Chapter 187 His Body
Little Bao'er is so cute, he naturally wants to accompany her.He really didn't expect that the ugly thing fished out of the medicine pond occupied his heart.Once he understood, he could never let go.Naturally, he couldn't accept that she would disappear.There must be something else about her, why did she disappear?What is the physical reason?When he vomited blood last time, he still remembered that scene, the small face was so pale that it made people feel distressed.

"If not?"

If not, she will disappear here.I don't know whether to disappear with the body or leave the body.It's fine for the body to disappear together, let him keep hope.If only the body is left, it means that she is dead.dead in this world.She could see the friendship in his eyes clearly.

"Must have."

If not, he wouldn't let her disappear.

"what are you doing?"

Mabel felt that his hand was stretched into her neck, and she felt goosebumps all over her, but when she saw him pull out the rope with the seeds on it, she stopped making trouble.It turned out that he was taking this. A burst of spiritual power appeared at his fingertips and fell into the seed. He didn't know what he was doing, but it shouldn't have any effect on her anyway.

After a long time, all the white light disappeared on the black seed. She touched it, and it was cool, as if something was added, but she couldn't tell what was added.

What kind of seed is this?

She stood up, hugged his arm, and could only talk to him with her head up: "You said, we also have an extraordinary relationship. What is your body?"

"Want to know?" Touching her small face, "Do you want to see the deity in such a hurry?"

"You, get out—" She let go of her hand quickly, but he held her back.She was just curious, really curious, she actually fell in love with a monster who did not know how many years of cultivation, no, she just confirmed the relationship, it really made her too curious.

Of course, she had to get to know her better. She even revealed her big secret and let him know.

"I want to know." She looked at him eagerly. Such a fragrant monster must not be an ugly thing. It looks so good, and its body must not be bad. She was looking forward to it even more.

Watched by these agile eyes, he was finally defeated and grabbed her waist: "Change to another place."

In an instant, the two disappeared into the house and appeared high in the sky.

"Where are we going?"

At night, Yue hid in the clouds, but they were above the clouds, able to see each other's figure clearly.His black robe completely covered her, except for one head that was exposed, and she could see the outside scenery.Looking at the moon from below is indeed quite different from looking at it from above the clouds.

Looking down like this, the entire Feiyun Academy can be seen, and it is another scenery.

Her hands tightly grasped his clothes. She had never tried to fly so high, and she probably couldn't fly up with the strength in front of her.I guess I don't know if I can fly when I reach the sky level.Now with her strength, she can also make a short leap, but the support time is relatively short.

"Don't you want to see the deity?"

Her face froze, "It's to look at the body, don't be so ambiguous, look at the body!!" Look at the body... Why did she feel that the word was more dirty, and her cheeks suddenly turned red? Yes, the more you say it, the less serious it is.

"I watched it so many times."

His laughter came from his ear, as if he was saying, watch casually.

She rolled her eyes and ignored it.But thinking that he will be able to know what his body is right away, I am still a little excited.We have known each other for so many days, and now the relationship is not normal, and she has always been very curious about the matter of Mo Ming's body.

"By the way, where's Mo You?"

I don't seem to have seen this more loyal follower recently.

"Going to work."

"Well, devil, what is that Moyou's body?" She asked secretly, "Tell me, I won't tell him."

"A kind of flower, Nether Flower."

The information of Nether Flower quickly popped out of Mei Baoer's mind, and her eyes widened immediately, "No wonder he has a stinky face all day long, and feelings are a flower with cold fire??"

Mo You, who works in a place far away, has no idea that his master has already betrayed him for his beauty.But he was still there, working hard.

Suddenly, the two bodies sank and slowly landed on the ground.The lake that appeared in front of the two of them was surrounded by forests on the left and right. I don't know which old mountain this place is in. It should be that few people come here.

At this moment, Yue'er had crawled out from the clouds, and Yue'er's shadow was reflected on the water surface, illuminating the entire lake surface with white light, and naturally the reflections of the two could be seen clearly.

She glanced at the shadow in the water, unable to hide the excitement on her cheeks.I am so excited to finally see the real body of the devil.

"Hey, you change!"

She turned around, pulled his arm, and looked around: "There is no one around, you can change."

She blinked mischievously, as if she was very happy.He held her waist, and the two fell into the lake together. Just as she was about to struggle, she suddenly felt something different.

A fresh fragrance came to the tip of her nose, even more fragrant than before.In a daze, she felt that the arms wrapped around her waist didn't look like arms anymore, and she didn't fall into the water as a whole, but lay on something.

Looking down, her eyes widened. There was a leaf about three or four people big, black, with a faint light, and she was lying on it. She sat up, and looked down to see that her waist was also covered with Wrapped by a smaller leaf.

Suddenly, she remembered, where is the devil?

She turned around and froze for a moment.

Under the moonlight, in front of her, there is such a big flower.The whole body is still black, with golden light shining on it, so beautiful, so beautiful that she even forgot to praise it.She walked over involuntarily, and the leaves under her feet also protected her and moved over.She put her hand on the top of the petals and touched it. It was a little cold, but very comfortable.

I sniffed it with the tip of my nose, and it was this scent.

She remembered that the same scent was on the black lotus lamp before.

"The devil, is that you?" There was a smile in the corner of her eyes, she didn't expect him to be a black lotus.There is also a golden edge on it, which is unusual among black lotus flowers at first glance.A black lotus with a gold border, so noble.

Now she is going to fall in love with a black lotus, and they will always be together in the future... Well, she thinks so much!
(End of this chapter)

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