Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 163 If ​​You Like It, Just Admit It

Chapter 163 If ​​You Like It, Just Admit It

Looking back at Moming, hasn't he been silently by her side for the past few months?

The more this was the case, the more conflicted she was, and her originally relaxed mood seemed to become heavy.


After a long time, she raised her head and pulled him into the room.Mo Ming, she always touches the devil one by one, and rarely calls him by his name.Over time, I have gotten used to it.She suddenly realized that if one day, Mo Ming was really not by her side, would she not be used to it?

Thinking of this, I felt very uncomfortable again, and an indescribable feeling climbed into my heart.


Mo Ming knew that something was wrong with her recently, and he was a little happy to see her pull him into the room. Could it be that Bao'er was going to be honest with him and express his doubts?

Mei Baoer sighed, let him go, and fixed her eyes on his face: "Why do you keep following me?" Her eyes flickered twice, as if she was expecting the answer, but also a little Afraid of this answer.

Is it this?

Mei Baoer originally had a serious face, but seeing him smile, she felt a little dazzled.

"Speak well, don't laugh nonsense, distract your eyesight!"

Mo Ming hooked her fingers, she shook her head, expressing her disapproval.

But he didn't want him to approach her suddenly, and squeezed her waist: "Do you think you like this deity a little bit?"

Hearing his words pierced her mind, her little face suddenly turned red, grandma, you devil, don't be so direct, okay?It made her a little embarrassed.It's just that she seems to really like him a little bit.

Seeing her drooping her head and keeping silent, Mo Ming became unhappy.Lifting her little face, the warm breath passed to her cheeks, and the voice was very soft: "If you like it, just admit it!"

"Go, go, go..." Mei Bao'er became a little annoyed, and pushed him out in an instant, but she didn't push him out, and she threw herself into his arms all at once.

"Bao'er," his voice rang in his ears, "If you throw yourself into your arms, is this deity serious?"

She stood up and stared at him for a long time with a serious face. There is nothing wrong with this face. The more you look at this face, the more beautiful it is. Most importantly, the more you get along with this person, the more you can't let go.

She let him go: "You let me think about it." If you choose this way, you will definitely face a problem in the future.She has to think about it carefully, lest she regret it.It's easy to like someone, but it's hard to forget someone.There are countless planes, who knows which plane she would travel to the next moment if she hadn't found the Mei Yin Needle?

"it is good."

Hearing his answer, Mabel let out a sigh of relief.She was afraid that if he could say something wrong, she wouldn't know what to do next.Mo Ming is too strong to guess his strength, it is really too easy for the other party to do something.She also knew that he was very accommodating to her and let her be with many things.

It was precisely because of this that she had to think carefully about it.Suddenly, I felt that I was led out by him: "What are you going to do?"

"Aren't you hungry?"

It was said that her stomach was already rumbling.Nodded, okay, so it's okay to go to eat.

She had completely forgotten that she was dragged out by the teaching elders of the college.In just one afternoon, the entire academy knew that Mei Baoer had hooked up with the teaching elders of the academy, and it was said that she was the most handsome elder this year.This makes people who have seen Mo Ming feel a little sour in their hearts.

On the second day, Mei Baoer and Qin Weixue gathered early in the morning.These pains did not see Nangong Qianqiu and Nangong Fuchen, and only after asking them did they know that the two were at a critical moment of cultivation.She didn't go to bother them either, she was very clear about what the two of them were thinking.

Now that a devil has disturbed her a bit, there is absolutely no way to do anything else.

"Bao'er, did Elder Mo follow?"

Qin Weixue asked with a smile, but Mei Baoer rolled her eyes: "Why can't he come? He is an elder of the academy, how could he go on missions with me? Besides, it doesn't seem to be his business that I do missions. !"

"What do you explain so much, I just ask?"

Speaking of this, Qin Weixue became serious, "Be careful, Qin Ruxue and the others are going to the same place as the mission we are going to."

Hearing this, she also became serious.Although her strength is also at the early stage of the prefecture level, but this Qin Ruxue is from the Qin family, so I don't know if there are any masters around her.

"Has Mei Yanluo gone?"

She still has some concerns about Mei Yanluo, a time-traveling girl.Looking at the other party's appearance, she has always been hiding under Qin Ruxue's light, wanting to grow up secretly.

Qin Weixue shook her head: "She didn't go, neither did Li Xingwen, this time only Qin Ruxue and some people she knew went. Last time I was chased and killed by these people for several days, and finally..."

"Okay, let's go, Xingyue and the others have already gone to prepare things, we just go and have a round with them."


The two hurried out of the academy, and two people, Mei Yanluo and Li Xingwen, appeared at their original positions.

"Yanluo, can Ruxue succeed?"

"I don't know if it will be successful or not," Mei Yanluo chuckled and glanced at her, "Now you should worry about yourself, how can you succeed!"

"It's just..." Li Xingwen still hesitated, clenched her hands tightly, "Are you really going to do this? Although I want to get his attention, won't this make him hate me?"

Mei Yanluo sneered: "Xingwen, do you think you can make people pay attention to you like this? Besides, this is Feiyun College, there is no difference in status." She leaned closer to the other party's ear, "You can use that thing at ease It's all right, nothing will go wrong, I can assure you, don't you still want to keep watching that person silently?"

"I understand."

After a long time, Li Xingwen agreed.

Mei Yanluo laughed, she said that the main character here is her.Qin Weixue, Qin Ruxue, and Mei Baoer, these people can't be swayed, otherwise there is only one word, die!


After meeting Mei Baoer and Xingyue, they rushed to their destination together, Gaoluo Mountain. There are monsters below the sky level here, and there are also monsters at the sky level, but they are rarely seen. .It only takes half a day from Emerald City to Gaoluo Mountain, which is relatively close.

A group of people hurried for half a day and finally arrived there.

"Is this the Gaoluo Mountain?"

Mei Bao'er looked up, only to see the mountain in front of her, where the clouds could not be seen at a glance, and the mountain peaks were endless, looking very sinister.People kept coming in from the outside, and she felt a bit of interest in her eyes when she felt the breath of monsters coming from inside.

"Bao'er, go in quickly."

Qin Weixue's complexion changed suddenly, she grabbed Mei Baoer, and they jumped into the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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