Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 129 Bao'er is covered by him

Chapter 129 Bao'er is covered by him

At this moment, she really had no choice but to say so.

If there is nothing wrong with Mother's arrangement, then someone else has meddled in this matter.

She hates her so much, now she has no chance to become the Seventh Princess, mother, didn't you promise it? ?Why is the result like this?Her face became ferocious, and her hands were fiercely propped on the ground.

"My lord has already been investigated, please wait for a while!"

Nangong Qianqiu rubbed his forehead. He also believed that Mei Wanchun was not so stupid. Someone must have framed her for doing such a thing.However, it happened in his mansion, which made people very helpless.

Is he fighting against Tai Sui this year, and shouldn't invite so many people? ?
Mei Wanchun was taken to the other side, and the servants handed her clean clothes. After changing, she appeared here again.It's just that she didn't dare to raise her head anymore. As soon as she raised her head, she could feel the contemptuous gazes around her, which made her wish to dig out their eyeballs.

Suddenly, she thought of Mei Baoer, and raised her head to stare fiercely at Mei Baoer: "Bao'er, do you know something?? You and I ate the food delivered earlier, why are you fine??"

Everyone didn't expect Mei Wanchun to be able to say that, but they were also a little curious about it.

"Cousin, didn't you tell me to wait outside?"

The corners of Mei Bao'er's mouth slightly curled up, and if one looked carefully, that cute little face exuded a different light, a cold and gloomy one.

There was no fear in those eyes either. Mei Wanchun only felt a little uncomfortable when she looked at her like this, but she was still not reconciled.

"I never said that!!"

"What does the cousin want to say??"

Mei Baoer's question made her calm down a bit. At first, Mei Baoer didn't know that her mother had an arrangement. Even she didn't know what the arrangement was. She just listened to her mother and asked Mei Baoer to change clothes with her. , and let the other party eat the pastry.

She doesn't know about other things.

If Mei Baoer knew about this, she wouldn't have followed her here.

By the way... She lowered her head and thought silently, could it be the master behind Mei Baoer? ?

In short, if it was really because of Mei Baoer who ruined everything about her, she would not let him go even if she was a ghost! !
Mei Wanchun was almost insane, and Song Yuqing also received the news of the accident, and people from Fashion Book House also came.People on both sides couldn't help being angry when they saw the appearance of their children.

Master Shang Shu is also a fat man, he walked in and gave Mo Zi a slap without saying a word: "You bastard!!"

Mo Zichong kept his head down, not daring to speak.He also did not expect that things would turn out like this, if he really got Mei Baoer, it would be fine, but in the end it was Mei Wanchun who was with him.

Thinking about it makes me feel wronged.

Suspicious in his heart, he raised his head and glanced at Mo Ziqing who was on the side, only to see that her eyes were red, and tears kept falling down, and all doubts at first were gone.Qing'er was also for him, no matter what, he couldn't let his father know that Qing'er was also involved in this matter.

Mo Ziqing seemed to have received Mo Zichong's eyes, a look that reassured her, and his face became even paler, making him feel that this sister is really good.

It would be fine if the other party wasn't his sister.

Mo Ziqing lowered his head, his eyes were full of cold light, this was just the first step.Mo Zichong, you will pay a heavy price for what you have done.Although Mo Zichong didn't let Mo Zichong violate the Seventh Concubine this time and was sentenced to death, he still lost a lot of face.

She is not afraid to check, because none of the people she uses has anything to do with her.

She never showed up in contact with Song Yuqing, and there is no evidence that she was involved in all this.

From the beginning to the end, she was just a bystander, it was just that simple!
Mei Baoer suddenly caught a glimpse of Mo Ziqing's lowered head and the corners of his mouth curled up, and thought, among the women, she is indeed the scariest.This Mo Ziqing looks pitiful on the surface, but in fact she is a woman full of scheming, scary!
Here Song Yuqing was in a daze when she received the news that something had happened to Miss Mei's family.She thought it was Mei Bao'er who had an accident, but she didn't expect to come over and see that it was her daughter who had the accident.

How could she accept that the person who had sex with her daughter was actually that fat man from Shangshu's family.

Perhaps, the Shangshu Mansion is already very good for other people, but her Mei family is a family of cultivation, how could it be possible for a Shangshu Mansion to be comparable?

Her daughter was wronged no matter what.

Most importantly now, the reputation is ruined too.

From now on, Mei Wanchun can only enter the Shangshu Mansion, and has no chance of turning things around.

The most unbearable thing is that this fat man has a regular wife, so if Mei Wanchun goes to the Shangshu Mansion, she can only be a concubine, how can she bear it?

"Late spring!"

Song Yuqing hugged Mei Wanchun and burst into tears, "Who the hell?? Who is going to frame our family Wanchun?"

"Seventh Prince, you have to be the master of our family's late spring!"

While crying, Song Yuqing still did not forget to ask Nangong Qianqiu for help, "Wan Chun has always been well-behaved, how could she do such a thing?"

She widened her eyes, got up and rushed towards Mo Zichong. Before anyone could react, she slapped Mo Zichong handsomely on the face. Suddenly it swelled even more.

If it wasn't for the person who reacted, if she pulled him back, maybe she would even greet him twice.

Song Yuqing gritted her teeth and said, "You bastard, you ruined our Wanchun family, I can't finish with you!!"

She was also thinking about where she made a mistake. She turned her head and looked at Mo Ziqing's face. Seeing the grievance on the other side's face, she was also worried, and she withdrew her doubts. Could it be that someone else intervened? ?

"My lord, it was found out."

The sudden appearance of the voice attracted everyone's attention.

Nangong Qianqiu picked up the document and read it, frowning more and more, the document is too detailed.

He looked up: "Whose is this?"

"My lord, this was given to my subordinate by a mysterious man, and he also said something."

Hearing this, everyone became concentrated, and Nangong Qianqiu couldn't help asking: "What is it?" He still believed all the above, if he thought about it.

It's just that there was such a person around them, but he didn't even notice it.

"He...he said that Miss Bao'er was covered by him, and if anyone dared to harm Miss Bao'er, he would tear him apart."


Who on earth is so arrogant, dare to say such things to the Seventh Prince, and even say that he is covering Mei Baoer.

(End of this chapter)

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