Chapter 6 Three Paintings (1)
See "Compendium of Materia Medica" for Radix Notoginseng.It is the root of Panaxpseudo-ginseng Wall.var.notoginseng (Burkill) Hoo & Tseng, a perennial herb of Araliaceae.Mainly produced in Yunnan, Guangxi and other places.

[Synonyms] Jin Buhuan, Blood Ginseng, Sanqi, Tianqi, Tianqi, Tianqi, Dianqi.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, slightly bitter, warm.Return liver, stomach warp.

【Efficacy and Application】Removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding: used for hemoptysis, vomiting blood, epistaxis, hematuria, hematochezia, metrorrhagia and other internal and external bleeding syndromes, powdered as a single ingredient, taken with warm water, or compatible with pistil stone and blood residue charcoal , keel, etc., such as Huaxue Dan ("Medicine Zhongzhong Shenxilu"); for traumatic bleeding, powder can be used to spread the wound.Reducing swelling and relieving pain: It is used for confidant pain caused by blood stagnation, dysmenorrhea, bruises, blood stasis and bruise pain, and carbuncle sore swelling and pain. It can be used as a powder for oral administration alone, or it can be combined with peach kernel, safflower, angelica, Zeilan is equivalently used, such as Zeilan Tang ("Medical Mind Enlightenment").

Modern commonly used in coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hyperlipidemia, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, tuberculosis or lung abscess hemoptysis, traumatic brain injury, hematuria, eye bleeding, thrombocytopenic purpura, severe hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, acute nephritis in children, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 4.5-9g; or powdered and swallowed, 1.5-3g.External application: appropriate amount, grind the juice and apply; grind into powder and sprinkle; or adjust for applying.

[Cautions for use] This product promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis and hinders fetal vitality, so pregnant women should not take it.It is advisable to treat bleeding especially for those with stasis.

【Modern Research】Contains total saponins, such as notoginseng saponins A and B.It also contains a small amount of flavonoid alcohol compound Panax notoginseng flavone A (quercetin) and so on.Panax notoginseng extract has the effect of increasing coronary blood flow in animals, increasing the range of myocardial contraction and more complete ventricular diastole.Cardiac output significantly increased.It has a cardiotonic effect on the existing frog heart, and has a significant expansion effect on the isolated rabbit ear blood vessels.It can shorten the blood coagulation time of rabbits, and has a good hemostatic effect on bleeding from internal organs, liver and spleen of rabbits.

See "Supplements to Materia Medica" for trigonum.It is the tuber of the perennial herbaceous plant Spargamium stoloni-ferum Buch-Ham. of the family Black Trigonaceae.Mainly produced in Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Jiangxi, Anhui and other places.

[Synonyms] Jing Sanleng, Jing Sanleng, Shanleng, Light Sanleng, Vinegar Sanleng.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, pungent, flat.Return liver, spleen channel.

【Efficacy and application】Break blood and promote qi: It is used for amenorrhea, abdominal pain caused by blood stasis and qi stagnation, and postpartum stagnant abdominal pain. Science Standards").Dispelling stagnation and relieving pain: used for stagnation of qi due to food accumulation, distension and pain in the abdomen, often used together with curcuma, green skin, malt, etc., such as Sanleng decoction ("Xuanqi Fang").If the spleen and stomach are weak, anorexia, and fatigue, it can be compatible with Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, licorice, etc.

In modern times, it is often used for ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids, hemangioma, benign tumors of thyroid gland and breast, hepatosplenomegaly, liver cancer, indigestion, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-10g.

[Cautions for use] This product breaks blood and removes blood stasis, is easy to injure righteousness, qi deficiency and frailty, blood dryness, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, and pregnant women should not be used.

【Modern Research】Contains volatile oil and starch.Its extract has obvious inhibitory effect on mouse sarcoma 180.It has an inhibitory effect on liver cancer entities.The decoction has the effect of contracting the isolated rabbit intestine and increasing the tension.

Three-pointed tiger see "Guangxi Medicinal Plant List".It is the stem, leaf and root of Rutaceae deciduous shrub or small tree Evodia lepta (Spr.) Merr.Distributed in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

[Synonyms] Sanyaku, Turtle Dove Flower, Three Guns, Xiaohuangsan, Xiaohuangsan.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cold.Return lung, spleen, stomach, liver channel.

