Chapter 78: Nine Paintings (3)
[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 6-12g; or powder.

[Modern Research] Contains oleanolic acid, alba fatty acid, ursolic acid, glucoside, tannins, etc.

For lemon, see "Lingnan Herb Collection".It is the fruit of Citrus limonia Osbeck. or Citrus limon Burm., a shrub of Rutaceae.Cultivated in southern my country.

[Synonyms] Li Mengzi, Yimuzi, Yaoguo, Yimuguo, Lemon Fruit.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sour, sweet, cool.Return lung, stomach warp.

【Efficacy and application】Resolving phlegm and relieving cough: It is used for cough and asthma caused by phlegm-heat obstructing the lungs, used alone or in combination with sand ginseng and Fritillaria.Dispelling summer heat and promoting body fluid: used for hot thirst, dizziness and pain, drink with twisted juice, or decoct with Magnolia officinalis officinalis officinalis, Yinhua and bamboo leaves.Harmonizing and preventing miscarriage: It is used for stomach qi disharmony in pregnant women, less appetite and less appetite, regurgitation and urgency, twisted juice and sugar drink.

It is commonly used in modern times for chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, chronic gastritis, vitamin C deficiency, and vomiting of pregnancy.

[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: twisted juice drink or raw food.

[Modern Research] Lemon fruit contains flavonoid glycosides such as hesperidin, naringin, eriocitrin, eriodictyol glucoside, and organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, and quinic acid. It also contains vitamin B1 and vitamin B2. , vitamin C, niacin, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients can promote the secretion of digestive juices, and hesperidin and naringin have anti-inflammatory effects.

For Tamarix, see "The Classic of Materia Medica".It is the delicate branches and leaves of Tamarix chinensis Lour. Tamarix.juniperina Bge.Mainly produced in Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Hubei, Yunnan, Fujian, Guangdong and other places.

[Synonyms] River Willow, Red Tamarix, Sanchun Willow, Spring Willow, Sanmian Willow, Longevity Immortal Willow, Guanyin Willow, Weeping Silk Willow, West River Willow, Red Tamarix, Red Tendon Willow, Mountain River Willow, Red Willow.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, flat.Return lung, stomach, heart channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Relieve the appearance and clear the rash: It is used in the early stage of measles, the hair is not smooth, or the appearance is evil, and the rash is inward. It is often compatible with mint, cicada slough, bamboo leaves, burdock seeds, etc. ("Xian Xing Zhai Medical Notes"); it can also be decocted, fumigated, washed and rubbed.Dispelling wind and relieving itching: used for itching due to rubella, decocted for oral administration and washed with water, often used in the same way as Schizonepeta, Fangfeng, and Mint.Expelling wind and dampness: used for rheumatic arthralgia, often in combination with Qianghuo, Duhuo, Gentiana chinensis, etc.

Modern commonly used for measles, colds, rheumatoid arthritis, nasopharyngeal cancer, scabies, etc.For the treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, it can be decocted with Digupi 30g in water.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-15g.External application: appropriate amount, decocted for washing.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated in patients with measles and hyperhidrosis.

【Modern Research】Contains resin, quercetin, tannin, etc.The extract solution has a certain antipyretic effect on artificially febrile rabbits.The decoction has obvious antitussive effect on mice induced by spraying ammonia water; in vitro test, it has inhibitory effect on Streptococcus pneumoniae, A-hemolytic streptococcus, Staphylococcus albus and Haemophilus influenzae.

For coriander, see "Diet Therapy Materia Medica".It is the rooted whole plant of Coriandrum sativum L., an annual herb of Umbelliferae.It is planted in various regions of our country.

[synonym] coriander, coriander, coriander, coriander, coriander, baby's breath.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, warm.Return lung, spleen channel.

【Efficacy and application】Sweat and rash: used for wind-cold bundle surface, measles, poor hair penetration, wind-cold cold, aversion to cold and fever, decocted with water alone, or decocted for local fumigation; it is also often used as Nepeta, duckweed, and mint. use.Dispelling food and lowering qi: used for loss of appetite, epigastric fullness, stagnant stomach pain, can be used for seasoning; it can also be used with hawthorn, divine comedy, malt, orange peel, pinellia, etc.

It is commonly used in modern times for measles, rubella, chronic gastritis, indigestion, urinary tract infection, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, etc.For prolapse of the anus, smoked anus can be burned.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g (15-30g for fresh products).External application: Appropriate amount, decocted for fumigation or smashed for applying.

