Chapter 159 Mind

Hearing this, Nangong Qianqiu also suddenly realized, yes, since he has chosen this path, it means that he has automatically given up his status as the Seventh Prince of Dongyue Kingdom, and now he is just an ordinary student here.

If you want to stand by Bao'er's side, you can only be qualified if your own strength is strong.Thinking that Mei Bao'er was even stronger than him, he felt a little blush.Over the years, he has been slack.

"Okay, but..." Nangong Qianqiu paused for a moment, and didn't say anything else. He was a little worried, if that scheming fellow Mo Ming would do something to make Mei Baoer fall in love with her while they were practicing. Him, what should we do then?
Nangong Fuchen didn't speak either, just took a deep look over there, turned around and left.He should also go back to practice and recover his strength as soon as possible, so that he can compete with Mo Ming.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Nangong Qianqiu, the seventh younger brother, who was destined to be kicked out long ago.

His gaze fell into the distance, as if he saw a touch of red from the clouds in the sky, that red like blood.There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, still very gentle, but it made people feel cold, and even his heartbeat was still.

Shura world, one day, he will go back!
Nangong Qianqiu suddenly noticed Nangong Fuchen's back, and felt that this back was a little strange.Ever since his sixth brother came back after being separated for several years, he always felt that this person had changed a lot all of a sudden.

But he can confirm that this person is still his sixth brother, but he doesn't know what changed.In short, he felt a little uneasy, and he didn't know why.His gaze also fell on the red cloud on the other side of the day, and he felt that it was a beautiful scene. Thinking of the people in the yard, he clenched his fists and left.

Although the sixth brother is a competitor with him, what the other party said is correct. If you want to get Bao'er, you must have strong strength.

When the two left, several people came out from the dark.

"I never imagined that a mere Mei Baoer would be so important. A powerful teaching elder and two princes from Dongyue Kingdom," Qin Ruxue chuckled, "I'm not very interested in those two princes. But this good-looking and powerful Elder Mo Ming is really interesting, I heard that he only came in this year?"

"Miss Li, do you know this person?"

Li Xingwen lowered her eyes, she was not interested in the people here.She just wanted... Thinking of this, she felt her mouth was aching, and she couldn't open her mouth. She knew that her wish would never be fulfilled, but she only hoped to be closer to him.

"Miss Li, there are actually some constraints that cannot be broken," Mei Yanluo chuckled, "Now that the three of us have reached an agreement, we are on the same boat. Do you have any concerns?"

How could she not know about Li Xingwen's broken mind?

She actually fell in love with her elder brother, even in the world she traveled to, she would be cast aside.However, this is the cultivation world after all, what's wrong?What means no?It just so happened that she had a method in her hands, but it was a bit expensive.

"Break the bondage?"

When Li Xingwen heard this sentence, she suddenly raised her head, and her eyes fell on Mei Yanluo: "What kind of bondage? How can I break it?" There was some urgency in her eyes, and she felt joy when she saw Mei Yanluo.

In the end, she decided that she must participate.If something happens that cannot be controlled, it cannot be controlled at that time, and it will not be very beneficial to her future development.

Although Li Xingwen's talent is also good, but the other party's character is indecisive and lacks a guide, otherwise it will not be able to achieve great things.And Qin Ruxue seemed to be smart, but in fact she was very arrogant. To put it bluntly, she was a little overconfident. With her own talent, she went on the rampage and was a brainless cultivation genius.

For these two people, with a little bit of tricks, she was able to let them be led by the nose.

Sure enough, God is still looking after her. After a while, when she is richer, she has to spend some money to get some good things from the exchange space.Otherwise, it is not easy to bluff these two people.

Mei Baoer has a powerful Mo Ming by her side, which is very obstructive to her.However, Mei Bao'er is not the most important thing right now, let's kill the two powerful sisters of the Qin family first.

"Miss Li, how about finding a place where we can talk slowly about this kind of thing?"

Mei Yanluo moved her eyes, saw Qin Ruxue's disinterested expression, and said with a smile, "Miss Qin, in fact, I have seen that Elder Moming before, so I can't tell for a while. "

Qin Ruxue's eyes lit up. When she saw Mo Ming walking out earlier, her heart stopped for a moment. She was surrounded by various people on weekdays, and this was the first time she saw someone who made her heart stop.

Such a person is worthy of her!
"Come on, go to my place."

The three disappeared in place, and nothing changed here, as if they had never appeared before.

The sun gradually went down, and Mei Bao'er was woken up by a burst of fragrance.Withdrew from the practice, opened his eyes, and saw delicious food on the table.It looked like it was still smoking and steaming, and the inside of the stomach was also rumbling. He turned over and moved towards the food.

Looking around, he found that Mo Ming's figure was not there.

This is for her, right?

I happened to be hungry too, who cares, let's eat first.When she was full, she was ready to go back. It was not too early to see the sky, and Feiyun College was not like the school before time travel. It was very free, as long as she could pass the examination every time.

She ate everything up and down, and looked at the empty bowl in front of her with a satisfied face. She smiled, got up and walked to the door. Just as she reached the door, the door was pushed open.

A black figure blocked her view, looked up, it turned out to be Mo Ming!

"Well... I'll go first."

She always feels weird.

A feeling that I can't put into words, just feel weird.When looking at Mo Ming, she was not as repulsive as before. Could it be that she really likes him?She squinted her eyes for a while, then thought of her situation again, and sighed.

Not in a hurry!
Take one step at a time!

In her situation, if she really wanted to continue traveling, wouldn't she be asking for trouble?

"Is that meal prepared for me? It's all gone..." She spread her hands, expressing that even if it wasn't prepared for her, she couldn't return it. "I'm going back to the house first, there are still many things to do. Do... uh."

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, ummmmmmmmmmm...

(End of this chapter)

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