Chapter 128 Deserving it

With mixed feelings in her heart, she walked over with a step, but the face of the devil was still lingering in her mind.

"Hey, Bao'er, didn't you go to change clothes with Miss Mei? Why are you here alone?"

Surprise flashed in Li Xingwu's eyes, and Mei Baoer glanced at her, but this time Li Xingwu was not so annoying, and he didn't seem to be targeting him very much.Since people don't target her, she is not a petite person.

"So it's Miss Li." She glanced at Li Xingwen beside him, "It turns out that Miss Li is also there."

Li Xingwu still just nodded and didn't speak, as if saying a word to himself would lower his status.Compared to Li Xingwu, Li Xingwen is just like a proud peacock, she doesn't need to cling to her when people ignore her.

"My cousin said it's fine to be alone."

She didn't explain that much either, did she?That kind of thing must not let others intervene, let Mei Wanchun play with that pig brother alone!I don't know what will happen when the other party wakes up.

Thinking of how they calculated her so viciously, did she, Mei Baoer, treat others too gently?

Song Yuqing?

There is also Mo Ziqing, this person who has never met before is able to do such a murderous thing. She doesn't care what happened to the other party, but it is impossible to plot it on her head.

"So that's how it is," Li Xingwu didn't pursue anything, he was still a little uncomfortable because he was taken advantage of by Mei Wanchun before, "I think we should change to another place, the sun is gradually getting higher , it's getting hot."

Naturally, Mabel didn't object, it was best to be able to stay away from here.

At that moment, the three of them and some other ladies walked to a gazebo and sat down.There are servants everywhere in the palace, as long as they say hello, someone will bring tea and cakes.

Just listening to the ladies talking about rouge and gouache, a quarter of an hour passed, and Mei Wanchun hadn't come back yet.

But these people didn't care, even if Mei Wanchun didn't come, it didn't mean she didn't come out, besides, these people didn't think much of Mei Wanchun.

It wasn't until the sound of panicked footsteps and the surrounding discussions woke them up.

"What's going on here?"

Li Xingwu couldn't help but said, judging by her expression, she really didn't know about it.

There was also a lot of discussion around the identity, and the ladies and gentlemen of all families walked in one direction.

"I think we should go and have a look?"

Regarding Li Xingwu's words, several people around agreed very much, no matter who agreed or disagreed at the moment, they all followed the crowd and walked over.Mei Baoer found that this direction was the room where Mei Wanchun changed clothes earlier.

Some people in the crowd were talking about it, and Mei Baoer felt suspicious. These people didn't know what was going on here, and they didn't know who said something happened here, so their curiosity was immediately aroused.

Now, everyone is gone.

Inside the closed door, everyone was staring there, and there was a filthy voice from inside, which made many women blush and couldn't help cursing.

Who does such a thing in broad daylight?

Don't be shy! !
Lose face! !
Mo Ziqing came out from the crowd. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly saw Mei Baoer's figure. She stared at Mei Baoer carefully, and then looked at the door.

Why is Mabel here? ?

Who is that person in there? ?
She looked around and found that another familiar figure had disappeared.

Mei Wanchun! !

This... She quickly covered her mouth with a handkerchief, for fear that she would scream.

Originally, it was to plot against Mei Baoer and Mo Zichong, but it turned out to be Mei Wanchun and Mo Zichong.She lowered her eyes, so what should I do next? ?

Song Yuqing was afraid that it would be difficult to explain, so she figured it out in the blink of an eye.No matter what, she had achieved one of her goals, and the fact that Mo Zichong and Miss Mei's family were struggling was enough for the other party to suffer.

She smiled coldly in her heart, although Mei Baoer did not suffer, but the person she hated the most was Mo Zichong.As for the others, let's talk about it after this rumor has passed!
Everyone could hear the rotten sound inside, but they didn't do anything. Instead, they seemed to be waiting for the people inside to end.After a while, Nangong Qianqiu and Nangong Fuchen also came over, maybe they heard something!

"The door is open!"

Nangong Qianqiu's face was livid, why can't he want to have a good birthday? ?

These people really know how to make some moths come out. If he doesn't pay attention, he will fall into the water, and if he doesn't pay attention, he will commit adultery...

Seeing the other party's distraught appearance, Mei Bao'er also expressed deep sympathy, this Nangong Qianqiu is really unlucky.

The servants of the palace kicked the door open, and the scene in front of him made people stare sideways, it was really too rotten.The fat man was lying on a fair-skinned woman, and the two of them didn't seem to see anyone around them.

The crowd was also silent. Although the two were naked, they all recognized who they were.

At that moment, Nangong Qianqiu ordered the two to separate, and at the same time threw a piece of clothing to cover them.

The two people immersed in the state, their brains were blank for a while, and after a while, they finally came to their senses.First of all, when she saw a pair of fiery eyes, Mei Wanchun's mind went blank for a while.

Then, remembering the picture just now, she turned her head and saw Mo Zichong with a swollen face, and felt nauseated, thinking that she did that kind of thing with this disgusting man just now, she felt hopeless all over.

Lying on the ground limp, all she knew at this moment was that everything was over.what happened? ?Why did it become like this? ?Shouldn't it be Mabel?She had seen Mei Baoer faint before.

How did the mother arrange it? ?

Why did this happen to her and Mo Zichong? ?

Could it be that the other party recognized the wrong person? ?
"Mr. Mo, Miss Mei, it's time for you to explain."

Hearing Nangong Qianqiu's words, Mei Wanchun shuddered, she raised her head, the blush on her cheeks still hadn't faded.The gazes cast by the ladies made her feel ashamed, but she was really not reconciled.

"The Seventh Prince is the master, Wanchun just came here to change clothes, and then... and then drank the ginger soup that the Seventh Prince sent over, I don't know what happened. After all, sister Bao'er also ate the pastry that the Seventh Prince sent over , We didn't eat anything during this period, Wanchun knew that the Seventh Prince would not do such a thing, so someone must be impersonating him, please ask the Seventh Prince to decide."

(End of this chapter)

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