Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 196 Mei Baoer, come here once

Chapter 196 Mei Baoer, Come Over

"It's time for the academy's assessment soon. It's very normal for the swords and swords to be blind, disabled, and useless..."

When Li Xingwen heard this, his face turned pale.Her body trembled slightly, and she knew that if she really insisted on quitting, she might not feel good during the assessment.

The other party is the Qin family. There are countless disciples of the Qin family in this academy. If they confront her, they will definitely kill her.

Was she really unable to quit?
"If you insist on quitting, I won't force it. Thinking about the past friendship, I won't do anything to you," Qin Ruxue twitched the corner of her eyes slightly, playing with the little flower in her hand that was tortured out of shape, the petals All of them were torn to the ground, and only one flower pole was left, "However, my disciple of the Qin family uses more direct methods, and he will be sympathetic to women. In their hands, it can be destroyed or damaged.”

She frowned: "Maybe it's because the pressure is too great on weekdays. When I finally encountered a vent, my subordinates didn't know the severity."

As soon as these words fell, Li Xingwen trembled uncontrollably, and she already felt that her legs could no longer stand up.The other party even invited the elder brother's safety.The eldest brother's strength is only at the late stage of Xuan level, if he meets a prefecture level or above, and happens to be a disciple of the Qin family, then... probably he will be injured if he is immortal.

The other party made it clear that they didn't want her to get away unscathed.

"Ruxue, you are scaring Xingwen. How can it be so scary? I heard that the competition in this assessment is not divided into classes, and everyone competes together." Mei Yanluo said slowly. Resounded, "And, regardless of means."

You can use poison, you can use weapons, or you can use other things. In short, as long as you can use it, that's all.

If a elixir master is facing the battle mage, it will be a little bit nice.Another reason why Feiyun Academy is so powerful is that it does not restrict the freedom of the students inside. You can use whatever method you want, as long as it is during the assessment time.

When this rule was formulated, everyone couldn't help but think of that sinister little old man Pei He. When he became the dean, he also used various methods.

It doesn't look glamorous at all!

"Ru Xue, I'm just a little tired recently. I thought about it, we've known each other for so long, so naturally we won't quit easily." Li Xingwen smiled dryly, that smile was uglier than crying.

No matter what, she couldn't let her elder brother get hurt because of this.

"That's good."

Qin Ruxue got up, "I'm going back to prepare for the assessment, so I won't stay any longer, you should have a good rest! I heard that Mr. Li is injured, and I happen to have some medicine here, you take it!"

Li Xingwen held the pill bottle tightly and watched the two leave.When their figures disappeared, they sat down with cold sweat on their backs.She put away the elixir in her hand, no matter whether it was poisonous or not, she couldn't give it to her elder brother.

This Qin Ruxue is really...very annoying.

If I had known earlier, she would not have agreed to the other party because of impulse.There is also that Mei Yanluo, who is also very scheming. She rarely heard about her in Yuecheng back then, and she probably hid it too deeply.

The day of the assessment finally came.

Mei Bao'er walked out of the door, staring at the closed yard behind, feeling a little depressed, she grabbed the seed on her neck, cursed fiercely, and then put it in.

Today's assessment, in the past few days, I already knew the rules of the assessment.

In the first round, it was still a scuffle. They were divided into three groups, one group for the yellow class, two groups for the black class, and three groups for the prefecture class.

Obviously, she is in the second group of Xuan level, and the melee time is one hour. Those who can stay can participate in the next assessment and be eliminated. If their cultivation has not improved at all this year, Then you have to pay three times the tuition fee. If you don’t have Lingshi, you can use other things as collateral, or you can work for the academy to offset it. It’s quite humane.

She seriously suspected that the old man Pei He just didn't want to hire handymen to work, so that he could save a lot of Lingshi.Thinking about such a big college, if you want to hire handymen, it really costs a lot of spirit stones.

Pei He, who was in the room, only felt that he was sneezing continuously today, and guessed that it was that student who was speaking ill of him again.Doesn't he just want to save some money?It can be said that it is well-intentioned and kills two birds with one stone. It can supervise the progress of students and save Lingshi. What a wonderful idea!

"Bao'er, are you ready?" Qin Weixue and the five brothers and sisters from Nangong all came over, "Ready, let's go there!"

"En." She replied muffled, but the devil didn't come back.

What the hell did her big black lotus do? Why hasn't she come back? !what! !
"Bao'er, why don't you look happy?"

Xingyue smiled and said: "It should be that Elder Mo hasn't come back, she misses it!" This made her face suddenly blush.

Seeing the loss of her seventh brother, Nangong Zhaofeng quickly said: "Okay, let's go there first, we will start later!" They are all in the Xuan class, so naturally when they are fighting later, are together.

After the assessment, they will be promoted.

When the few people arrived at the square that could accommodate tens of thousands of people, there was indeed a sea of ​​people in front of them, and they walked to their seats.The person who presides over the melee assessment of the Xuan class this time is still Elder Yin Wufeng.

When he saw a small body approaching, his whole body shivered.Why did he have a bad premonition?This small body will not appear in the situation later, will it?

"Elder Yin!"

Mei Baoer came in front of Yin Wufeng, with a smile on her face: "It turns out that it is Elder Yin again, we are very destined!"

"Mei Bao'er, come here." Yin Wufeng looked sneaky, as if there was some secret, which aroused her interest and followed him.

"Elder Yin, do you have something to ask of me?"

That being said, he didn't ask her for anything, at most he just wanted to help, Yin Wufeng's cheeks twitched, "Mei Bao'er, Elder Ben, please help me."

"What are you busy with?"

Looking at this lovely face, his fingers trembled: "That's right, when you throw people off the stage later, don't mess with those who are strong, just throw those who are weaker, how about it?"

"Oh? Why? You beg me!" She felt upset, and it happened that Yin Wufeng bumped into her.

(End of this chapter)

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