Chapter 115 I'm Not Shit! !

Before, I wished him to get out, but when I heard that he was leaving, I suddenly felt that I was going too far, and told him to get out every time, as if he was not very angry.

The devil has a good temper.

"when are you leaving?"

"You left when you went to Feiyun Academy for the exam."

There are still many months to go!
But when the other party wanted to leave, she didn't say anything else.

In fact, the devil was a bit of a rascal, and he didn't really force her to do anything, and gave her a lot of things.These things are all she needs, and she is very welcome to be friends.

"Are you going back to the South?"

Mo Ming smiled: "Guess?"

"Don't guess!!"

"By the way, are all the monsters in the south, where are you the biggest, or are the others the biggest?"

"Of course I'm the oldest."

No question.

She moved closer: "By the way, what is your body? Is it a plant or an animal?"

She has always been very curious about this. After seeing Gouzi's little demons, she has been guessing his body, which is so big and looks good.

The main body should not be too bad, could it be changed by some elixir? ?

Mo Ming found that the way she looked at herself was a bit like looking at a baby.

He stretched out his hand and pinched her face: "Recently, the flesh has grown a lot. Only the wife of the deity can know what the body of the deity is. If you promise to be the wife of the deity, then the deity will change to you immediately! "


"It's better not to know." She shook her head, the price was too high, she quit! !

He wasn't discouraged either, the ugly things these days didn't repel him very much.Explanation is still useful. Seeing her hesitation, she seemed to have something to say.

"what happened?"

Mei Baoer frowned: "Devil, you have gone back, are you still coming out? Are you going back to retreat? How long will it take you to retreat?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

The ambiguous answer made her curl her lips: "Forget it if you don't want to say it, you know that retreat is beyond your control. By the way, who hurt you last time? Did he fight for the territory with you?" ?”


"Who is that? An enemy?"

enemy? ?
His enemy is not here.


"Who is that?"

The corner of his mouth hooked: "Who else can there be except this deity?"

"You..." She stared and guessed so much, but she didn't think of this answer, "How could you hurt yourself, could it be that you have become obsessed with cultivation?"

"That's it!"

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and nothing can control him in the future.It was this ugly thing that gave him a chance to try, if not for him, he might still be devastated by the poisonous fire.

"So it is."

She was relieved, since she had no enemies, there was nothing to worry about.

By the way, what is she worried about so much, she should be worried about herself.

She lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking. After a long time, she raised her head and said, "In a few days, I'm going to study the next phase of potions, and I'll share them with you at that time. Anyway, those elixir were all provided by you. I can't let you give out the elixir for nothing."

Although some meat hurts, but many things now come from the devil.

"I don't want it, I want you."


Subconsciously said, she glanced at him: "There is a saying that dogs can't change eating 'shit'", you are so virtuous! ! "

"Haha——" suddenly burst into laughter, which surprised her, how could the devil laugh so wildly? ?
"why are you laughing?"

He got up, leaned closer to her, and said softly: "Although this deity is not a dog, this deity does want to eat you."

Mabel: ...

"The devil!!"

She gritted her teeth and punched him in the chest: "I'm not shit!!"

There were bursts of laughter in the room, the man's voice was joyful, and the woman's exasperated voice seemed to make him even happier.

Mei Wanchun walked to the bottom of Baojun Xiaolou, and suddenly heard this voice, her eyes lit up.Well, you Mei Baoer, you actually met a man privately in Baojun Xiaolou.

Now let's see how you can escape! !

"Come on!!"


With a ferocious face, Mei Wanchun smiled and said: "I will guard here for Miss Ben, no one can come in or out, understand?"

"Yes, servant girl understands."

Immediately, she held up the hem of her skirt and ran out quickly.While running, she thought, Mei Baoer, this reputation is something you don't want. She can't wait for the position of the Seventh Princess.

After a while, a group of people from afar came to Baojun Xiaolou.

You can also see who these people are, Mei Song, Mei Sen, Song Yuqing, and everyone who dares to love the Mei family are all here.Mei Wanchun followed them, and she looked pale and unbelievable, which made people feel sorry for her.

It can also be seen that these people's expressions are not very good.

When they heard that Mei Baoer had a private meeting with a man in Baojun Xiaolou, they couldn't sit still. Isn't this an embarrassment to the Mei family? ?

"Is anyone out??"

Mei Wanchun hurriedly asked the maid from before.

Seeing this posture, the maid hurriedly said: "Go back to Miss, no."

"Grandpa, parents, let's go in!"

Mei Wanchun said weakly, "I don't know how my cousin would do such a thing."

Immediately, Mei Song walked in, went straight to Mei Baoer's room, without the slightest hesitation, kicked the door open suddenly.When they saw the scene inside, everyone was stunned.

Mei Baoer looked confused: "What's the matter?"

This was the first time she had recovered, and it was the first time anyone came to see her, and there were so many people here, all of them looked ugly.Mei Wanchun's face changed, she looked in the room and found that there was no man inside, only Mei Baoer, how could this be? ?
She clearly heard it right before, the voice here is Mei Baoer's and a man's! !
She walked in quickly, and searched again and again where she could find Tibetans.

"Bao'er," Mei Wanchun still looked suspicious, "I heard a man's voice in your room earlier, where did you hide him?"

The maid didn't see anyone going out before, so this person should still be inside, it must be Mei Baoer who hid him where they couldn't find him.

Mei Baoer looked "unintelligible" and said, "Tibetan?? Cousin, what are you talking about?? When did it happen? I don't know why. Did you have auditory hallucinations??"

Mei Baoer must be playing dumb, she doesn't think she heard it wrong before, there must be someone.

Still a man's voice, laughing so loudly! !
"Impossible," she said back, "Grandpa, why don't you let someone look for it?? I can't hear you wrong, there must be someone here."

(End of this chapter)

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