【Efficacy and application】clearing heat and detoxifying: for exogenous fever, febrile disease at the beginning, sore throat, use its root alone, or decoct with honeysuckle and wild chrysanthemum; for eczema, boils, swelling, hemorrhoids, can be used alone Decoction for external washing; for snake bites, the root bark can be pounded and applied to the affected area alone; for lung heat cough, it can be decocted with water and rock sugar alone; for pulmonary abscess, it can be combined with Houttuynia cordata, Yisaoguang, snake Root grass and other compatibility.Expelling wind and removing dampness: used for rheumatic arthralgia, lumbago and leg pain, can be used alone.

Modern commonly used in influenza, meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, lung abscess, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, boils, eczema, etc.

【Usage and Dosage】Decoction: 9~15g.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying; or decocted for washing.

[Modern Research] Contains alkaloids, volatile oils, etc.It has inhibitory effect on Shigella.

See "Experiential Identification Method of Form and Property of Traditional Chinese Medicine" for three-thirds.It is the root, leaf or seed of the perennial herb of Solanaceae Scopolia acutangula CYWu etC.Chen.Distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan and other places.

[Synonyms] Shanyeyan, Dasou Shanhu, Shanqiuzi, Yehanyan.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, pungent, warm.highly toxic.Return liver channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Spasmodic and analgesic: used for spasmodic stomachache, liver, gallbladder, intestinal colic, rheumatism arthralgia, bruises, etc., root and leaf 0.9g can be used alone, decocted in water, or ground into powder for oral administration. It can also be powdered and sprinkled on the plaster to apply to the affected area.

Modern commonly used in gastric and duodenal ulcers, biliary colic, intestinal spasm, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 0.6-0.9g; or powdered.External application: appropriate amount, ground into powder, mixed with wine and applied; or soaked in wine for application.

[Caution for use] This product is highly toxic, and the dose must be strictly controlled. Overdose may cause poisoning or even death.Patients with heart disease and glaucoma should not take it.Do not eat raw, cold, beans, beef and mutton while taking the medicine.

[Modern Research] Contains various alkaloids such as hyoscyamine and rhizomatine.Hyoscyamine acts like atropine.The liquid extract has the effects of dilating the pupil and relieving spasm of smooth muscle.The red ancient bean mandelate made from red ancient soybeans also has the effect of atropine, and has the effect of lowering blood pressure.

See "Newly Revised Materia Medica" for Sanbaicao.It is the whole herb of the perennial herbaceous plant Saururus chinensis (Lour.) Baill.Distributed in Hebei, Shandong and southern provinces.

[Synonym] Shuimutong, Wulubai, Sandianbai, Polygonatum odoratum, Wuyebai, Baihuazhaoshuilian, Nature grass, Baijie lotus root, Sanbaiye, Guotanglian.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, pungent, cold.Return spleen, stomach, bladder, gallbladder meridian.

【Efficacy and application】clearing damp-heat: used for damp-heat stranguria syndrome, often used in the same way as plantain and commelina.For bloody patients, it can be combined with Imperata rhizome and thistle; for edema and dysuria, it can be combined with Poria cocos, plantain, Alisma, cassia twig, etc.; for jaundice, it can be combined with capillary, Tianjihuang, etc.; For dysentery, it can be used with purslane, brocade, etc.; for red and white vaginal discharge, it can be compatible with Toon root bark, cockscomb, etc.Detoxification and detumescence: used for carbuncle and swollen poison, snake bites, can be smashed for external application and decoction.

It is commonly used in modern times for urinary tract infection, urinary calculus, nephritis and edema.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 15-30g; or pounded juice to drink.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying or decocted for washing.

【Modern Research】Contains volatile oil.The leaves contain quercetin, quercetin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin, etc.The decoction has a certain antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi in vitro.

Triangle Wind see "Guizhou Folk Medicine".It is the root or stem of Parthenocissus heterophylla (Bl.) Merr., a vine of the grape family.It is distributed throughout southern my country.

[synonym] ivy, different leaf brocade, small leaf red rattan, hanging rock wind, three skin wind.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, warm.Return liver, kidney channel.

[Application] Dispelling wind and dredging collaterals: For rheumatic arthralgia, spasm of hands and feet, it can be used in the same amount as Chlorophytum, stewed pig's trotters; for migraine, it can be combined with Fangfeng, Chuanxiong, etc.Detoxification and detumescence: For rheumatic sores, it can be washed with thick soup such as honeysuckle, forsythia, and wormwood leaves, or smashed, and heated for external application.Osteoarthritis healing: used for fracture pain, smashed and applied to the affected area.

