Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 184 We are going to sleep, so we won't entertain

Chapter 184 We are going to sleep, so we won't entertain
"What are you here for again?" Xie Yirou gritted her teeth. This Qin Ruxue is quite in the limelight. The other party has a background, strength, and looks, so she is naturally the object of her envy.

"Me," Qin Ruxue walked to Mo Ming's side, "Of course I came to see Elder Mo, I haven't seen you for a while, how is Elder Mo?" She looked at Mo Ming's face, her eyes flickering. Somewhat obsessed, "Father has been waiting at home for Elder Mo to pass by! How about Elder Mo giving you a face? I heard that the seal this time is also thanks to you. Ruxue really admires it."

When a beautiful woman said to a man that she admired him and worshiped him, most men would not be able to resist.However, there is only some impatience in Mo Ming's eyes!

"Elder Mo won't go!"

Xie Yirou couldn't help but hate, "My Xie family naturally welcomes Elder Mo too!!"

"You are very welcome!"

While the two were arguing, Mei Bao'er's voice came leisurely, and they suddenly looked up, and saw a window opened on the back wall of a small courtyard.

Mabel sat by the window, staring at everything below.Originally, she was sleeping well, but she suddenly had a bad dream, woke up, and naturally heard the voice coming from here.

In the end, it turned out that there was a scene where two women competed for one man!
"Miss Bao'er is awake?"

Xie Yirou laughed mockingly: "I didn't expect Miss Bao'er to be so impatient with loneliness. She not only likes to hide men in the house, but also likes to open a window on the back wall to watch men."

"Why can't I see?"

Mei Baoer was furious, "I didn't look at you again!!"

Mo Ming's eyes were fixed on her all the time, seeing that her little face suddenly tensed up, her eyes flickered, and there was a bit of a smile on her face.Of course, he had already discovered the window on the back wall.

"Hmph, Miss Bao'er, you are not someone from Elder Mo, why are you so nervous?" Qin Ruxue walked to Mo Ming's side, "Ru Xue fell in love with Elder Mo at first sight, if Elder Mo doesn't dislike it, Can you promise to spend some time with Ruxue?"

How bold!

Mei Bao'er couldn't help biting her tongue, but it's normal for a cultivator to be informal, and besides, what Qin Ruxue likes will definitely be obtained, Qin Weixue once told her.

Want to come to snatch the devil from her?
damn it!
Suddenly, Mei Baoer fell down and arrived at Mo Ming's side, just in time to block the two people's covetousness towards Mo Ming: "Okay, you guys have seen it too, and the things have been delivered, and it's not too late, so let's go!" Go back! We're going to bed, so we won't entertain you."

After saying that, she grabbed Mo Ming and ran into the house, closing the door instantly.

The two people outside were also stunned for a moment, they didn't expect that they had developed to such a degree.But, they silently thought, is it okay for Mei Baoer's small body?
The two looked at each other and left.

so what?As long as Moming is around, they will find a way to snatch him over.

Mei Bao'er was in the house, and felt that the two had left, she let out a breath, and quickly let Mo Ming go.

Glancing at him: "Don't look at me, I just saw that you were surrounded by two women and couldn't talk, so I came to help you out. Anyway, you have helped me so much, so this is called helping each other." Said Here, she muttered, "So you don't like being approached by women?? Don't you just slap a woman away when you see one?"

Why are you surrounded by women now and don't do anything?
Could it be that he recovered from his illness, no longer rejects women, and can approach all kinds of women?Thinking of these, I suddenly felt a little sad.He already knew this was the case. When he just fell into the medicine pond, didn't his subordinates find so many beauties for him?
This meant that he didn't refuse the beauty to throw himself into his arms, but he had an obstacle in his heart, which made the scene she saw happen.Now that he has recovered from his illness, naturally such a thing will not happen again.

The reason why he kept her was because she was the only woman who could let him experience a normal man.Now that he is well, naturally he doesn't need her anymore.

That's right...even if you like her, maybe she is not the only one in this world.

Even with her special situation, maybe she really likes someone in the future, and if she wants to be with the other person, she will experience the final separation, and she will not allow a person to be unfaithful to herself.

Since there is no unique word, then she will not want it, even though she also likes this monster a little now.

It's also discovered early, and it can be collected. It's better to meet this monster less in the future!To avoid seeing so many flowers and plants come and contaminate, it will be annoying for a while!
"Okay, I'm going back to sleep."

She held back the soreness in her heart and walked out of the room.There was no sound of footsteps behind him, and sure enough, he did not refuse the beautiful woman in his arms.She lowered her head and glanced at her small body. Although she was cute, she was still young, so she couldn't compare to those curvy figures. Don't men like the ones with big front and big back? ?

Thinking of the few tablespoons before time travel, isn't that just a confession?
The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. When she jumped, she was about to fly into the room.A shadow came from above her head. She subconsciously looked at a figure, and she was so scared that she forgot to control the direction, and she was about to hit the wall suddenly.

At the critical moment, she chose to close her eyes, forgetting the fact that she was a monk.Damn it, it hurts at most, it won't die, it won't die! !

I did bump into it, but it didn't hurt at all, the wall was a little soft and warm.Feeling a pair of hands holding her around her waist, she raised her head and fell into his eyes.

"Thank you!"

She frowned: "Okay, you can let me go, I'm going to sleep and practice."

"Not happy?"

She patted her chest for fear, her heart was still beating faster, she thought she was going to be hit with a black nose and a swollen face.

"No, I'm very happy, why aren't you unhappy?" Two hands grabbed his skirt, "In mid-air, my feet are unsteady, and my heart is not at ease. Tell me to put it down!"

However, he still didn't move, just took her like this, leaning against the wall, hanging in the air, really don't understand, what's wrong with him.

She suddenly felt a little aggrieved, she couldn't beat others, it was just a little sad!When will she surpass the person in front of her and beat him up severely?

"Devil, you put me down first, okay?"

She just felt uncomfortable, stuffy, and panicked, as if something was missing.She lowered her head, her eyes were steaming.It seems that all the grievances suffered by time travel flooded up.

(End of this chapter)

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