[Cautions for use] The measles has penetrated, or if the heat and toxin are stagnated even though the measles has not penetrated, it is contraindicated for those who are not exposed to wind and cold.

[Modern Research] Contains volatile oil, vitamin C, n-decyl aldehyde, linalool, etc.

See "Newly Revised Materia Medica" for pepper.It is the fruit of Piper nigrum L., an evergreen vine of the family Piperaceae.Medicinal products are divided into white pepper and black pepper.Domestically produced in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places; abroad produced in Malaysia, Indonesia, southern India, Thailand, Vietnam and other places.

[synonym] floating pepper, white pepper, black pepper.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] pungent, hot.Return stomach, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】Warming the middle and expelling cold: used for spleen and stomach deficiency, cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, used alone, or used in combination with ginger, galangal, pinellia, and jujube.Appetizing and eating: used for loss of appetite, nausea and discomfort, often used as a condiment.In addition, ground powder, boiled and washed outside, can also treat eczema of the scrotum; soaked in wine and applied externally, it can cure chilblain; equal parts with Piper longum, wrap it in cloth, and bite the affected area to treat windworm toothache.

In modern times, it is mostly used for gastroenteritis, chronic gastritis, and simple dyspepsia in children.If you put 7 peppercorns in the eggs and steam them, take them at a time, 2 for adults each time, 1 for children, 10 days as a course of treatment, and then take the second course of treatment every 1 days, generally 3 courses of treatment, the effect of treating nephritis good.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 1.5-3g; or into pills or powder.External application: Appropriate amount, powdered for application; or placed in plaster for internal application.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated in patients with yin deficiency and fire.

[Modern Research] Contains piperine, piperine, piperonine and volatile oil.Chewing this product can temporarily increase blood pressure and last for 10-15 minutes; a small amount of oral administration can increase appetite; piperine has central nervous system inhibition, hypnosis, sedation, anticonvulsion, antidepression, muscle relaxation, local anesthesia, inhibition fungi etc.

For fenugreek, see "Jiayou Supplementary Notes on Shennong Materia Medica".It is the seed of Trigonella foemum-graecum L., an annual herbaceous plant of leguminous family.Mainly produced in Henan, Anhui, Sichuan and other places.

[Synonym] Fenugreek, Bitter Bean, Lubazi, Huba, Kidney Bean, and Fragrant Bean.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, warm.Return kidney, Liver Channel.

【Efficacy and application】Warming the kidney and supporting yang: used for kidney deficiency and cold, cold hernia, abdominal pain, cold shrinkage of the scrotum, single use, or with cumin, litchi core, black medicine, etc.; if it is compatible with raspberry, sealwort, aconite, etc., It also controls impotence due to deficiency of the kidney, nocturnal emission, soreness of the waist and knees.Dispelling cold and dehumidification: used for cold-damp beriberi, soreness, cold pain, and weakness in walking. It is often used with psoralen, papaya, and achyranthes bidentata.

It is commonly used in modern times for hernia, sexual dysfunction, chronic prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.Grinding it into powder and taking it as honeyed pills, 2 pills per day (equivalent to 4g of crude drug), can prevent altitude sickness; a daily dose of 8-12g has a therapeutic effect.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 4.5-9g; or into pills or powder.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated in patients with yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire and pregnant women.

[Modern research] Contains trigonelline, choline, protein, volatile oil, vitamin B1, etc.With hypoglycemic, hypotensive, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and other effects.

For Hu Zhizi, see "Materia Medica for Rescuing Famines".It is the stem and leaf of the leguminous shrub Lespedeza bicolorTurcz.There are many distributions in the north and south of my country.

[Synonym] Suijuncha, Saotiao, Wild Peanut, Bean Leaf Chai, Nocturia, Fake Peanut.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, flat.Return lung, heart, liver channel.

【Efficacy and application】clearing heat and moistening the lungs: used for cough caused by pathogenic heat obstructing the lungs, sticky yellow phlegm, epistaxis, often decocted with rock sugar; it can also be used in combination with Scutellaria baicalensis, coltsfoot flower, Baibu, Chuan Fritillaria, bellflower, licorice, etc. .Lishui Tonglin: used for dysuria, dripping and astringent pain caused by damp heat in the lower Jiao, it can be compatible with plantain, etc.

Modern commonly used in chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, urinary tract infection and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 6-15g (30-60g for fresh products).

【Modern Research】Contains quercetin, kaempferol, trefoil bean glucoside, etc.

See "Compendium of Materia Medica" for walnut kernel.It is the seed kernel of Juglans regiaL., a deciduous tree of the Juglandaceae family.Mainly produced in Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi and other places.

