Chapter 182 A Fool

Xie Fa's voice came from outside, and he seemed a little anxious, so he ran in in a hurry, and when he saw the people in the room, especially Mo Ming and Mei Bao'er, his eyes were hardened, and the anger in his heart .

"Elder Mo, aren't you supposed to take Mei Bao'er to hunt monsters in the dungeon?? It's only been a month, why did you run out?? Are you going to violate the rules of the courtyard? If you If you don't obey the management, you will be expelled from the academy and will never be admitted!!" Xie Fa pointed at the two of them and said with a fierce look on his face, which made several elders frown.

Now that Mo Ming helped them repair the seal, it is too late to be grateful, no matter what happened before, in short, this matter can offset all previous mistakes.

"How is this going?"

Pei He said that Mo Ming didn't come to him to discuss matters about formations for a few days, so it turned out that he went to the dungeon just for this girl? ?He knows this girl, isn't she the one who scolded him behind his back last time?
Mabel? ?
However, he also took revenge, thinking that she is just a baby, and he is an old man of hundreds of years, and he still cares about her, which is a bit embarrassing.

He felt that this girl must be causing trouble. I heard that she has a very close relationship with Mo Ming!
These matters are also private affairs of others, and he has nothing to do with them. The college will not stop the teaching elders from falling in love with students.

Seeing Mo Ming's protective face, his old face also felt raw pain...

"Bao'er, what's going on?"

He asked again, and without waiting for Mei Baoer's answer, Xie Fa told everything, he didn't add more details, but this matter still made several elders dissatisfied.

Since it was Li Xingwen who provoked them first, they felt that Mei Baoer's actions were fine. If someone wanted to roast their pets and eat them, they would be angry too! !
The more Xie Fa went on, the more he felt that the eyes of the elders and the dean were a bit unkind. Could it be that he handled this matter wrongly?
"So, that's how things are. Dean, elders, let them go to the dungeon for another two months. Why can't we ignore the rules of the college?? Otherwise, our college will often make exceptions in the future. Well, after all, the impact is not very good."

In short, he had to let these two people go down. He had just prepared a plan for the two of them, but he hadn't had time to implement it. He finally spent a lot of spirit stones and invited many vicious people to the dungeon. , Isn't this for nothing? ?

Thinking of the white spirit stones flowing away, he felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

"Dean, let them go back to the dungeon first, that's right..." Xie Fa finally remembered, "By the way, Dean, didn't Shura escape? Didn't he get caught?"

Everyone glanced at him indifferently, why do they suddenly think that this person is an idiot?
"Okay, Vice President Xie, let's leave this as it is! Elder Mo and Mei Bao'er don't have to go back to the dungeon anymore, Shura has already been caught, and there are some problems in the dungeon, so don't let other people Come in."

Although the seal has been repaired, the inside is still dangerous. There are still many monsters and Shura left, but they are just hiding.The dungeon is a magical place. Not only are there various resources inside, but in fact, except for the strange light, everything else is not much different from the outside.

When Xie Fa heard this, he became a little reluctant.

The dean really wants to open the back door for Mo Ming, he has long understood that since Mo Ming came, his status has plummeted, at the beginning the dean still asked him to play chess every day, now... a half He hasn't seen each other for a month, and he already feels that his position is a bit insecure.

"Dean, Elder Mo is naturally not allowed to go back to the dungeon, but Mei Baoer has to go back. She hit someone and violated the rules of the school. If she doesn't set an example, what will the other students think?"

Xie Fa spoke with a righteous look, as if he was a defender of justice in the world.However, the way the elders looked at him still felt that he was an idiot!
Foolish, now that Elder Mo has repaired the seal of the dungeon, a mere student who beat someone, Elder Mo wants to protect it, so he can protect it.Seeing the way Elder Mo was holding the little girl's little hand, anyone could tell that he was thinking about it.

"Vice President Xie," Zhang Qing couldn't help but say, "The seal below has been repaired by Elder Mo."

The implication is that you don't want to make trouble here, or the dean will get angry, and your position may really be lost.

Xie Da was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Elder Zhang, is this a joke?" He checked carefully, and found that several people had serious faces, as if the matter was really like that.

"Dean, let's go first," Mo Ming said suddenly, "If Vice President Xie wants to entangle this matter, why don't we go out and talk about it."

The shabby and cold words made Xie tremble, as if he had fallen into a feeling of ice and snow, even death.Scary, this person is really scary.

Now that the seal can be repaired, its strength and background are not so simple.He had seen the seal before, and knew that it was an ancient technique, and ordinary people couldn't do it at all.

Before, he only thought that Mo Ming was a grassroots kid with no background and only a little strength, but he didn't expect that the other party must have some big background.He's not a fool either, if he didn't figure out the background, he definitely wouldn't be able to offend him to death.

The elders only felt a change in front of them, and a smile suddenly appeared on Xie Fa's face: "In this case, Elder Mo walked slowly, I was just too excited just now, I don't think the matter before is very appropriate, from now on Mei Bao'er doesn't need to go to the dungeon anymore. As for Li Xingwen, let her stay in the dungeon for two more months."

If no one objected, Li Xingwen was out of luck.

When she ran out, she found that she had been added for another two months, and she was about to faint.Originally, Nangong Zhaofeng was very happy, but if she wanted Li Xichen to accompany her, she couldn't be happy anymore.

Finally, Nangong Zhaofeng returned to the underground city.

"Zhaofeng is too impulsive."

Qin Weixue shook her head, "Since Li Xichen has changed his mind, we just don't want him. With Zhaofeng's excellence, there must be a lot of handsome young men who like it."

"Weixue, I don't think this is an easy matter. Li Xichen's behavior is too abnormal. Zhaofeng probably also had this idea, so she followed them relentlessly."

Naturally, Nangong Qianqiu was worried and stayed by the other party's side.

(End of this chapter)

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