Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 197 Who Called You Her Roommates?

Chapter 197 Who Called You Her Roommates?
"Bao'er, this elder knows that you are the cutest girl in the entire Feiyun Academy, so how about this elder asking you for a favor?"

She stretched out her little hand: "Is there no reward for helping?"

Very white, very thin, beautiful little hands.It is very straight and can put a lot of things on it.The corner of Yin Wufeng's mouth twitched: "Well, Bao'er, this elder also works for the dean, that...that..."

"I'm still a student!"

Yin Wufeng almost bit off his tongue, she said it well and it should be taken for granted! !

Well, she is a student and poorer than him.

"Okay, if the elder of Lingshiben is not there, can you see other things?"

"Bring it to me to see."

Yin Wufeng touched a ring in pain, put it in her hand, and looked inside, it turned out to be some elixir. It happened that these things were still useful to her.

"Well, it's a deal! But, you have to tell me, why are you doing this?"

"I'm in charge of the mysterious class. If the people who stay at the top are too weak, the dean will deduct my salary. Keep some strong ones, and if they get a good ranking in the end, they can get a salary increase."

After finishing speaking, he saw the unreliable little girl in front of him laughing with her shoulders trembling, as if she heard something ridiculous, which made him very depressed.

"Okay, Elder Yin, don't worry! I'll just throw those weak ones away later."

She turned around and walked back to Qin Weixue's side. When several people asked about it, she naturally didn't hide it, and shook out Yin Wufeng's old background, but Yin Wufeng heard it, and that old face suddenly became pale. flushed.

Mei Baoer turned her head and said in a low voice: "Elder Yin, I am helping you, they are all very powerful."

Hearing this, Yin Wufeng understood.

Half an hour later, after everyone had arrived, Yin Wufeng suddenly said loudly: "Okay, everyone in the Xuan class, go to the ring for me! After an hour, the remaining ones can continue the assessment , Those who are beaten down will be dealt with later by Elder Ben."

"Understood, Elder Yin!"

Afterwards, Yin Wufeng made a hand gesture, and the ring expanded again, and the people below flew up immediately.Mabel and the others are naturally next to each other.

Suddenly, she glanced at Nangong Zhaofeng, saw that the other person's eyes fell on a certain place, followed her, smiled inexplicably, it turned out to be Li Xingwen!
"Bao'er, I think we should get her down, so as not to be an eyesore!"

Nangong Zhaofeng's voice was like a gust of cool wind, blowing very coldly and shiveringly.

Although the few people didn't speak, they moved towards that side with the crowd. When Yin Wufeng's voice shouted, Nangong Zhaofeng jumped in front of Li Xingwen in a flash. One punch knocked the opponent down.

Li Xingwen didn't react, neither did Li Xichen.

Everyone was also stunned, seeing Nangong Zhaofeng with her arms crossed and a smile in the corner of her eyes, they immediately moved away.This Li Xingwen was the first to be kicked out of the ring, and after finally reacting, she got up from the ground with her mouth flattened.

"You, go aside!"

Yin Wufeng glared viciously, staying in the ring for just a moment, it was simply too bad.

Nangong Zhaofeng felt the burning gaze from Li Xingwen, and felt nothing at all.Then, she punched two more times, knocking down the opponent's two roommates at once.
"Who told you that you are her roommates!"

Mei Baoer and the others trembled when they heard her words. Princess Zhaofeng, who has always been arrogant and upright, has also learned to use tactics.I'm afraid Li Xingwen won't get along well with her two roommates in the future!
"Princess, is this too much for you?"

On Nangong Zhaofeng's side, no one dared to come over. At the same time, many people recognized Mei Baoer and Nangong Qianqiu, saying that they were blasted by her last time.

Her small body hides a huge amount of power, so she can't be bombarded any longer, and if she gets knocked down, she will have to pay double the tuition fees.

"This is the end of insufficient strength."

Nangong Zhaofeng's eyes fell on him, "If she is strong enough, how can she go down if I punch her?"

It was a good thing to say, Li Xichen was speechless.He didn't seem to hate the other party that much. Although the other party beat Xingwen down, the smile on her face made his heart stop.

Seeing this, Nangong Zhaofeng had a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.She has already felt that in Xichen's heart, there must be her existence, as long as she works harder, she can make him remember herself.

"Xi Chen, I will let you remember."

She was standing not far from him, and the people around her were fighting. Seeing that the two were still talking, she felt jealous.It's just that, looking at Mei Bao'er and her party surrounding them, she expressed that her cheeks were sore.

Li Xichen frowned: "Princess, what are you talking about?"

"Xi Chen, you actually like me."

Nangong Zhaofeng smiled, with tears in the corners of her eyes: "But you forgot your feelings for me." In an instant, her figure moved, rushed to the crowd over there, and attacked the weaker person. , basically one punch at a time.

Those months in the dungeon were not in vain.

Mei Baoer thought that her family's big black lotus hadn't come back yet, and she wanted to vent her heart. Her small body flew into it. After those people saw it, they were fighting well, so they dispersed quickly.

As a result, a very interesting scene happened above, Yin Wufeng's cheeks were crooked.He couldn't help covering his face, but fortunately he said it early, so that the other party would not let the bad one come down.

Seeing people flying down continuously, the two lunatics above still kept on.Pei He didn't know when he came over, and looked up with a surprised face.He knew that little body, and he also knew the other one.

Mei Baoer and Nangong Zhaofeng!
After he observed more, he found that these two people could knock down a person with just a few breaths. Most of these people who were knocked down were at the beginning of the Xuan level and were very weak in actual combat.

He patted the shoulder that was afraid of Yin Wufeng: "Elder Yin, what's going on? Have these two been bitten by a mad dog?" Did he know that Elder Mo Ming asked him to take care of that small body, did he eat it wrong? medicine?

"Dean," Yin Wufeng trembled, "Dean, I don't know what's wrong with them, maybe they lost their love, let's turn grief into strength! Look, these two seem to have improved a lot."

"It's true," Pei He's eyes flashed, his face pondering, "It seems that the dean should encourage students to fall in love, and it's better to have a love triangle, so that we can lose more love, and turn a lot of grief into strength."

(End of this chapter)

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