Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 116 Want to use the deity to speak directly

Chapter 116 Want to use the deity to speak directly

After finally grabbing Mei Baoer's little tail, she won't let it go just like that. This time, she might be able to ruin the other party's reputation. If it turns yellow, then... Her eyes are shining with joy, if this is the case, it is the best.

Where did Mei Baoer not know what the other party was calling attention to, man? ?
Does she hide a man? ?
He hid himself, all right!
Mei Song sensed it consciously, and found that there was no other person's aura in the entire Baojun building.His complexion darkened for a moment, and his displeased eyes fell on Mei Wanchun's body, which made the latter feel a little cold.

"Let's go! There is no one here." I didn't expect to lose face in front of the junior, "Bao'er, you will marry the Seventh Prince in a few months. You should understand what you should do and what you should not do." .”


Mei Song walked away, and the Masons quickly followed behind.

Mei Wanchun was dumbfounded, it's over, haven't you looked for it yet? ?

When she saw Mei Baoer who was standing still, she gritted her teeth with hatred: "Mei Baoer, I let you escape, it will not be so simple next time, you expect to be able to make that wild man run so fast every time." !!"

She couldn't bear it, why every time she wanted to deal with this fool, she couldn't do what she wanted, it was even worse than Mei Yanluo! !

It was abominable.

In the end, some were unwilling to go out.

Not long after everyone had left, Mei Baoer suddenly discovered that many people were sent to guard the bottom of Baojun's small building.Mei Song believed Mei Wanchun's words, but the person was not found and he had no proof.

Maybe he didn't believe it, but he didn't want to cause any trouble at this juncture, so he could only send someone to guard Baojun Xiaolou, and when the wedding date came, he could throw her big trouble to the Seventh Prince's Mansion.

The Mei family couldn't understand her.

The reason why she survived was not because her parents gave Mei Song a certain treasure, which she wanted to take back.

Suddenly, the door of the house was closed, no need to guess, it must have been done by the devil.The devil has always been here, it's just that these people can't find his location.

She couldn't find it either.

It can only show how powerful the devil is.

Turning around, she saw a lump of black and not autumnal things lying on her colorful bed.She silently moved to the edge of the bed, looking down at his face.His eyes moved down, and the corner of his mouth twitched. This never-closed skirt is really a bad habit.

Stretching out her little hand, she suddenly helped him close the skirt of his clothes and coughed lightly: "Demon, don't use sex to seduce this genius doctor, this genius doctor won't accept such tricks."

"Then which one do you eat?" His voice seemed to come from his nose, his eyes were half-closed, as if he was about to fall asleep.

She squatted aside and gave a fierce look: "You are a dove occupying a magpie's nest!"

"The deity likes it."

"How about it..." Her eyes rolled, "I think you're bored too, why don't we do something big, how about it?"

He opened his eyes, his eyes fell on her calculating little face, he stretched out his hand and pinched her chubby face: "I want to speak directly with my real self, don't beat around the bush."

"Bah!" He patted his hand down, "What is use, can you do me a favor?? By the way, it can also relieve your boredom. Don't you think it is a very good method? As the saying goes, each of us How about getting what you want?? For this matter, I only want something in it, and everything else is yours, how about it??"

"By the way, I know the route and place, you can contribute, can't you?"

The corner of his mouth twitched when he saw the ugly thing look like I've given you everything.

"Yes, yes."

"Then let's act at night." Mei Baoer smiled happily, "Devil, you are quite good."

He readily accepted such compliments.

"What are you going to do??"

Hearing the devil's question, Mei Baoer's face flickered with treachery: "The Mei family has a treasure house, I know."

"Tonight we will quietly go over there and steal all the contents inside." Speaking of this, she was more excited, and her round eyes revealed a different look.

It turned out to be a treasure house, probably the Mei family offended her today!
That's okay, since you want to take action, you can take it all away, and nothing can be left.

Glancing at Moming, I found that he seemed to be smiling too, and he looked very treacherous, his face trembled, this devil seemed to be very used to doing such things.As for people like Mei Song, they didn't even know that the two of them would go there to steal their treasure tonight.

In the middle of the night, Mei Bao'er was carried out of Baojun Xiaolou by Moming, and followed the route she pointed out to a pond in Mei's house, with many rockeries beside it.They blocked their bodies with rockery, and Mei Baoer calculated the direction.

Finally, I saw a relatively small rockery, tapped it with my hand, and my eyes lit up: "This is it."

"Well, there seems to be a formation inside."

But it doesn't bother him.

Mei Baoer knew that if she brought Mo Ming, she would easily take away all the treasures here, leaving no one behind, let Mei Song vomit blood!

"Bao'er, move away!"

"it is good."

Mei Baoer nodded and hid behind him with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

I saw Mo Ming raised his hand, a spiritual force appeared in his hand, pressed it on the rockery, there was no movement at all, and in an instant, a ray of light enveloped the two of them, at that moment Mei Baoer was a little surprised, suddenly I felt a big hand grabbing her waist and pulling her inside.

When she opened her eyes, the two had already arrived at another place.I saw one box after another in front of me, and many jade boxes.There were still spirit stones piled up around them, glowing with white light, she knew she had come to the right place.

She wasn't very excited, these things probably weren't as much as what Moming gave her.

"Hey, you can let go of your hands."

She patted his hand for fear of being taken advantage of inadvertently.Mo Ming let go of her and began to explore the place. After finding that there was no danger, he didn't stop her from wandering around.

Mei Baoer was looking for the treasure in the letter. After searching for a while, she finally found a familiar wooden box in a place and took it out.

Just when she was about to open it, it suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Mo Ming noticed her situation, walked over, saw the wooden box in her hand, narrowed his eyes, and took the wooden box into his hand.

Mei Baoer quickly said: "There is something on it, don't open it!!"

(End of this chapter)

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