Chapter 130 Evidence
But some people do understand and still clearly remember that a few months ago, Mei Baoer was sent back by a master.

Song Yuqing felt a little uneasy, and she guessed it, but she hadn't seen this expert show up before, and thought that the other party might leave after seeing that Mei Baoer had recovered, but she didn't expect that this time it was this expert who helped her.

"Seventh Prince, you have to decide for Wanchun of our family. I don't care who this person is. He used such means to frame Wanchun of our family. What will we do with Wanchun in the days to come?" Song Yuqing cried while thinking about what to do next The more you think about it, the worse it becomes.

Master Shang Shu couldn't help but said, "Seventh Prince, do you see this matter?"

In fact, he also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it wasn't Mei Baoer's accident, otherwise he really couldn't keep his son.What happened this time was actually done by someone wanting to protect Mei Bao'er, so Mei Bao'er is the prospective princess of the Seventh Prince, so of course the matter should be handled by the Seventh Prince.

Nangong Qianqiu's eyes darkened a bit, if he didn't know what happened, he would really be deceived by these people.

He couldn't help but glanced at Mei Bao'er, seeing her standing there very calmly, now he also knew that Mei Bao'er was not that simple.As for the person behind her, he has no interest either. She will be admitted to Feiyun College in a few days, and there will be no contact between them.

As for the person behind her, of course it has nothing to do with him.

But that person is really amazing, he even dug up such an interesting thing, and someone sent it to him.

Mei Baoer has already guessed who this person is, and who else is there besides the devil.

The devil helped her again.

I don't know what he was thinking, it seemed that he helped her and didn't make her do anything.

What should she do?
Could it be that the devil is sincere to her, not because he thinks she is fun and doesn't treat her as a plaything?It's been so long, if it's just a plaything, wouldn't you be so patient?Silently guessing in her heart, she didn't realize that she was more dependent on the devil in her mouth.

"Seventh Prince..." Song Yuqing's wailing voice brought everyone back to their senses.

Nangong Qianqiu sneered: "You all want this king to be the master?"

"Naturally, the Seventh Prince needs to be the master." Song Yuqing and the others said in unison.

"Okay, then this king will make the decision for you."

Nangong Qianqiu was amused. These thieves called thieves actually took such a thing as a matter of course. Do they really think him a fool? ?
It's really a good skill to place someone in his palace! !
He must not be amused, but irritated.

He handed the things in his hand to Lord Shangshu, and said, "Master Shangshu, take a look."

Master Shang Shu's heart suddenly jumped, it seemed that things were a little different from what he had imagined.He tremblingly received it in his hand, opened it, and the scene became quiet for a while, they only felt that Master Shang Shu's face was not good-looking.

At the end, he let out a long breath: "Let the Seventh Prince decide!"

I didn't expect the truth to be like this, but he has raised a good daughter!Of course, his good son is not much different! !

"Well, then, Lord Shang Shu, please make preparations and bring Miss Mei's family into the mansion the next day!" After doing all these things, Mei Wanchun could only follow Mo Zichong.

Everyone didn't understand, they wondered what was written on the paper that would make Master Shangshu so willing.

Song Yuqing quit on the spot: "Seventh Prince, what does this mean?? My Wanchun family was framed by someone, but now it's fine, and I want to be a concubine in the Shangshu Mansion?? Seventh Prince, don't you want to help us make decisions in Wanchun? She After all, she is also Bao'er's cousin, please, Seventh Prince, for Bao'er's sake, also help Wanchun!"

Now I think of Mei Baoer.

"Mrs. Mei, do you really want me to tell you everything? I see, it's the best way to settle this matter."

"Seven Princes!!" Song Yuqing became anxious. If Mei Wanchun really entered the Shangshu Mansion now, she might not have a good life. Most importantly, she would get a bad reputation and the Mei family's reputation would also be damaged. , she will lose face, "My family was wronged in late spring!!"

"Oh? Injustice?"

Nangong Qianqiu sneered: "Then Mrs. Mei, since you are so unwilling, I don't want to care about face issues anymore. Come here, read all the above clearly, and let Mrs. Mei listen. You are wronged or not," he paused, and said, "Bring me along with you!"

Song Yuqing felt a little uneasy, and wanted to stop something, but she was not reconciled.When those people were brought up, she was a little dizzy, and she wanted to stop her, but she couldn't speak.

I only heard that the servants of the palace were already reading the things on that piece of paper.

After telling her all the plans, who she arranged, and how to contact Mo Ziqing, she collapsed on the ground with an incredulous expression on her face.

How could she know about these things in such a secret way? ?

She even couldn't remember some details. Who the hell is this scary? ?

Could it really be the person behind Mabel? ?

Of course she didn't know, the person who did this was living in Mei's house, so of course he could know everything.Anyone who has seen Mo You's methods will be terrified.

Mei Baoer was also a little surprised, she didn't expect Song Yuqing to have such vicious thoughts, and these plans, if she was really just an ordinary person, she might have died countless times.

The devil is very powerful!
She couldn't help but praise in her heart.

"Mrs. Mei, Miss Mo, do you have anything else to say?"

"Seventh Prince, this is all slander!!"

Song Yuqing definitely wouldn't admit it, and she still had a little bit of luck in her heart, thinking that the other party was just someone who sent the news, and then arrested the people involved in this matter, what could this mean?

Mo Ziqing's face was pale, and he stood on the spot precariously, his eyes were red: "Seventh Prince, Qing'er was wronged, how could Qing'er do this? Qing'er and Miss Bao'er have no grievances or enmity, why do you want to frame her?"

Nangong Qianqiu also felt a little helpless, originally wanted to save face for these people, but they didn't even want them, so what else did he care about.Anyway, losing face doesn't mean losing his face, it's fine if the other party is shameless.

However, he was also a little vigilant, the people behind Mei Baoer were really too powerful.

"Since both of you feel that you have been wronged, then I will present the evidence."

"You guys, tell me what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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