Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 215 Don't let go if you choose

Chapter 215 Don't let go if you choose
"Tomorrow's competition, you will definitely be No. 1." Suddenly, a voice came, familiar to everyone, isn't this the most ugly Xue Weiyuan in the West? ?

That face of Brother Pig must have made Qin Ruxue very sick, right?
"Master Xue, please take your things and leave immediately!!"

Qin Ruxue's extremely angry voice came from the courtyard. In the past few days, she was almost driven crazy by Xue Weiyuan.

Just horrible.

"Ruxue, I am sincere to you. If you don't believe me, then I will use time to prove..." Hearing the voice inside, Mei Baoer and her family, Daheilian, passed the yard happily.

I'm in a good mood!

"Huh, so it's still this restaurant? Could it be that Weixue is here too?" She was wondering why Daheilian didn't bring her food into the room, but took her out.


Sure enough.

The two stepped into the private room, and a strange man fell into their sight.

"This is Liu Chengfeng."

Xingyue said quickly to let her understand, isn't Liu Chengfeng the opponent of Qin Weixue? ?After Xingyue's explanation, she finally understood that Liu Chengfeng also had some friendship with them.Its strength is indeed much stronger than that of Qin Weixue. After this defeat, Qin Weixue did not feel uncomfortable at all.

After a few people got to know each other, they began to eat.Maybe it's because they know that they are all their own people, and they are very happy to get along with each other.

For tomorrow's competition, Qin Weixue and the others were very worried, but thinking of Mei Baoer's strength, they gradually let go of this worry.Mei Bao'er is someone who can beat up sky-level monsters, so if Qin Ruxue falls into her hands, she probably won't be able to please her.

Knowing that there will be a competition tomorrow, everyone also tasted a few small dishes, did not drink, and went back early.

On the brightly lit street, the lights on both sides reflected the faces of the two.Through the light, Mo Ming's unearthly handsome face fell into her eyes, which made her lose her mind for a while, and then smiled.

This big black lotus is indeed very attractive, she just felt a little fever on her cheeks.Only these days did she seriously face up to the relationship between them, as if it was a matter of course, no, he was too smart to lead her into his prison step by step, but she didn't have the slightest resentment.

The hand was always tightly held by him, feeling the warm temperature from him, and a different kind of emotion rose in her heart, a feeling of wanting to break through, making her whole body radiate heat.

I have to say, it feels good.

"Daheilian, will you always hold my hand?"

By coincidence, she suddenly asked a question that she didn't even know how to ask, and after she finished asking, she felt a little ashamed.With eyes half downcast, his eyes fell on the hands held by the two, his expressions were so serious.

After asking, she also looked forward to the answer very much.

If he is willing to hold her hand all the time, then she will use all means to stay in this world, no matter what happens in the future, she will give it a try, no matter what the Mei family's curse is, she will give it a try.

Originally, she was a person who didn't know family and love, but she was lucky to have it all of a sudden. She wanted to always cherish the hard-won emotions.From his various expressions, she saw his seriousness.

She would not foolishly think that this person would always be by his side if she didn't respond, and she would never let him pay unilaterally, no matter whether it was like this or not.Most importantly, she also likes this black lotus.

Thinking of this, he tightened his hands, since she, Mei Baoer, has taken a fancy to it, then it will be hers from now on.There is a domineering aura in her temperament, and whatever belongs to her, she will not let him become someone else's.

Just like in the previous life, although she didn't like that Young Master Ji, but the two had a marriage contract, she, who couldn't tolerate sand, would rather take his life!There was a cold light at the corner of her mouth, this was her, the real May Boa.

In fact, she is an extremely cold person in her heart, but the world is confused by her cute appearance.

Since she asked this question, she is not going to take it back, let's see how he answers it.If he said he was unwilling at this moment, then she would not force her, because she liked it, because she was not deeply involved. If he was unwilling, then she would let him go.

If he is willing, then there is no chance of regret.

If you choose Mei Baoer, you have to keep going, and you can't go back and forth halfway.Thinking of this, she raised her head and her eyes fell on his handsome face, with seriousness in her bright eyes.

Tell me quickly, what is your answer, she asked in her heart, but she didn't speak.

Mo Ming felt her tense suddenly, as if she was making a very serious decision.For a moment, he thought she was going to disappear from his side, and he would never be able to find her. The panic that surged in his heart at that moment was something he had never felt before.

Thinking that if he loses this ugly thing, his life will be worse than death.

As soon as he pulled his hand, he embraced her small body in his arms, buried her in her hair, stroked her shiny hair, and there was a kind of fragrance inside, which made him intoxicated.His people, can't they escape, if they escape, wouldn't it be in vain for him to calculate for so long.

"Of course, Bao'er, don't you want to abandon this deity and find a new love?" His voice was low and faintly revealing a kind of anger. If he was not reluctant, he would definitely teach her a good lesson and call her Little heartless.

Mei Baoer's eyes curled up with a smile, her arms wrapped around his waist, and pressed tightly against his chest, an unprecedented sense of security and love deeply planted in her heart.

Well, since Daheilian said that she would hold her hand all the time, she would not let her go.

"Of course not, I'm just asking you again to make sure," she raised her head, her lovely cheeks, her talking eyes, she was extremely serious, "Mo Ming, since you are willing to accompany me Me, if you choose me, you must understand that you will be my Mei Baoer's person from now on, if you dare to fall in love with others..."


Seeing that she stopped talking, he opened the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly, what does she want?
She punched him in the chest, but she didn't use any strength, her face flashed a trace of ruthlessness: "If you dare to like her, then I will definitely arrest her, poison her, cramp her, and peel her... Let her suffer all the pain in this world, and then poison you so that you can never move, watch me torture that person every day!!"

She said it very seriously, she was not joking.She can do such a thing.However, in her words, she still didn't say that she wanted to hurt him in the slightest, which was a little moving.

He also listened very seriously and didn't think she was joking at all.This kind of thing is exactly what he thought.

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(End of this chapter)

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