[synonym] walnut meat, walnut kernel.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, warm.Return lung, kidney, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】Reinforcing the kidney and supporting yang: It is used for low back pain due to kidney deficiency, sore legs and feet, and difficulty in sitting up.Invigorating the lung and relieving asthma: used for asthma due to deficiency cold or lung and kidney deficiency, often used together with ginseng and ginger, that is, ginseng and walnut soup ("Jisheng Fang"); for chronic cough, it can be made into a honeyed pill with ginseng and almonds .Moisturizing bowel and laxative: It is used for intestinal dryness and constipation caused by kidney deficiency, essence deficiency and body fluid insufficiency after illness. It can be used alone or in combination with hemp seed, Cistanche deserticola, Yu Liren, angelica tail, etc.In addition, taking porridge alone can cure Shilin; smashing it and taking it with boiled sugar water, 3 times a day, can cure viscera syndrome.

In modern times, it is often used for chronic asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, urinary stones, habitual constipation, dermatitis, eczema, boils and swelling of the external auditory canal, etc.For the treatment of urinary calculi, 120g of walnut kernels can be fried and crisped, ground into a paste with an appropriate amount of sugar, and taken in portions within 2 to [-] days.

【Usage and Dosage】Decoction: 9-15g; or as pills or powder.External application: appropriate amount, smashed for applying.

[Cautions for use] Contraindicated in patients with yin deficiency and hyperactivity of fire, phlegm-heat cough and loose stool.

[Modern Research] Contains fatty oil, protein, carbohydrates and trace amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, riboflavin, etc.It has the effects of relieving cough and relieving asthma.

See "Daily Materia Medica" for carrots.It is the root of Daucus carota L.var.sativa DC., an herbaceous plant of Umbelliferae.It is cultivated all over the country.

[synonym] yellow radish, calabash, red calabash, clove radish, red radish.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sweet, flat.Return lung, spleen channel.

【Efficacy and Application】Invigorating the spleen and resolving stagnation: It is used for indigestion and stagnation of the spleen and stomach. It can be boiled or eaten raw or drunk with juice.Eliminating phlegm and relieving cough: used for cough caused by phlegm dampness in the lung, pertussis.It can be used equally with red dates or pinellia, tangerine peel, poria cocos, coltsfoot flower, and hundred.Toxic rash detoxification: used for measles and chickenpox, often decocted with coriander and water chestnuts.Nourishing the liver and improving eyesight: For blurred vision due to liver deficiency, it can be used with Polygonum multiflorum and Ligustrum lucidum; for night blindness, it can be cooked with sheep liver.

Modern commonly used in indigestion, chronic bronchitis, chronic gastritis and so on.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: Appropriate amount, eaten raw or pounded into juice.

[Modern Research] Contains a variety of carotene, vitamin B1, anthocyanins, sugar, umbelliferone, fatty oil, volatile oil, etc.

See "Newly Revised Materia Medica" for Hu Huanglian.It is the rhizome of Picrorrhiza kurrooa Royle ex Ben or Picrorrhiza scrophulariaeflora Pennell., a perennial herb of Scrophulariaceae.Huhuanglian is produced in India and Indonesia; Tibetan Huhuanglian is produced in Tibet, Yunnan, and Sichuan.

[Synonym] Hulian, fake Hulian.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, cold.Return liver, stomach, large intestine channel.

【Efficacy and application】Reducing steaming and eliminating malnutrition: used for bone steaming due to yin deficiency, hot flashes, and night sweats, often used in conjunction with Yin Bupleurum, Digupi, and Turtle Shell, such as Qinggusan ("Syndrome and Treatment Guidelines"); For children with malnutrition and fever, it is often combined with Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Shijunzi, such as Feier Wan ("Yi Zong Jin Jian"), and 15g of Huhuanglian and 30g of Wulingzhi can also be used. The pill is as big as a mung bean, take it once a day, 1-10 pills each time, and take it with rice soup.Clearing away heat and dampness: for damp-heat diarrhea, used alone, or used together with Cortex Phellodendron, Scutellaria, Sophora flavescens; for hemorrhoids, ground into powder, and externally applied with goose bile. , Sophora japonica pills are taken.Cooling blood to stop bleeding: It is used for hematemesis, epistaxis, dysentery, and blood in stool caused by heat-injured blood collaterals. It is often taken in equal parts with raw land, and pig bile is taken as a pill, that is, Huhuanglian powder ("Puji Fang").In addition, equal parts with pangolin (burned) as powder, mixed with tea or chicken, can cure carbuncle sores; dipped in human milk to treat red eyes.

