Chapter 186 Together

She thinks, it's better not to harm other people, practice hard, and then look for plum tone needles, if the curse can be broken in advance, then it will be very good.

"Don't let it go."

He still held her waist, and with a movement, he floated into the room.Hugging her with both hands: "Bao'er, you like me too, don't you?" His scorching eyes fell on her face, making her feel her blood boil.His hands were still on his chest, feeling his warm body.

With a move in my heart, I nodded.

No big deal, she does like the monster at the moment.The other party was very scheming, and even set her a trap, and walked in step by step, but now he can't get out.Thinking of this, she felt a little discouraged. After all, she was also a genius doctor of the generation, and she was set up by such an untamed monster.

"You look a little annoyed?"

He frowned, clasped the back of her head, and moved her whole face closer. At this moment, their noses were facing each other. It was the first time that she looked at this person so closely, and she felt her heart was about to jump out.His strong and powerful body did not allow her to resist at all.But she didn't think of resisting, it seemed that she was very familiar with his body, as if it was an original part, and she didn't reject it at all.

"You are deeply scheming."

She turned her eyes, "You mean, relying on Ben Bao'er?" Her eyes were slightly smiling, so let's die!If she was allowed to look at this person all day long but not be able to be with him, she would naturally feel pain in her heart.Besides, this world has only just begun, before the end, who knows if there will be? ?
Even if not, I believe there will be other ways in the future.


Hearing a sound from his nose, he responded.However, even though he was standing on the ground, she was still suspended in mid-air. It must be said that this monster was a bit tall, and she stood in front of him like a little one.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she hooked his neck, with a provocative look on her face: "What did you eat to grow up?"

"Want to know?" He bent down, "If you want to know, go back to the south with this deity. After you go back, you are the wife of the Demon King. Every monster is your subordinate, and you can drive it at will."

This is temptation! !
"The south is rich in mines and countless elixir. There are very few monsters who can make alchemy. These are all yours."

It really is a sugar-coated cannonball!
"There is also a beautiful man to accompany you." She only felt her waist tightened, and she felt him leaning towards her, and the hot air was blowing in her ears, "I just looked at it and didn't eat it, little Bao'er, do you want to have a bite?"

Mei Baoer swallowed her saliva and had to say, it was too tempting.Glancing at the chest, she only felt a little dizzy in front of her eyes.This man is really too seductive.Suddenly, she saw the playfulness in the corner of his eyes, and she was furious.To tease her?
Suddenly a plan came to his mind, the little hand fell from his neck, lifted his skirt, and scratched his chest: "Little boy, is that all you can do?" With a smile on her brow, "Let's go back and practice for a few more years!" As soon as she said this, she felt her hand was held by the other party, and she couldn't break free.

"Bao'er is not satisfied?"

"Not satisfied."

" you want to try?"

She just felt that the other party's gaze was getting hotter and hotter, and her body froze. It's good now, isn't it difficult to ride a tiger?She was just teasing him, but she didn't want to do anything with him that an adult could do.Her small body is very small, so inappropriate, even though this person is very attractive, she can't hold it anymore.

Feeling that she was a little scared, he suppressed the fire in his heart, and just hugged her gently: "I haven't grown up yet, let's talk about it when Bao'er grows up." Now, he has regarded her as his own. Naturally, people should be respected and sympathetic. He hoped that she would be happy, and even if he was with him, she had to be willing.

When she heard it, she felt a little relieved.I have to say that the devil is really good at this. Although he looks a little rough at times, he actually cares about her feelings.Forget it, she'll try it with him, and as for the final result, take one step at a time.

She stretched out her arms and hugged him: "Let's talk about it first, what about Xie Yirou, Qin Ruxue... something... um..." She stared at her and blocked her mouth when she disagreed with him. This is really his style .Soft lips, with a fresh floral fragrance, as if entering a world of floral fragrance.


She seemed to have smelled this fragrance somewhere before, but it was a little different from the ones she had smelled before.The smell on his body was even better. She couldn't remember what the scent was for a while, but thought it was a very special scent, and the other party had always had this floral scent.At first, she thought it was spices, but now that she thought about it, it probably wasn't.

"Let's talk about the disappearance first."

He let her go, some unpleasant voices reached his ears, he walked to the side with her in his arms and sat down.

At this moment she finally felt that the ground was solid.

"Let go first!"

Why are you always hugging? ?She is not a child.Feeling that his hand was loosened, she jumped to the ground, sat on the other side, dangling her legs, took a sip of water, and said, "This matter is a bit complicated."

"Then I'll just talk to you briefly!" She suddenly became depressed, and every time she thought about it, she felt a little depressed, "I came here with a mission to find the lost artifact from my ancestors..."

"It's a needle called the Meiyin Needle. It is said that as long as you find this needle, you can learn more advanced medical skills." Seeing him listening seriously, she added, "However, if in this world If I can't find it, I will disappear."

"That's it."

She looked up, and saw him standing in front of him with a full face of caution. His serious and serious appearance was really different from usual, and she felt that he was worried.She suddenly felt warm in her heart. She, who had never experienced family love, was also very happy to feel that there was such a person who cared about her.

It is really too far-fetched to let her lose these experiences just for a broken needle. The people in the Mei family really suffered a lot from the broken formation.She was thinking, without this task, would the Mei family be the same as other families?

"I won't let you disappear," he touched her cheek, "let's look for it together."

Her eyes lit up, his expression was very serious, knowing that he was not joking, he held his palm, which was so big that she needed two hands to hold it: "Do you want to accompany me?"


(End of this chapter)

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