Chapter 183 Guess
Nangong Zhaofeng seemed a little impulsive, but she was actually very smart, she must have discovered something was wrong.Of course, it is more likely that they are not reconciled and understand their own mind.

"Bao'er, did you find something?"

Qin Weixue also became serious, "Recently, I also discovered that Qin Ruxue didn't come to trouble me. She seemed to be plotting something, and that Mei Yanluo rarely came out. What do you think they are planning?"

"Have you not seen them for more than a month?" Mei Bao'er was startled, it was really strange.On weekdays, Qin Ruxue and Qin Weixue have an unpleasant meeting every three days. No matter what they do, as long as they meet, they will be able to match each other.

This is a little strange.

"No, but I've heard that they haven't gone out either, they're just in the place where they live, and I don't know what they're doing," she said here, and she suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Bao'er, are you still here?" There is one thing about Li Xichen, I inquired about it before, Li Xingwen came to him the day before, but it turned out like this the next day."

Thinking about it now, there are indeed many suspicious things about this matter.However, she didn't understand, what kind of method did Li Xingwen use to make Li Xichen suddenly ignore Nangong Zhaofeng?

Mei Baoer pondered: "Li Xichen is not poisoned."

Although she didn't have a pulse check, but with her ability, she could tell.

"I haven't been hit by Gu either." She has done some research on Gu.But Li Xichen doesn't have these two eyes.

"What's the matter?"

Qin Weixue is also a little anxious, anyway, she gets along well with Nangong Zhaofeng, so they can be regarded as friends!Although Nangong Zhaofeng was a bit arrogant, she was still kind to her friends.

Mei Baoer shook her head helplessly: "I don't know, unless I wait for Li Xichen to come out and I'll help him see, maybe I can find out!"

"Maybe the memory has been tampered with," Mo Ming's voice suddenly rang in their ears, "or it was cursed."

"Perhaps, both." He lowered his head, stared at Mei Bao'er, pinched her little face, and stroked her head, as if stroking a rabbit, "Bao'er, what do you think?" ?”

Qin Weixue and the others were stunned for a moment. This Elder Mo, who looked like a stranger in front of others, didn't want to enter. Why did he suddenly become a different person in front of Bao'er, and still act so shamelessly.

Look at little Bao'er, with a bright red face, she is indeed a bit cute.She couldn't help but stretched out her hand, wanting to touch this jade-like face, but she felt a chill in the end.

Glancing at Mo Ming's displeasure, she trembled and quickly withdrew her hand.Still don't touch, this man is too scary.Who would dare to provoke Bao'er's appearance? ?

"Mr. Mo said it is possible!"

Qin Weixue nodded, thinking that this is also a possibility.With such a guess, she felt that it was more and more possible, otherwise how could she explain it?

"Whether it is or not, we can only wait for them to come out. Coincidentally, when they come out, it will be the academy's assessment." Mei Baoer sighed, "I'm going back to practice."

Mei Baoer yawned, indicating that she was very sleepy, so she wanted to go back to practice.Qin Weixue felt something was wrong, every time she went to look for Mei Baoer, she saw that she was sleeping on the bed.

She went back to practice? ?

Are you sure it's not sleeping? ?

Very suspicious!

Mei Bao'er didn't care, she got up and ran towards her own yard, naturally the monster followed behind her.Her little face is a little tangled, she hasn't figured it out yet!
It's just that this beauty is hanging around every day, which makes her a little bit uncontrollable.If you want to blame, blame this man for being too handsome.

Better get some sleep!

Maybe it was a dream!
She walked over in a daze, then lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.When Mo Ming walked in, he saw the person lying on the bed, and walked over to help her adjust a comfortable posture.He poked her face and saw that she was immersed in cultivation, so he left.

Back in the house, he caught a glimpse of a figure and frowned.

"Elder Mo, are you back?"

It was Xie Yirou, when she saw Mo Ming coming back, she greeted her happily and walked to Mo Ming's side.She really liked this powerful man.Looking at the entire academy, there is no such a man.

She raised her head slightly and said, "Elder Mo, last time Yirou prepared some green tea picked from the mountains, and specially brought some here for Elder Mo. I hope Elder Mo will not dislike you."

She took out a bag of tea, but Mo Ming didn't take it.

"What's the matter?"

The voice was so indifferent that it froze her.She saw how the other party treated Mei Bao'er, but it wasn't like this. Could it be that she was too abrupt?That's right, they have only met a few times, so they are naturally very unfamiliar.

"Yirou knows that this is not good, it's just that last time, Yirou didn't understand the situation and caused trouble to Elder Baoermo, so this time I'm here to apologize to you."

"This matter is over, you can go."

Xie Yirou frowned, her expression aggrieved: "Elder Mo hates Yirou? Is it what Yirou did last time that made Elder Mo angry? Yirou said it, it wasn't intentional."

"Elder Mo, Yirou is here to apologize to you from the bottom of her heart."

She tightly held the green tea in her hand, thinking in her heart, how could she be inferior to that Mei Baoer? ?Now that the whole academy has spread the word, she is really jealous of Elder Mo's friendship with Mei Bao'er.

She was tricked by Mei Baoer last time, and she still hates it in her heart!
Just like Mei Baoer who hides men in the room, I didn't expect Mo Ming to like her.

"Yo, Miss Xie is here too?"

There was a sudden sound that made Xie Yirou pause, and when she looked up, she saw Qin Ruxue in white walking in.Qin Ruxue held a fruit basket in her hand, which contained all kinds of spiritual fruits, and she could smell the fragrance from it from a distance.

This Qin family is really rich!
In this regard, their Xie family is really inferior. Things like spirit fruit are not something that can be obtained casually.She picked this little tea outside by herself. If she hadn't had an uncle who was the deputy dean, she would really have no status in the college.

Although she is also talented, the people here are all talented people.

Qin Ruxue walked in front of Mo Ming, and her eyes fell on him, "I heard that Elder Mo came out from the dungeon, and Ruxue brought some spiritual fruits over here, I hope Elder Mo will not be disgusted."

Then she put the spirit fruit on the table beside her, "Miss Xie, what are you doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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