Modern commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, herpes zoster, boils and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 15-30g.External application: smashed for applying; decocted for washing; or ground for application.

See "Shaanxi Chinese Herbal Medicine" for the three-sided knife.It is the rhizome of the perennial herb of Ranunculaceae Cimicifuga acerina ( ZucL.) Tanaka.Mainly produced in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guizhou, Henan, Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places.

[Synonyms] Jinsi Sanqi, Hat Braid Seven, Open Throat Arrow, Tea Seven.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, bitter, cold.It is slightly poisonous.Return lung, liver, kidney channel.

【Efficacy and application】clearing away heat and detoxification: for throat swelling and pain caused by heat and toxin, chew it in the mouth, and swallow slowly; for boils and swelling, add a little salt, mash it and apply to the affected area.Activating blood and promoting qi: used for pain in the waist and legs due to blood stagnation, bruises, used alone, decocted with sugar, or combined with Sikuaiwa, Hongmaoqi, Hongsanqi, and Niuziqi, dipped into wine for oral administration.

It is commonly used in modern times for acute and chronic pharyngitis, lumbar muscle strain, rheumatoid arthritis, joint and muscle sprains, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-6g; or steeped in wine.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying.

[Modern Research] Contains chamomile glycosides, comichedrol, etc.

See "Classification of Herbal Medicine" for the three needles.It is the root bark or stem bark of Berberis sargentiana Schneid., Berberis brachypoda Maxim., and Berberis dictyophylla Franch.var.epruinosa Schneid., evergreen shrubs of Berberidaceae.The thorn black pearl is mainly produced in Sichuan, Hubei, Guizhou and other places; the barberry is mainly produced in Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, Shanxi and other places; the black stone pearl is mainly produced in Tibet and other places.

[synonym] thorn coptis.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cold.Return spleen, stomach, large intestine, liver, gallbladder meridian.

【Efficacy and application】clearing away heat and dampness: used for damp-heat diarrhea and jaundice, decocted with water alone.To treat diarrhea, it can also be combined with evodia root and azalea root.Purging fire and detoxifying: For carbuncle sores, erysipelas, burns caused by water and fire, it can be ground into powder and mixed with water or sesame oil for application; for sore throat, it can be decocted with Arrowhead and Xuedan water.In addition, it can be used alone to rub the eyes with rubbing water, or decocted with psyllium seed, bright grass, tea chrysanthemum, and gentian root, and it can also treat outbreaks of conjunctivitis; with talc, Qingdai, and raw gypsum as the end, mixed with Vaseline, it can also cure eczema.

It is commonly used in modern times for acute bacillary dysentery, enteritis, jaundice, carbuncle furuncle, eczema, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 15-30g (30-60g for fresh products); or grind into powder and soak in wine.External application: appropriate amount, grind into powder and apply.

【Modern research】contains berberine, etc.It can inhibit or kill Shigella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Leptospira, Leishmania, amoeba, etc.; It also has the functions of benefiting the gallbladder, relieving the tension of the gallbladder, and reducing pain.Total alkaloids can increase leukocytes; leukocytes in rats and dogs caused by the anticancer drug cyclophosphamide can increase; at the same time, it can enhance the anticancer effect of cyclophosphamide.

See "National Chinese Herbal Medicine Compilation" for three-clawed golden dragon.It is the whole plant of the three-leaf creeper Parthenocissus himalayana (Royle) Planch., a deciduous climbing vine of the grape family.Distributed in South Central, Southwest and Gansu.

[Synonyms] Little red vine, green grape vine, three-clawed phoenix, big blood vine.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, warm.Return liver channel.

【Efficacy and application】Expelling wind and dampness: used for rheumatic arthralgia, often mixed with triangular wind in equal parts, decocted to wash the affected area.Dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain: For bruises, it can be mixed with Jianxuefei in equal parts, soaked in wine, or taken with Chi Pueraria root, smashed, added with wine to stir-fry and wrap the affected area.

Modern commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, bruises and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 10-15g; or soak in wine.External application: Appropriate amount, decocted for washing, or crushed and applied to the affected area.

For Potentilla trifoliata, see "Zhejiang Folk Medicines Commonly Used".It is the whole herb of Potentilla freyniana Bornm, a perennial herb of Rosaceae.Distributed in Sichuan, Hunan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places.

