Chapter 162 A Kind of Joy

The two people who were beaten earlier also searched for a while in the crowd, and found that there was no suspicious person, so they left silently.

"Bao'er, when are you going to leave?"

Mei Baoer glanced at Mo Ming who was not far away, and said, "Tomorrow morning!" She had to think about it, she was also very contradictory now.

"Alright, tomorrow I'll ask Shang Xingyue and the four of them to go with us." Every time she goes on a mission, Xingyue and the four will go there together.

It's good for Mei Bao'er to think about it, if there are more people, then things won't be so difficult.In case of any danger, you can still resist for a while.

"Hey, Qin Weixue, are you going on a mission again?"

The oncoming Qin Ruxue immediately attracted everyone's attention, as if sparks were about to spark between the two women in white.Everyone in the academy knew that the two were not on good terms, and looking at it this way, they almost had a fight.

Beside Qin Ruxue, there were Li Xingwen and Mei Yanluo.

Mei Yanluo hurriedly walked in front of Mei Baoer, and when she was about to hold her hand, she was suddenly dodged.A trace of resentment flickered in Mei Yanluo's eyes, and this Mei Baoer looked on guard, as if she was treating her as a scourge.

"Bao'er, do you want to go there with Miss Qin?"


Mabel stared at her, "Yes."

"It's just right, we are going to the mission too, why don't we go together then?"

There was a dark light in Mei Yanluo's eyes, if she could get rid of Mei Bao'er outside, that would be the best.She ignored Mei Yanluo, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Qin Ruxue walking in front of Mo Ming.

There was a pause in my heart, and I looked over silently.

Seeing this, Mei Yanluo smiled happily.

Mei Baoer, soon your greatest support will be gone.

"Elder Mo, I heard that you are a new elder this year, and Ruxue has never seen her before." Qin Ruxue's cheeks turned red suddenly, she took a sneak peek, and took a closer look, this Mo Ming was really She is getting more and more attractive, and she really has never seen such a good-looking person, "My father has also heard about Elder Mo, so he specially dragged Ruxue here to invite Elder Mo to the Qin family to have a talk."

The Qin family has never refused to make friends with strong people.It just so happened that she told her father about him because she fell in love with him.

Mei Baoer suddenly felt that this Qin Ruxue was a bit of an eyesore, why didn't the devil slap him away?Doesn't the devil hate women's approach?It turns out that every one who comes, flies one. Why doesn't he fly people now?
Just when Qin Ruxue and Mei Baoer thought Mo Ming would agree, they saw him shaking his head: "No need." After speaking, he walked leisurely to Mei Baoer's side with a smile on his face, and held her hand very naturally. He grabbed her little hand and pulled her out of the crowd.Mei Baoer froze, what does this mean?
She lowered her head and glanced at the hand being held. Although she didn't know what it meant, she felt a kind of joy in her heart.

The originally tense face also relaxed, and a smile appeared, making that little face even more cute.Mo Ming glanced lightly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes became darker.

This performance stunned everyone, Elder Mo took Mei Bao'er's little hand and left.

Qin Weixue followed quickly, which is good.She also thought that something serious happened between the two of them, Qin Ruxue was not a simple person, so she might not let it go like this.It is estimated that this mission will not be peaceful.

There is also the one named Mei Yanluo, she always has a feeling that when the other party looks at her, occasionally there will be a look of wishing to kill her, eerie, very ferocious.

Qin Ruxue's smiling face was about to crack, looking very scary.The people around didn't dare to look any further. It was clear that Qin Ruxue failed to express her love and was rejected by Elder Mo. Although the other party didn't say this, her expression could already explain everything.

"Yanluo, when will you get that thing of yours?"

Qin Ruxue gritted her teeth and said, "I need this thing, will what you say will definitely work?"

Her gaze was fixed, and she landed on Mei Yanluo.

Mei Yanluo was also taken aback by the terrifying eyes.At this moment, Qin Ruxue really looked terrifying.That thing was indeed useful, it said on it, but it was expensive, and she didn't dare to exchange it easily. It should be that she couldn't exchange it at all, and she didn't have so many spirit stones.

"Of course, let's go back and discuss it!"

Mei Yanluo lowered her eyes. With Qin Ruxue's status, she should have a lot of money. She should ask for more. As for that Li Xingwen, she is just a small supporting role, so she can just give him some low-quality things at that time. It's done.

Hearing this, Qin Ruxue snorted coldly: "Very good!"

She doesn't pay attention to Mei Bao'er at all.Mo Ming's behavior, she naturally understood what it meant.

"Let's go!"

Mei Yanluo and Li Xingwen followed her, and Li Xingwen was also a little happy.As for Mei Wanchun who was very calm from the beginning to the end, let them fight over this matter!Although she participated in it, she did nothing.Qin Ruxue, Qin Weixue, Mei Baoer, these three people must die. She has a feeling that if she wants to grow up, these three people must be her hindrance in the future.

At this moment, the three of them are already hostile, so the next moment should be a fight.

Mei Baoer has been held by this big hand and returned to the door of the small courtyard. Just about to ask something, she suddenly felt someone in front of the small courtyard. When she looked up, she saw Nangong Zhaofeng's gaze fell on them.The relationship with Nangong Zhaofeng is not bad now, remembering that they met back then.

Nangong Zhaofeng was also a little surprised, she had met Mo Ming before, and she was somewhat curious about this man, but it was just curiosity.Seeing the other party holding Mei Bao'er's hand at this moment, it was clear in his eyes, and he didn't feel anything.

"Bao'er, where have you been?" She still glanced at Mo Ming, and suddenly remembered the young man who was by Mo Ming's side back then, so always, that figure really matched Mei Bao'er, and suddenly came to her senses "Bao'er, so it was you last time?"

Mei Baoer nodded, a little embarrassed, "Zhaofeng, I'm really sorry."

"So it really is," Nangong Zhaofeng said with an open-minded face, as if he didn't care about the past, "I won't mention these things, after all, I had some bad opinions at the beginning, since you are busy, I'll go first, just passing by, and check if you're there, I still have something to do, so I won't stop."


Mei Baoer glanced at Li Xichen who was beside Nangong Zhaofeng, and saw that he followed behind her without saying a word, as if he didn't feel tired at all.Anyone can see his affection for Nangong Zhaofeng.It wasn't until the two of them disappeared from sight that she suddenly woke up and remembered something.

(End of this chapter)

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