Chapter 193 There is a way
"There are still three days until the assessment." Her eyes fell on the entrance, her eyes rolled, "I have a method, maybe I can let Zhaofeng try it, but I don't know if she is willing or not. About that There is too little information on things, and the current progress is very slow.”

"I also looked for it, and there is no book about that thing at all..." Qin Weixue felt a little helpless, "Only the Forgetfulness Curse is the only curse, there is nothing else."

She had expected this a long time ago, if there were other things, Mei Yanluo didn't know what she would do.

"Weixue," she suddenly grabbed Qin Weixue, "If you misuse the thing in her hand again, we will find a chance to snatch it and fuse it for you."

Grandma, she tried to ask herself that she didn't offend Mei Yanluo at all, and she wasn't afraid of trouble when the other party made trouble for her everywhere.Qin Weixue hesitated when she heard the words. After all, she knew the power of this thing. Once it was bound, could it be snatched?
"Even if you don't snatch it, maybe she is still planning to snatch it from you. Weixue, think about it carefully. After the other party appeared, the fights with Qin Ruxue became more frequent, and every time They were all chased and killed by the other party, as if they have some deep hatred for you." She analyzed this matter carefully, if Qin Ruxue wanted to kill Qin Weixue from the beginning, because of the other party's identity as the eldest lady of the Qin family , that is really too easy.

Back then, Xingyue and the others were not killed by the other party, but were sent to Hongmeiqingshuang to sell themselves.

Why, now Qin Ruxue is eager to kill Qin Ruxue and the people around him? ?

All of this was after Mei Yanluo appeared here and got to know the other party, so why did the other party target Qin Weixue in this way? If he had to think of a reason, then it must be the treasure in Qin Weixue's hands.

As for how Mei Yanluo knew about it, she hasn't figured it out yet.It seems that the other party knows a lot of things, and the purpose is also very strong.This time-traveling girl looks very difficult!
Qin Weixue had a serious face when she heard Mei Baoer's words. After such an analysis, she also felt that Mei Yanluo was behind it.

"I see, Bao'er, thank you for reminding me," Qin Weixue was slightly worried, "I've been very careful, except you who guessed it yourself, no one knows that I have this thing, how did she guess it? Does she have the ability to prophesy?"

If so, it would be really scary.

"This matter is a bit complicated, and I haven't figured it out yet." Mei Baoer frowned, "But I should be able to figure it out in the future. It shouldn't be that she has any prophecy ability. In that case, we must not be opponents of each other. Maybe she I have already robbed you of your things."

So why does Mei Yanluo know that Qin Weixue has a treasure in her hands?Every time she thinks about this incident, a cold feeling rises from her back, and why Mei Yanluo would target a fool for no reason. Looking at the IQ of the other party, a fool should not pose any threat to her.

But why did she plan all this behind Mei Wanchun's back?

"Bao'er, I still don't want to think about this matter, and I can't think of anything at the moment. Let's be careful, and we will find out later."

Seeing that Mei Baoer's face was wrinkled into a bun, Qin Weixue might be worried if Elder Mo saw it, "By the way, why haven't you seen Elder Mo recently?"

"He, he left for something. He said it would take a month, but now it's been two months and he hasn't come back yet." Thinking of Mo Ming, Mei Baoer felt a little worried.What the hell is the devil doing? Why hasn't he come back?

Is there any danger?

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, and the wrinkled face became tighter.Qin Weixue knew that she had asked the wrong question again. A strong man like Elder Mo would not leave easily if he was not in a hurry.

"Okay, Bao'er, don't worry. Elder Mo is so powerful, so nothing will happen to him. He must have encountered some troubles and didn't have time to come back. Maybe he will be back in a few days."

"You're right, I'll just wait!"

If the devil hasn't returned after a few days, she will use this seed to call him.Thinking of this awkward formula, she felt a little helpless.This treacherous big black lotus is clearly plotting against her.

If he can return safely, it doesn't matter if you let him do the math.

At this moment, footsteps came from the entrance of the dungeon, and the two looked over there.I saw Nangong Zhaofeng and Nangong Qianqiu walking out. They haven't seen each other for two months. Both of them have lost a lot of weight, especially Nangong Zhaofeng. Kind of sad.

Seeing this, the two of them didn't know what to say.


Mei Baoer asked, she was relieved to see that the two of them were not harmed, she was worried before that if the two sides fought, they would definitely be injured.

"Bao'er, please wait here."

A smile appeared on Nangong Zhaofeng's face, "Let's go!" She blocked the light with her hands, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I haven't come out for a few months, and I'm a little afraid of the light outside, but I feel like I'm inside. Those dim lights look a lot better."

Hearing this, several people looked very worried.

Mabel looked inside: "Where are they?"

Wouldn't it really be slaughtered by these two?

Nangong Zhaofeng's body froze, his eyes were lowered, and he didn't speak.

"Bao'er, let's talk after leaving here!" Seeing this, Nangong Qianqiu said quickly.What happened inside is not clear for a while.For this matter, he didn't know what to do.Li Xichen's changes were too unacceptable, and it was precisely because of this that they would not judge, plus their own guesses, they always felt something was wrong.

However, just as they were about to leave, they heard footsteps coming from the entrance of the dungeon.Looking up, I saw two embarrassed figures coming out, and Nangong Zhaofeng on one side tightly held the sword in his hand, as if thinking of something.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Suddenly, Li Xingwen's anxious voice came from over there. Only now did they see that Li Xichen's chest was a little off, and it was covered with blood, which seemed to be wounded by a sword.


Li Xichen's weak voice came, making one's heart tense.Li Xingwen quickly took out the elixir and fed it to him, which made him feel better.Supported by her, he stood up slowly.

The gazes of the two met Nangong Zhaofeng immediately.

Li Xingwen looked angry: "Nangong Zhaofeng, why are you still here?? You hurt my elder brother, what else do you want?" She spoke with confidence, and every word hit Nangong's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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