Chapter 164 The Great Escape
In an instant, where they were standing, a loud voice suddenly sounded.Mei Bao'er looked back, and saw that there was a big hole in that place, which looked very scary.If they hadn't moved just now, they must have been seriously injured.

"Who is it? Qin Ruxue?"

Qin Weixue nodded: "Every time I come out, she will use various means to deal with me. Feiyun Academy will not pay attention to the competition between the students of the academy outside. But no matter what kind of hatred there is, it cannot There are fights in the academy, unless it's in the ring."

"I see."

Mei Bao'er's eyes darkened a little, Qin Ruxue was an opponent, "Then let's go in quickly! I saw that the terrain in the mountain is rather complicated, and what method the other party wants to use is not so convenient."

Qin Weixue also meant the same thing, and they quickly disappeared into the jungle.Qin Ruxue who followed was very unwilling and let them escape again! !
"Chase! Qin Weixue must not be allowed to escape this time, and that Mei Baoer must be killed!!" If you dare to rob her of a man, then don't blame her for being rude.Although Mei Yanluo's method is useful, she prefers to crush all her rivals to death! !

Isn't not showing up by Mo Ming's side the best way to deal with it? ?

She is the eldest lady of the Qin family, who can stop her?
"Yes, ma'am."

Qin Ruxue's expression flashed ruthlessly, this time she specially brought along a heaven-level expert.Qin Weixue, do you think you are so lucky every time? ?She has lost her patience. She was helped by a mysterious person last time. Could a mysterious person come out this time?
She doesn't think it's such a coincidence, does she?
"Weixue, there seems to be something wrong, someone is chasing you from behind."

Mei Baoer glanced back, and saw a gray figure flying over quickly from a distance, and seeing the aura, she instantly understood that this person was probably a heaven-level powerhouse.Because she herself is a person at the early stage of the prefecture level, she can feel that she is not yet able to defeat this person.

Qin Weixue also saw it, and her expression changed instantly: "Bao'er, go quickly, I'll deal with it, I didn't expect the other party to bring such a powerful person over this time."

"It seems that the Qin family can't tolerate me anymore." There was determination on her face, the Qin family had never been a good place for her.Didn't expect the Patriarch to kill him for the sake of his daughter, is it because he is afraid that he will snatch Qin Ruxue's things? ?

Isn't it just a quota? ?
The Qin family, from now on, she will not step into the Qin family again, and her heart is already cold at this moment.It would be fine if Qin Ruxue dealt with her, since the Qin family has already dealt with her, even if she went back, it would be impossible.

"What do you say!"

Mei Baoer chuckled, and a bottle of medicine powder and medicine appeared in her hand. Although these things can only stop them for a while, they can also make them escape.The Xingyue four also lined up beside them, and they were about to catch up with that person.In an instant, Mei Bao'er threw the thing in her hand, the man was stunned, and broke it subconsciously.

In an instant, several people heard Mei Bao'er's voice and hurriedly fled.They looked back subconsciously. The place where they stood before was all withered, which looked very scary.And the previous person also stopped in his tracks, and there were still constant blasting sounds in his ears.

These are the things she prepared before, specifically to deal with such strong people as the Heavenly Realm.A heavenly powerhouse can release spiritual power to protect her body, but her chain trick can trick the opponent. This method can only be used once, but it can also delay them.

A few people quickly hid in the bushes, and Qin Ruxue, who was chasing up behind her, saw the black air on the face of the heavenly powerhouse sitting cross-legged on the spot, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Miss, this subordinate is poisoned."


Qin Weixue was astonished: "How can you be poisoned? Isn't it possible to release spiritual power?"

"Mei Bao'er's methods are very cunning, and the subordinate accidentally got her way."

"Can it be solved??"

Just after Qin Ruxue finished asking, she saw the man spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face darkened a bit. It looked very scary, and the blood that spit out was even more black and foul-smelling, so she couldn't help covering it up. nose.

Thinking of not getting rid of the two of them this time, she felt a little uneasy, and finally took out a elixir bottle and poured out a elixir: "Eat it, you must kill them."

She only had two snow spirit pills in total, and now in order to kill the two of them smoothly, she could only bear the pain and give it to one of her subordinates.Now that she is far away from the Qin family, she can't go back and ask her father to give her another heavenly master.

"Thank you ma'am."

Sure enough, after taking the elixir, the man's complexion gradually returned to normal, and he adjusted his breath for several weeks before finally recovering.

"My lady is ready."

Qin Ruxue was annoyed for a while, "Since it's done, go after it immediately. I must kill these two people, and don't let them go out of Gaoluo Mountain!!"


The gray figure quickly disappeared in front of her eyes, her complexion was very ugly, she had a bad start, and she didn't know if she could kill Qin Weixue this time! !

Mei Baoer and the others were still fleeing in the jungle, feeling that no one was following them, and their speed gradually slowed down.Especially the Xingyue four, who were already in a cold sweat from being frightened.At this moment, they all looked at the porcelain bottle in Mei Baoer's hands with puzzled expressions. Along the way, they saw Mei Baoer distributing these medicinal powders, and they didn't know what they were for.

"Bao'er, what is this medicinal powder used for?" Qin Weixue still couldn't help asking.

Mei Baoer showed a smile: "This medicine powder can cover up the breath they passed by, and even wrap up our breath, spread it to other roads, and distract the perception of the heavenly powerhouse behind. Don't worry, as long as you disperse all the way With this medicine powder, it is not so easy for the other party to find us."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Qin Weixue also learned alchemy, and she is just getting started, so she naturally doesn't understand why there is such a magical thing.Even in alchemy, she has never seen such a thing.

"You all take it," Mei Bao'er threw a bottle to each other, "This thing is used to save our lives, in case we get separated and are caught up by the other party."

It's just that her eyes were a little serious, "Of course, this can only be temporary. Heaven-level powerhouses are not so easy to deal with. If the other party finds out, then this medicine powder will have no effect."

"Then, if we want to go out..."

(End of this chapter)

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