In modern times, it is often used for tuberculosis, fever of wasting disease, icteric hepatitis, enteritis, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, conjunctivitis, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 3-9g; or into pills or powder.External application: appropriate amount, ground into powder and applied; or dipped in juice and applied to eyes.

[Cautions for use] Take it with caution for those with weak spleen and stomach.

[Modern Research] Contains berberine, berberine picroside I, berberine picroside II, D-mannitol, vanilla acid, berberine alcohol, berberine sterol, etc.The extract is choleretic and antibacterial.The water infusion has inhibitory effect on 12 kinds of skin fungi.

See "Materia Medica Collection Notes" for Hu Kuizi.It is the fruit of Elaeagnus pungens Thunb., a plant of the family Elaeaceae.Distributed in East China, Southwest China, Hubei, Hunan and other places.

[Synonyms] Puzaizi, sweet stick hammer, fake lantern, sweet fruit.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sour, astringent, flat.Return spleen, stomach, large intestine, lung meridian.

【Efficacy and application】Astringent intestine antidiarrheal: used for chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, decocted with water alone.Invigorating the Spleen and Dispelling Food: Used for loss of appetite and indigestion, decocted alone, or used together with Hawthorn, Divine Comedy, and Radix Seed.Relieving cough and relieving asthma: used for cough and asthma, which will not heal after a long time, decocted or taken alone, or fried dry ground powder for mixing.In addition, if cooked with pig large intestine and jujube water wine, it can cure metrorrhagia, leukorrhagia, and blood in stool.

Modern commonly used in chronic enteritis, indigestion, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

[Usage and Application] Decoction: 9-15g.External application: appropriate amount, decocted for washing.

See "Supplements to Materia Medica" for the cotyledon leaves.It is the leaf of Elaeagnus pungens Thunb.

[synonym] sage leaves, cattail leaves, pansang leaves.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] sour, flat.Return lung meridian.

【Efficacy and Application】Relieve cough and relieve asthma: It is used for cough, asthma, and excessive phlegm due to lung insufficiency. It is decocted and taken alone, or fried with a slow fire until light yellow, ground into powder, and taken with hot rice soup.Stop bleeding and eliminate carbuncle: It is used for coughing up bloody sputum with blood in the lung collaterals, hemorrhage from golden sores, and carbuncle on the back.To treat bloody phlegm due to lung collateral damage, it can be decocted with rock sugar; to treat bleeding from golden sores, mash fresh leaves and apply to the affected area.

Modern commonly used in chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis hemoptysis, bee, snake bites and so on.To treat chronic bronchitis, you can take 15g each of the cotyledon leaves and ghost needle grass, decoct in water.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g (15-30g for fresh products); or powdered.External application: appropriate amount, crushed for applying; or powdered for applying.

【Modern Research】It has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Branham catarrh and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

See "Supplements to Materia Medica" for the roots of Hutuizi.It is the root of Elaeagnuspungns Thunb.

[synonym] milk root, root squeezed, leaf thorn head.

[meridian distribution of property and flavor] bitter, sour, flat.Return liver, lung, stomach warp.

【Efficacy and application】Cough and asthma relief: used for chronic cough and asthma, used alone, or in combination with coltsfoot, basil, platycodon grandiflora, almond, magnolia bark, etc.Harmonizing blood to stop bleeding: For hematemesis, hemoptysis, blood in the stool, menorrhagia due to evil injuries to collaterals, decocted with water alone; for bruises, it can be compatible with baby vine root and Liao Diao bamboo root, decocted in half with wine and water.Expelling wind and promoting dampness: for rheumatic joint pain, damp-heat jaundice, diarrhea, decocted in water; for skin eczema, decocted in water for external washing.Clearing the throat: It is used for sore throat and aphonia due to accumulation of toxic heat.In addition, only use decocted thick juice to wash the affected area, and decocted water for oral administration, it can also treat unknown swelling and poison, mastitis.Resolving accumulation and stagnation: used for dietary stagnation, epigastric pain, malnutrition in children, alone, or in combination with Cyperus cyperi, tangerine peel, radish seed, hawthorn, forsythia, Poria, etc.

Modern commonly used for colds, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, jaundice hepatitis, bacillary dysentery, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic gastritis, indigestion, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, uterine bleeding, bleeding hemorrhoids, tooth pain, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction: 9-15g (fresh product 30-60g), or soak in wine.External application: appropriate amount, decocted for washing.

(End of this chapter)

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