[Synonym] Three-clawed Gold, Three-Piece Wind, Soft-stem Shetwisted, Three-Leaf, Difengzi, Rotten Kuchun, Three-leaf Snakeberry, Three-leaf Snakeberry, and Ground Bee.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, astringent, slightly cold.Return liver, spleen channel.

【Efficacy and application】clearing away heat and detoxifying: used for carbuncle, swollen furuncle, aphtha of the mouth and tongue, diarrhea and abdominal pain, poisonous snake bites, water and fire burns caused by accumulation of heat and toxin.To treat sores and swells, it can also be compatible with Viola chinensis, wild chrysanthemum, etc.; to treat aphtha, it can also take leaf powder, mix with a little borneol, and wrap the medicine powder in cloth and dip it in boiling water.Convergence and hemostasis: for metrorrhagia, hematemesis, and blood in the stool, decocted for single use, or powdered for oral administration; for traumatic bleeding, pounded for external application.Dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain: used for stomachache, dysmenorrhea, bruises, etc., can be used alone as a powder, or mixed with water and wine for application.

In modern times, it is commonly used for carbuncle boils, swelling and pain, gastric and duodenal ulcer bleeding, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, bacillary dysentery, enteritis, aphtha of the mouth and tongue, burns, bruises, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 10~15g; grind into powder, 1~3g; or soak in wine.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying; or decocted for washing; or ground into powder and sprinkled.

[Modern Research] In vitro tests have inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus.

See "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" for dried ginger.It is the dry rhizome of Zingiber officinale Rose.

[Synonym] Light dried ginger, dried ginger slices, white ginger, average ginger, dried ginger.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, hot.Go into spleen, stomach, lung, heart channel.

【Efficacy and application】Warming the middle and dispelling cold: used for deficiency of the spleen and stomach, cold pain in the abdomen, clearing the valley, nausea and vomiting, clearing the mouth, often used together with Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, and licorice, that is, Lizhong Pills ("Treatise on Febrile Diseases") ).Huiyang Tongmai: It is used for Yin-cold excess, Yang-qi weakening, extremities are cold, and the pulse is weak and dying.Warming the lungs and resolving phlegm: used for coughing with cold drink, shortness of breath and difficulty, often combined with Poria cocos, licorice, asarum, schisandra, etc., such as Linggan Wuwei Jiangxin Decoction.In addition, the powdered water is mixed and applied to the soles of the feet, which can cure red eyes.

In modern times, it is often used for chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, simple dyspepsia in children, chronic colitis, chronic bronchitis, postmenstrual abdominal pain, heart failure, myocardial infarction combined with shock, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-10g.

【Cautions for use】This product is hot and pungent, easily consumes yin fluid and stimulates fetal qi, so it is contraindicated for those with yin deficiency and internal heat and blood heat, and pregnant women should take it with caution.

【Modern Research】Dried ginger has the same ingredients as ginger, mainly containing capsaicin and ginger oil.It has the effect of reflexively exciting the vasomotor center and sympathetic nerves, increasing blood pressure, and has the effects of invigorating the stomach and relieving vomiting.

See "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" for dry lacquer.It is the processed dry product of Rhus verniciflua Stokes, a deciduous tree of the Anacardiaceae family.Mainly produced in Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangdong, Anhui and other places.It is generally used to dry the leftover paint feet in the paint bucket.

[synonym] paint slag, paint bottom, paint foot, big wood paint.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, bitter, warm.poisonous.Return liver, stomach warp.

【Efficacy and application】Blood blood and blood stasis: It is used for the accumulation of lumps caused by blood stasis, onychomycosis, abdominal pain after amenorrhea, persistent afterbirth, lochia, and purple tongue. It is often used in combination with peach kernel, safflower, angelica, and paeonol , turtle shell, rhubarb, etc.Eliminate accumulation and kill insects: It is used for malnutrition and abdominal pain caused by insect accumulation in children.To treat malnutrition in children, it can be combined with Shijunzi, Lei Wan, japonica rice, orange peel, etc.; to treat abdominal pain due to insect accumulation, it can be combined with neem root bark, crane lice, betel nut, etc.

Modern commonly used in hepatosplenomegaly, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, amenorrhea, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: Stir-fry until the smoke is exhausted, put into pills or powders, 0.09-0.15g.

[Cautions for use] Pregnant women and those who are physically deficient and without blood stasis should take it with caution.

(End of this chapter)

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