Chapter 216 I'm Satisfied
"Bao'er has won the heart of this deity. If you dare to abandon this deity, this deity will imprison you for the rest of your life." The person he fell in love with naturally couldn't bear her liking others. She just left.

The two expressed their feelings to each other, and suddenly a similar aura emerged around them. She lowered her head and chuckled, with a bit of joy in her eyes. It turned out that they were the same person.

That's good, so you don't have to change your mind and deal with the other party in the future.

"I am very satisfied!"

She raised her head, a little annoyed, this height is really embarrassing.She didn't know when she would be able to grow taller, and she was a little anxious right now.Standing beside him, always looks like a little girl.

"Satisfied, is there a reward?"

Make an inch of it, this is his motto.She froze for a moment, reward?This guy wants a reward right now.Biting his lip, he thought carefully.Seeing that she was thinking seriously, she successfully pleased Lord Demon King.

Today, there is no time to make him happier than today.At first, I thought that Bao'er was not enlightened, but later I found out that she is really a treasure.He had to keep a close eye on such a treasure, and absolutely not allow anyone to snatch it away.

"You... squat down!"

Mei Baoer pointed at him with a serious face, her bright eyes fell on his cheek, and she had an idea in an instant.His baby gave the order, so he naturally did not disobey it, and squatted down obediently.

"What do you want to do, what reward do you want to give this deity?"

Seeing that he was not much different from him when he squatted down, for the first time, he felt that her big black lotus might be more than 1.9 meters tall... Without saying a word, she suddenly held his face, and her peach-like lips fell down. on his lips.

In an instant, the ears of the respected Lord Demon King turned red.Of course, after reacting, he naturally hugged her small body, deepening the active kiss, and there was a sweet taste in his heart, which was extremely satisfying.

Mei Bao'er originally wanted to kiss his lips, but he didn't know that he would play a trick, and the tongue was instantly drawn into her mouth, and she was almost suffocated by his kiss, and she couldn't resist at all.

Next time... her little face flushed... There will be no next time! !Angry and ashamed, this guy who pushes his feet! !
"Bao'er's reward, the deity is very satisfied." Seeing that her little face was flushed, obviously unable to breathe, he quickly let her go and put his hands on her waist, but he was not at all reluctant to leave.He had no choice but to hold her tightly, and when her face returned to rosy, he held her little hand again.

The soft hands and those pink lips almost set him on fire.Quickly suppressing it, his eyes were as deep and bright as stars.He somewhat expected her to grow up, so that she could do what she said was a grown-up thing.

Mei Baoer didn't speak, and the other party's scorching gaze definitely couldn't be regarded as nothing happened.His hand was held tightly by him, and he couldn't help shaking it back.What she felt was missing gradually filled her heart, which was also very satisfying.

A tall and a short figure, holding hands, disappeared into the light. The scene just now made everyone unable to return to their senses for a long time.The affectionate atmosphere between them infected everyone's hearts.

Early in the morning, the Feiyun Academy became noisy again.

Today is the time to decide on the No.1 assessment.After knowing that the last three people were Mei Baoer, Qin Weixue and Liu Chengfeng, most people were very surprised. Such things really rarely happen.None of these three were prefectural-level peak powerhouses, yet they were able to win the top three.

"You three, come and draw lots!"

Pei He shook the lottery tube in his hand, and there were only three lots in it, two of which were "No. [-]", and one was empty. The two who got No. [-] will have a competition.The winner is compared with the empty lottery, and if the loser, then the top three will be produced.If they win, the person with the empty lottery will compete with the person who just lost, and the second and third will be ranked in a duel.

Thinking that there was also an empty lottery this time, everyone's eyes were glued to Mei Bao'er, and they shook their heads. They would definitely not believe that she could still draw an empty lottery.

Qin Ruxue's face flickered gloomy. This time, she couldn't teach Qin Weixue a lesson, but it would be good if she could teach Mei Baoer a lesson.As for Liu Chengfeng, she still hadn't noticed it. Although the other party was also powerful, she had enough confidence in herself.

"I want an empty sign, what should I do?"

Hearing Mei Baoer's salivating look standing in front of the lottery, it made the forehead throb.Doesn't she know that this empty lottery can be obtained if she wants it?
"The blank sign is naturally yours."

Mo Ming smiled and stood aside without moving.He said this as a matter of course, as if all the treasures in the world belonged to her.Everyone is very used to this wife-loving maniac.The dean is here, and he is not afraid of someone cheating.

Many people feel that they are talking big. Although there is a one-third chance, it doesn't mean that the chance lies with May Boer.

Mei Bao'er chuckled, and was about to draw a stick, but a jade white hand appeared in sight, and quickly took the stick away.This scene made her laugh out loud.

She just wanted to tease her, she didn't expect Qin Ruxue to be so eager.

A face of regret: "What are you in such a hurry for? In fact, I want to take this one!" After finishing speaking, she twisted a stick in her hand, turned it over, and smiled with a smile on her lips, "I really don't want it!" Meaning, empty sign!"

Everyone couldn't control the inclination of their bodies, and tried to stabilize themselves so as not to let themselves fall.

Another blank sign? ?
Their suspicious eyes fell on Pei He, and Pei He coughed lightly: "There is no cheating, everyone has seen it, the lottery is placed outside." These boys dare to doubt his character, it is clearly Mei Bo'er was lucky.

Knowing that the dean will never lie at this time, everyone suppressed the little jealousy in their hearts, Mei Baoer's luck is too good, right? ?Every empty lot was drawn by her.

Qin Ruxue turned over her lottery, and sure enough, she saw "No. [-]" written on it. It was so dazzling that she wanted to break it. Gritting her teeth, she finally turned around and jumped onto the ring.

very good! !
However, as long as she defeats Liu Chengfeng, she can still teach Mei Baoer a lesson.She had already thought of what method to use to teach him a lesson, but when she thought of Mei Yanluo who was still recuperating on the bed, the alarm bells rang in her heart, this Mei Baoer was not easy to deal with, so don't be deceived by the opponent's appearance.

Liu Chengfeng was a little helpless, and with a flash, he also landed on the ring.In fact, he knew that neither Mei Baoer nor Qin Ruxue could be dealt with by him.Compared to dealing with Mei Baoer, he felt that it would be better to fight Qin Ruxue.

(End of this chapter)

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