Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 114 Love the Devil Who Takes the Bed

Chapter 114 Love the Devil Who Takes the Bed

"I touched and looked at it..." He lowered his head next to her ear, and there was a burst of heat, "Are you not wanting to be responsible, and playing hooligans against this deity?"

Is she this kind of person?


Mei Baoer felt that the devil was treacherous and always let herself fall into the trap.

"Well... it's getting late, I'm going to rest, there's not enough space here, why don't you move to Mei's house?"

Mo Ming shook his head: "I'm tired, I don't want to move, I think there is a nice big bed here?"

She protested that the bed was hers.

However, Mo Ming didn't care about her, he jumped onto the bed and lay down.It looks the same when standing, but it is even more charming when lying down.

She silently muttered in her heart, why is a man so attractive! !Sitting on the edge of the bed, I felt a little helpless: "Hey, the devil, you are a strong man anyway, why are you so cheeky and rascal?"


She twitched the corners of her mouth, but he was able to sleep.

Turning around, she saw that he had closed his eyes and was breathing evenly, which made her feel helpless. Could it be that he was really tired? ?

Will the strong get tired too? ?

maybe! !

She felt that her head must have been pinched by the crack of the door, but she couldn't hate him.

With his chin in his hands, the devil is a scheming bitch! !
Supporting his head, looking at him falling asleep out of the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but look carefully again.Gradually, her eyelids could not be opened, and slowly closed.

She is not a devil, she has to sleep and practice!

Let's make it through the night!

In the middle of the night, a small person fell on his chest, and he gently supported him, but he didn't wake up.Moved her inside, stared at the little person contentedly, and fell asleep.

In the morning, when Mei Baoer woke up, she didn't see Mo Ming.I thought, did he go back in the middle of the night?

After breakfast, she was summoned again.Before the Queen Mother summoned her for nothing, it was nothing more than telling her to be obedient, and to have a baby early after marrying Nangong Qianqiu.

The old hag, when she thought of the other party's cruel methods, her scalp felt a little numb.

"Bao'er, did you hang out with Qianqiu recently?"

The queen mother asked this question only because Nangong Qianqiu didn't come to the palace very much recently, and she didn't know what the other party was busy with, maybe she wanted her to be a little spy.

A stomach full of bad water.

"Seventh Prince," Mei Baoer looked innocent, "I will go occasionally."

The queen mother was relieved a lot: "This feeling can be cultivated slowly, Bao'er, do you know how many women in this world want to marry Qianqiu?" It means that this one is rare and you know it, you have to grasp it , if you miss it, there will be no more.

"In short, with Aijia making the decision for you, no one can bully you, not even Qianqiu."

If it is an ordinary person, or if you don't know the real face of the other party, you will really be moved by these words.

It's a pity that the old witch has other purposes, she just feels a little disgusted.

It is absolutely unforgivable to hurt so many innocent little lives for the sake of one's own appearance. I hope Nangong Fuchen and the two can find evidence of each other's evil actions sooner.

She can't help with this matter, this is a matter of the royal family, and the queen mother is the emperor's biological mother. Once the queen mother is moved, it is not just a matter, but about the entire royal family and even the entire Dongyue country.

Let this matter give them a headache!
"Bao'er understands."

Seeing that Mei Baoer was so sensible this time, the Queen Mother was very satisfied.

She knew that as long as the conditions were satisfied, no one could refuse such a thing.

"It's good to understand, you will be the seventh princess in the future, and you will have a noble status!"

In the end, the queen mother still did not forget to give her reassurance, saying that the position of the seventh princess is extremely noble, and let her cherish Yunyun.

"Okay, let's go back to Mei's house. After a while, Ai's house will make some jewelry for you. Then you can come and choose the style you like."

"Thank you Queen Mother."

Early in the morning, she was sent back to Mei's house, wondering where did the devil go? ?
Is he really gone? ?
He left without saying hello, no manners at all.My heart is very depressed, and I will definitely not pay attention to him next time.

Full of resentment, she walked into Mei's house and met Mei Wanchun head-on.

"Yo, sister Bao'er is back?"

Mei Wanchun's eyes were full of jealousy!

She took a step forward, with an unnatural expression on her face: "Sister Bao'er, are you okay in the palace?"

"Everything is fine."

"Mei Baoer, you are not worthy to be the Seventh Princess." She approached Mei Baoer and whispered in her ear, "This position should belong to me. If you are sensible, give up this position. You are still my good cousin."

"Cousin, I'm afraid it's not good for you to say that!" Mei Bao'er showed a cute smile, "Why don't we... let's go to see the Queen Mother together and ask her to give you this position, what do you think?"


Mei Wanchun didn't expect the other party to be so eloquent, damn it! !
Mei Baoer, since you disappeared back then, why did you come back? ?

Now that Mei Yanluo was gone, she thought she could go smoothly, but suddenly found that there was another Mei Baoer blocking the way!

In front of the other party, she didn't hide anything. Mei Baoer, who has become normal now, already knew what she did back then, except for the lack of evidence, the other party knew.

Thinking of this, her hatred for Mei Yanluo did not diminish.If it wasn't for Mei Yanluo, she wouldn't have been exposed to the public, and she was the one who took the lead in any bad things, so Mei Yanluo really knew how to calculate.

"Okay, cousin, if you want this position, go talk to the Queen Mother or the Seventh Prince directly. If they agree, I won't object."

After saying that, he passed by her and walked back in the direction of Baojun Xiaolou.She was so angry that she kicked her feet in place. If she could talk to these two people, how could she talk nonsense with each other here.

How dare you, Mei Baoer, humiliate her like this! !

Mei Bao'er didn't want to pay attention to this person at all, and walked into Baojun Xiaolou leisurely. She didn't sleep well last night, and she was going to catch up on sleep.

However, when she walked into the room, she refused to go in.

After closing the door, she walked to the bed: "Devil, why are you in my room again?"

At first I thought that the other party had gone back, but what happened? ?He ran to his boudoir to sleep.

"Devil, are you doing this to damage Ben Bao'er's reputation?"

Mo Ming opened his eyes: "It's okay, I don't mind it!"


She stepped forward, took Mo Ming's arm and pulled it away. He was smiling, and he found it interesting to see her struggling there.Sure enough, lively ugly things are much more beautiful.

"dare you laugh??"

"Leave in a few days."

The sudden words made her stunned, oh, so he is leaving?Letting go of her hand, she always felt that something was wrong.

 Mo Ming: The one in the chapter who couldn't understand the words, you have successfully attracted the attention of the deity.

  Occupy the bed at night!
  (The author’s voiceover: I didn’t understand this hook either, it’s too difficult and complicated, but I’ve actually read this hook.)
  Mei Baoer: Take me, Ben Baoer has taken a fancy to others.

  Mo Ming: I won't take you.

  Mabel: I don't want you anymore.

  Mo Ming: ...

(End of this chapter)

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