leaching group was significantly higher than that of the leaching liquid of the separate leaching group, and the diuretic and purging effects of Daphne genkwa were inhibited.

See "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" for Gan Sui.It is the root tuber of Euphorbia kansui Liou, a perennial succulent herbaceous plant of Euphorbiaceae.Distributed in Shaanxi, Henan, Gansu, Shanxi and other places.

[Synonym] Simmering Gansui, making Gansui, frying Gansui, Zhutian, Ganze, Chongze, Kuze, Swollen Hand Flower Root.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cold.poisonous.Return spleen, lung, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Xie Shui Zhui Yin: used for edema and fullness, hydrops in the chest and abdomen, constipation and wind-phlegm epilepsy.For the treatment of edema all over the body, it can be combined with Morning Glory, that is, Erqi Decoction ("Shengji Zonglu"); for the treatment of hydrops in the chest and abdomen, grind it into powder with equal parts of Daphne genkwa and Euphorbia, and take it with jujube soup, that is, Shizao Decoction ("Shengji Zonglu") "Treatise on Febrile Diseases") can also be mixed with musk or a little borneol, mixed with warm water and applied to the navel and Zhongji acupoints; to treat wind-phlegm epilepsy, you can add kansui powder to the heart of pigs, simmer it, and take it with cinnabar powder to make pills, that is, Suixin Dan ("Ji Sheng Fang").Reducing swelling and dissipating stagnation: used for carbuncle sores, powdered for single use, mixed with water for external application.

In modern times, it is mostly used for liver cirrhosis ascites, pleural effusion caused by exudative pleurisy, acute and chronic nephritis, edema, etc.

【Usage and Dosage】Decoction: 0.5~3g; or into pills or powder, 0.3~1g.External application: appropriate amount, powdered for applying.

[Caution for use] This product is poisonous, pregnant women and the elderly and infirm should be used with caution or should not be used.Anti-licorice.Vinegaring or bread-simmering can reduce toxicity.

【Modern Research】Contains triterpenoids and citric acid, palmitic acid, oxalic acid, tannins, etc.According to animal experiments, it has obvious laxative effect, and raw Kansui has a stronger effect.After making vinegar, the laxative effect and toxicity are weakened.

For sugarcane, see "Bielu of Famous Doctors".It is the stem of the perennial grass plant sugarcane Saccharumsinensis Roxb.Widely planted in the southern provinces of my country.

[synonym] dry cane, pole cane, sugar stalk.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, cold.Return lung, stomach warp.

【Efficacy and application】clearing heat and promoting body fluid: used for body fluid injury, polydipsia, nausea and vomiting, alone or in combination.To treat nausea and vomiting, it can be used with ginger juice.Moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough: For dry cough, it can be boiled with water chestnut juice, honey and a little water.

It is commonly used in modern times for fever and polydipsia.

[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: 60-120g of sugarcane juice.

[Cautions for use] Use with caution in patients with spleen and stomach deficiency.

[Modern Research] Contains sugar, various amino acids, citric acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, malic acid and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, etc., and still contains polysaccharides.Polysaccharides have inhibitory effects on Ehrlich carcinoma and sarcoma-180 in mice.

See "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" for Shi Wei.Pyrrosialingua (Thunb.) Farw., Pyrrosia davidii (Gies.) Ching, Pyrrosia drakeana (Franch.) Ching, Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching, The leaves of Lushan stone reed Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching.There are many wild species in various places, mainly distributed in Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Henan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hebei and other places.

[Synonyms] Shi Wei, Shi Jian, Shi Lan, Venus Grass, Golden Spoon.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, sweet, slightly cold.Return lung, urinary bladder channel.

【Efficacy and application】Diuresis and stranguria relief: used for stranguria syndrome, edema, dysuria.To treat hot shower, it is often combined with plantago seed, Akebia, Qumai, etc., such as Shiwei Decoction ("Quansheng Zhimi Fang"), Shiwei San ("Syndrome and Treatment Guidelines"); to treat Shilin, it is often combined with talc, money Grass, Haijinsha, etc., such as Shiweisan ("Ancient and Modern Recorded Prescriptions"); it is especially suitable for treating bloody stranguria, and it is often combined with equal parts of Puhuang, Angelica, and Paeoniae. Urgent Qianjin Yaofang"); used for edema, dysuria, can be compatible with Poria cocos, Alisma, psyllium, etc.Cooling blood to stop bleeding: used for hematemesis caused by blood heat, epistaxis, metrorrhagia, used alone, or used in the same way with leaves of oriental cypress and gardenia.Clearing the lungs and resolving phlegm: For phlegm-heat cough, use alone, or grind into powder with equal parts of betel nut, and take with ginger soup.That is Shi Weisan ("Shengji Zonglu"); it can also be compatible with Houttuynia cordata, Baibu, etc.

