Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 194 Why Shield Her From the Sword

Chapter 194 Why Shield Her From the Sword

Nangong Zhaofeng, holding a sword, walked to the front, Li Xingwen looked at the other party vigilantly: "What else do you want to do?? Don't you stop? I've said it many times, my elder brother won't like you, no Thinking that you are such a vicious person, people don't like you, so they hurt him with a sword!!"

Hearing this, Mei Baoer and the others didn't quite believe it.

Nangong Zhaofeng looked at Li Xichen firmly: "Why did you block the sword for her?" Her voice was a little sad, a little lost, and a little bitter.She was just fighting back, but the opponent blocked it without hesitation.

"She's my sister!"

"Li Xichen, have you forgotten everything?"

"What did the princess say?"

Li Xichen's lips were a little pale, he didn't understand what she was talking about, he just felt that every time she spoke, especially when she stared at him with such eyes, there seemed to be something in his heart, and he felt empty.In his memory, the princess and he were indeed acquainted, just friends.

Why, did she look at him with such eyes?

"Then let me ask you again." Nangong Zhaofeng raised his sword and pointed at his face, "Tell me why you would rather block the sword than kill me with one sword! Don't deny it, you have this chance!"

Yes, with the strength of the other party, if he wants to kill her, why is it impossible? ?
There was only a glimmer of hope in her heart.

When Li Xingwen heard this, she was a little flustered. Yes, why is the eldest brother still unwilling to fight with the other party? Could it be that the other party is still someone he likes in the eldest brother's subconscious mind?

No, this is not acceptable, she will take her eldest brother away, and don't let this woman see her, what if the forgetfulness spell fails? ?

She is used to the days when her elder brother is by her side, and she can't imagine what it will be like after losing her elder brother.She couldn't bear the days when she lost her elder brother, and she absolutely couldn't let her elder brother leave her side again.

"That's enough, Nangong Zhaofeng, stop being hypocritical here. You can't force yourself to like you. If your elder brother doesn't like you, he just doesn't like you. Please don't force him!!"

She grabbed Li Xichen, "Brother, let's go back, don't talk to this woman, lest she hurt you again, Xingwen is really worried, in case something happens to big brother, Xingwen really doesn't know what to do gone."

"Okay, let's go back!"

Li Xichen looked away, but he always felt that there was something wrong in his heart, and he didn't think too much about it. Xingwen was his sister, so she naturally protected her.Nangong Zhaofeng is a princess, and she was only there to protect her.

Now that the other party's brother is here, he naturally doesn't have to do such things anymore.

The two supported each other and left, Nangong Zhaofeng staggered and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Nangong Qianqiu was quick and supported her.

"Zhaofeng, you also saw that since he has forgotten you, then... don't force it," Nangong Qianqiu was a little worried, "there are many good men in the west. With Zhaofeng, a mere Li Xichen What counts?"

Nangong Zhaofeng smiled bitterly: "Brother Seven, is this your sincere words? Do you really think that another person can represent the person in your heart?"

Hearing this, Nangong Qianqiu paused, his eyes were a little sad.Yes, how could it be possible for another person to represent the person in his heart.From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Mei Baoer, and heard that she and Mo Ming were officially together.

In the past, Mo Ming was always by her side, but now, she has taken the initiative to be with Mo Ming.

He has no chance, since Bao'er likes Mo Ming, there is no need for him to force him.So, he chose to let go, but he couldn't forget this figure in his heart.

These days in the dungeon, every time he heard the news brought in from the outside, he felt a little pain in his heart.Coupled with the fact that Sixth Brother had also left, he suddenly felt that the world was in chaos.

Zhaofeng is like this again, now he can only accompany Zhaofeng well and let her get through this difficulty.

"If Zhaofeng doesn't like it, then he doesn't like it, but he must take good care of himself, we still have to wait for Sixth Brother to come back."

The corners of Mei Baoer's eyes twitched, and the devil said that he would go away in ten years.

"Zhaofeng, let's go back, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Bao'er, if it's not important, let's talk about it another day. I'm a little tired."

"It's important," she held the other's hand, "it's very important, it's about Li Xichen."

Hearing this, Nangong Zhaofeng suddenly became energetic: "What is it?"

"Come on, let's go back and talk slowly. It's good news and bad news."

Nangong Zhaofeng was a little nervous. What do you mean by good news and bad news?However, seeing the other party's serious face, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and followed him back.

"Bao'er, what are you talking about, what happened to Xichen, did you find out something?"

She seemed a little excited and asked several questions at once.

"Zhaofeng, Weixue has already helped us and let us know that Li Xichen has been hit by a curse called the Forgetfulness Curse. This means that it's not that he voluntarily forgot about his relationship with you, but there is a reason for it. This is good news, right? ?”

Hearing this, she nodded, her eyes suddenly turned red, but she became fierce in an instant: "Who did it? Li Xingwen?"

"She did it, but it came from Mei Yanluo."

"So there's her!!" She gritted her teeth, as if she wanted to tear the two into pieces, but she held back because there was another piece of bad news.I feel uneasy, what is the bad news?
Could it be that this love-forgetfulness curse cannot be lifted?
"Bao'er, tell me!"

She calmed herself down and made herself look calmer.It was just her slightly trembling hands that betrayed her mood.

"There is too little understanding of this curse, so there is no quick way to remove it..." Seeing that the other party was a little desperate, Mei Baoer said again, "However, I have already figured out a method, and this method may require you to complete it. But , I don’t know if this method can be successful, but would you like to give it a try?”

"What way? As long as he remembers his feelings for me, even if he remembers, and he doesn't like me, I will admit it." She looked in a daze, still the somewhat arrogant Nangong Zhaofeng.

"Well, this method is..." Mei Baoer suddenly felt a little cruel. After all, this method may cause Zhaofeng to suffer greater harm, but she also understands that the other party is an arrogant person. Knowing that Li Xichen did not take the initiative Those who forget their feelings will never give up.

"Bao'er, tell me, no matter what method I have, I will try it. As I said, Li Xichen doesn't need to like me, but it can't be because of other reasons, it can only be that he doesn't like me from the bottom of his heart. Yes, I can accept that result!!"

(End of this chapter)

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