Chapter 160 Disturbed

What she must do every day is to practice and study potions, which has become a habit.There is no need to worry about cultivation, as long as you keep sleeping, you can practice very quickly, but for the problem of medicine, she has gradually studied the more advanced parts of the alchemy, and it will definitely improve a lot in the near future.

Thinking of being here, she was even more eager to go back.

However, when she found that Mo Ming didn't move away, she suddenly felt that she wouldn't eat the other party's food by herself, so he wanted to settle the score with herself, right?However, the devil will not be so stingy.

She looked at him helplessly, only to see that he raised his hand, held a handkerchief in his hand, and then wiped the corner of her mouth: "Go!" Such a gentle devil made her feel a little awkward, and couldn't help it. Taking a step back, he tilted his head and glanced at Mo Ming.Seeing him put the handkerchief back, it seemed that what he did just now was trivial.

He lowered his eyes and pondered for a while.

"Then I'll go first."

After a long time, she raised her head and walked outside.She could feel the sight behind her that made her a little nervous, and her heart could not be calm for a long time.It didn't get better until I got back inside the house.

In order not to let herself think about it, she quickly immersed herself in her research on potions.It wasn't until late at night that she felt a little tired, so she washed up and threw herself on the bed.

When she fell into a deep sleep, she suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes widened, aiming at the person lying next to her.Seeing the other party also opened her eyes, if she hadn't been used to such frights, she would have screamed loudly.

"You..." She wanted to ask, devil, why are you here again? ?
"Aren't you in your yard?? It's such a big bed, so soft, and the yard is so luxurious. Don't you have nowhere to go?" She looked angry and helpless.

Originally, I thought that the devil would not come over, but I didn't expect this... dog... Forget it, it seems a bit wrong to say this sentence, as if I scolded myself.

Bu Tianya and Mei Zhuang also have their own room, usually Mei Baoer will not take them with them, just let them stay in the room. The vicious man was thrown out.

"Don't get excited, go to sleep!"

Mei Bao'er gritted her teeth, and saw that this guy was lying on her bed as it should be, and closed his eyes, as if he was sleeping very peacefully.

Taking a deep breath, she lay down suddenly.

"Devil, you are so helpless, I guess your body must be very wretched. If you are a tree, you must be a very wretched tree with old roots. If you are a flower, you must be a very smelly and very ugly If it stinks, if you are grass, you must be..."

"go to bed!"

She opened her mouth, does this person think her place is his territory? ?
She opened her eyes wide, but said nothing.Moved a little inside, she is very contradictory now!Or, find something to do tomorrow?I heard that there are still missions in the college. She went to accept two missions, but as long as she can pass the examination, there is no problem.The assessment in the class is not that important. As long as you pass the annual assessment, you can write off the things that the class did not assess before.

Speaking of which, Feiyun Academy is still pretty good!
Thinking about it, she fell asleep, dazedly as if being hugged by someone, but she was too sleepy and immersed in cultivation, she didn't want to move at all.

Seeing her falling into a deep sleep, Mo Ming opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the face of this little person.

What is she worried about?
He was still very concerned about the incident in the morning.Mysterious skills, mysterious power, it seems that he has to recover his strength faster, so as not to have any accidents, unable to protect her comprehensively.

Now that he had thought of what she was, he lacked a lady.

It's her!
In the early morning, Mei Bao'er opened her eyes and subconsciously glanced to the side. Seeing that Mo Ming was nowhere to be seen, she breathed a sigh of relief.Suddenly, seeing the steaming food on the table, I felt a little complicated.I got up and went to the side of the table, saw the food in front of me, but didn't use it immediately.

She walked out of the room, but still did not see Mo Ming.

After climbing over the wall of the small courtyard, he glanced at Mo Ming's courtyard with a complicated expression.The closed courtyard seemed to be empty of people.

Where did he go?
"The devil..."

She called out, but there was no sign of him.

I ran around early in the morning and didn't know where I went.Turned around and jumped down, entered the house, and ate food in silence.My mind is a little messed up, what is this?After eating the food, she stared at the door in a daze. She felt that Mo Ming was a person with deep thoughts.

"Bao Er."

Mei Baoer's eyes were fixed, and when she saw Qin Weixue walking in, she quickly withdrew her thoughts: "What's wrong, Weixue?"

"It's nothing, you were taken away by Elder Mo yesterday, and I came to see you today."

Seeing that Mei Baoer was unharmed, she was relieved.When she looked at the food on the table, she couldn't help being stunned.

"Bao'er, have you been out?"

There is no food in the college, and Mei Baoer can't cook by herself, so she can only buy it from outside.

Mei Baoer shook her head: "No, I don't care about this, Weixue, can you tell me about the mission of the academy you mentioned last time?" She expressed that she wanted to go out for a walk, do the mission, and Sort out your messy mind.The appearance of Mo Ming was not what she expected, but now she found that she also had some strange feelings for this person.

She doesn't reject this kind of thing, but just wants to think about it carefully, after all, her situation is a bit special.The Mei family's ancestral motto is that it is best not to be emotionally involved. If something really happens, it can only hurt others and yourself. She always remembers it.After all the calculations, he still didn't expect to meet Mo Ming.

"Bao'er, you look a little bad, what happened?"

She shook her head: "No, it's just that I'm not used to it when I just came to the academy, so you can talk to me well, if it's suitable, I'm going to take on a mission. Want to get to know each other."

Is it really?

Although Qin Weixue was still a little skeptical, she didn't ask any more questions.

I told her about receiving the missions. These missions were put on by the teaching elders in the academy or other students and people outside. As long as you accept and complete them, you can get the corresponding rewards.A task can only be completed by the person who received it first, and if it cannot be completed, it can be released again.

 Thank you user? ? ? ? 1877229870 reward
(End of this chapter)

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