Modern commonly used in urinary tract stones, acute and chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis hemoptysis.In addition, it can be used together with qi-nourishing and blood-invigorating medicines such as jujube and licorice to treat leukopenia caused by chemotherapy, and has the effect of increasing white blood cells.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g; or powdered.External application: appropriate amount, powdered for applying.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated for patients with yin deficiency and no damp-heat.

【Modern Research】Contains saponins, anthraquinones, flavonoids, etc.In animal experiments, it has obvious antitussive and expectorant effects.In vitro test, it has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus.

See "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" for lime.It is calcined from limestone Lime-stone.The block without weathering and deliquescence is quicklime; the powder that absorbs moisture and deliquesces is slaked lime.Produced all over the country.

[Synonym] quicklime, old lime, slaked lime, mineral ash, white ash.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, bitter, astringent, warm.poisonous.Return liver, spleen channel.

【Efficacy and application】Detoxification and corrosion: For carbuncle and furuncle, it can be used alone, mixed with vinegar or honey and applied to the affected area, or smashed together with purslane, chicken white and applied; for scrofula, it can be used with almonds and castor beans Pound them together to make an ointment for external use. For scrofula that has collapsed, it can be made into white jade ointment with vegetable oil for external application; for warts and corns, it can be used with glutinous rice in concentrated alkaline water, such as crystal ointment ("Yizong Jinjian").Squeeze sores and stop bleeding: For burns caused by water and fire, mix clarified slaked lime water with the same amount of sesame oil or tung oil and apply to the wound, such as Qingliang ointment ("Yizong Jinjian"); Remove rhubarb and mix it with powder; such as Taohuasan ("Surgery Authentic").Drying dampness and killing insects: For scabies, you can dissolve lime in water and take clear liquid to wash; for eczema, you can make peach blossom powder with rhubarb and apply it with sesame oil; for prickly heat and heat poisoning, you can work together with arrowroot powder and licorice Very fine powder puff.

In modern times, it is often used for sores, burns, herpes zoster, mange, traumatic bleeding, and common warts.

【Usage and Dosage】For external use: Appropriate amount, powdered for application; or take a clear aqueous solution and apply on the skin.Oral administration: 1-3g; made into pills, powders; or dissolved in water and taken as a clear solution for oral administration.

[Caution for use] quicklime is often used for detoxification and erosion; slaked lime or old lime is often used for astringent and damp drying.

[Modern Research] The main component is calcium oxide, which generates calcium hydroxide after absorbing water.

See "Materia Medica Recipe" for Shihua.It is the whole body of Parrnelia saxatilis Ach.Born on rocks, it is distributed in most parts of the country.

[Synonym] milk flower, lichen, stone moss flower, stone clothing.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, cold.Return liver, kidney, spleen channel.

【Efficacy and application】Reinforcing the kidney and strengthening the waist: It can be used for waist and knee pain due to kidney deficiency.Nourishing the liver and improving eyesight: It is used for blurred vision due to liver deficiency, and can be used in the same way as wolfberry and chrysanthemum.Heat-clearing and diuretic: used for urinating hot pain, can be decocted in single flavor.In addition, it can cool blood and stop bleeding. It can be used for vomiting blood due to blood heat and metrorrhagia. It can be used together with camellia and rhododendron.

It is commonly used in modern times for hypertension, arteriosclerosis, early senile cataract, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 6-12g; or grind into powder and soak in wine.External application: ground into powder and applied; or mixed with sesame oil.

【Modern Research】Mainly contain algae striatinic acid and so on.

See "Supplements to Materia Medica" for caddis silkworm.It is the rhizome or whole plant of the perennial herb of Drynariae family, Humata tyermanni Moore.Produced in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Jiangxi and other places.

[Synonym] Yinshijue, grass stone silkworm, stone strange snake, Shiqi snake, white stretching tendon, rock silkworm, mouse tail, bone snake medicine, white haired snake, white haired drynaria, hairy stone silkworm.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, light, cool.Return liver, gallbladder, lung, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and application】Expelling wind and dehumidification: used for arthralgia due to rheumatism, sore waist and legs, spasms of hands and feet, paralysis due to apoplexy, soaked in wine alone, or decocted in water.Clearing damp-heat: used for damp-heat jaundice, stranguria, leukorrhea, decoction with water and rock sugar.Heat-clearing and detoxifying: used for sore throat and gingival swelling and pain caused by heat-toxin stagnation, used alone, or in combination with forsythia, dandelion, Radix Radix, etc.; for mastitis, pounded for external application; for herpes zoster, pounded for application.

Modern commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, viral jaundice hepatitis, urinary tract infection, lung abscess, mastitis, tonsillitis, urticaria, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g; Grind into powder or soak in wine.External application: pounded for applying or pounded juice for applying.

[Modern Research] The whole plant contains flavonoid glycosides, organic acids, amino acids, phenols, and sugars.

See "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" for Dendrobium.It is the stem of the perennial evergreen herbaceous plant Dendrobium nobile Lindl. of Orchidaceae and various plants of the same genus.Mainly distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Taiwan and the Yangtze River Basin.

[Synonyms] Dendrobium nobile, Dendrobium yellow grass, Dendrobium small yellow grass, Dendrobium earrings, Fresh Dendrobium, Golden Dendrobium, Sichuan Dendrobium, Huoshan Dendrobium.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, slightly cold.Return stomach, lung, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and application】Nourishing stomach and promoting body fluid: used for fever and fluid injury, insufficient stomach yin, dry mouth and thirsty, often used together with fresh ground, Ophiopogon japonicus, Trichosanthes, etc.; for those who are thirsty, drink a lot, eat too much and lose weight, fresh dendrobium pollen can be used , Radix Gypsum, Gypsum, Polygonatum Polygonatum, etc.; those who suffer from loss of stomach yin, vomit immediately after eating, or sometimes retch, and have less tongue coating, can be combined with fresh Zhuru, Radix Radix Radix, Radix Ophiopogon japonicus, etc.Nourishing yin and clearing away heat: It can be used in combination with Baiwei, Anemarrhena, Baishao, etc.In addition, it can improve eyesight and strengthen the waist, and it can be used to treat dim vision and shade caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency. ); lower extremity flaccidity, weak walking, can be compatible with Rehmannia glutinosa, Achyranthes bidentata, Eucommia, tiger bone, etc.

Modern commonly used in chronic gastritis, diabetes, cataract and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 6-12g (15-30g for fresh products); decoction or into pills or powder.

[Caution for use] Do not use it too early for febrile disease, so as not to nourish love evil.It should be used fresh for fever and fluid injury; it should be used raw for yin deficiency and dry tongue.

[Modern Research] Contains dendrobine, dendrobine, dendrobine, dendrobine, dendrobine and other alkaloids, mucus, starch, etc.Dendrobine has a certain antipyretic and analgesic effect, and also has an inhibitory effect on breathing and blood pressure.Dendrobium decoction is taken orally to promote the secretion of gastric juice and help digestion. Its extract can stimulate the contraction of the smooth muscle of the small intestine of experimental animals and increase its tension.

Amaryllis see "Bencao Tujing".It is the bulb of Lyoris radiata (L'Her.) Herb., a perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae.Produced in most parts of the country.It is mainly produced in central and southwest China.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, warm.poisonous.Return stomach meridian.

【Efficacy and application】Detoxification and detumescence: used for carbuncle, furuncle, scrofula, appropriate amount smashed and applied to the affected area; used for sore throat, can be pounded juice and mixed with white wine.Eliminate phlegm and induce vomiting: For food poisoning, phlegm and salivary congestion, fresh Lycoris decoction can be taken.In addition, smashing fresh Lycoris and applying it to Yongquan acupoint or umbilicus can diuresis and reduce swelling; spraying 10% Lycoris extract can kill maggots; making poisonous bait with Lycoris powder and food can kill rats.

Modern commonly used in carbuncle furuncle, tonsillitis, mumps, nephritis and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 1.5-3g; or pounded into juice.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying; or twisted for juice; or decocted for fumigation.

【Cautions for use】Because of its strong emetic effect, it is rarely used internally.Contraindicated for those with weak body, no real evil and those with nausea.

[Modern Research] Contains a variety of alkaloids, starch, lycocidinol, etc.It has sedative, antipyretic, analgesic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, emetic, anti-tumor, anti-viral and other effects.

(End of this chapter)

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