Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 217 Look at you nervous...

Chapter 217 Look at you nervous...

He had seen Mei Bao'er's fight before, and he was very frightened. The opponent hadn't shown his strength at all, and he was able to clean up Mei Yanluo easily, which shows how powerful she is.

Mei Bao'er didn't know that Liu Chengfeng would have such a high opinion of her in his heart, at the moment he was lying on the wicker chair, eating grapes very leisurely, watching the competition above.With one head tilted in the arms of her family's big black lotus, it was extremely refreshing.

How many people want to have grapes and beautiful men?
Those eyes narrowed with laughter, and he didn't forget to put a grape into Daheilian's mouth, but he bit her finger, chewed deeply, and then let her go, It made her annoyed.

Since the two of them expressed their feelings last night, he... has really become unscrupulous.

However, she also thinks this kind of feeling is not bad, she likes it very much, so let him do it.Besides, I'm familiar with that warm embrace, if I keep her away, I'm afraid it won't work.

Cursing secretly again, the scheming Daheilian happily noticed the competition above.From the looks of the situation, Liu Chengfeng was about to lose.She got up and got serious, ready to go up to fight at any time.

"Admit defeat!"

Liu Chengfeng knew that he was invincible, and it would be meaningless to continue the competition, so he jumped off the ring by himself. It was not worthwhile to bruise himself all over for a competition.It was very witty and made Qin Ruxue feel angry.

She also wanted to teach the other party a lesson. After all, the other party still had some friendship with Qin Weixue, so she turned out to be a smooth-headed one.Every time she faced Qin Weixue, she felt very powerless.

Don't worry, her eyes fell on Mei Baoer under the ring. She still didn't believe that Mei Baoer could be so powerful. The other party was just an alchemist and had no fighting power at all!

Poor Qin Ruxue, she still doesn't know Mei Baoer's true strength, she is really pitiful!

"Okay, Mabel, come up!"

She seemed impatient.

Mei Bao'er squinted her eyes, and said quietly: "Don't you take a break?" She said that after a fight, there was a quarter of an hour to rest, who knew that the other party was so urgent.

Qin Ruxue waved her hand, a little impatiently: "No need, hurry up, the fight will be over earlier!"

"If that's the case, then I'll make it happen for you. Today's No.1 belongs to me, Mei Baoer." With a smile on her face, she landed on the ring very arrogantly.Everyone wanted to laugh at it, but it suddenly occurred to the back of her mind that every time she drew lots, she would say that she wanted an empty lottery, but it turned out to be an empty lottery.

This time she was talking about No.1, wouldn't she really be able to get No.1? ?
This year's students are all very good, which is well known.Everyone quieted down. They felt that when there was no result, it was better not to speak big words, so as not to be slapped in the face, especially by Mei Baoer. Such a scene was unimaginable.

"Very good, Mei Baoer, I remember what happened last time!!"

If there was no Mei Baoer last time, Qin Weixue would have been eliminated by her long ago, so there would be so many troubles.Thinking of what Mei Yanluo said, she felt more and more that Mei Baoer's existence was an obstacle.

Although it is not possible to take the other party's life this time, the regulations did not say that the other party cannot be destroyed.As long as the other party becomes a useless person, there is no threat to help Qin Weixue.

Mei Baoer noticed the fierceness in the other party's eyes, and just smiled cheerfully.Her voice was played up in the entire arena, and for a while, everyone didn't understand whether it was a martial arts competition or a laughing competition.

"Mei Baoer, I heard that you are good at using poison, so today may disappoint you!"

Something appeared in Qin Ruxue's hand, and everyone was surprised when they saw it.They have only heard of this thing, and have never seen it.It was a piece of clothing, snow white with transparent, thin, and even a little bit of white light.

Qin Ruxue was very satisfied when she felt everyone's reaction.With the magic formula in his hand, the clothes fell on his body, and his aura changed a bit.Mei Baoer, who had been paying attention to all this, her eyes sank.

"what is this?"

"Clothes made of snow silk!"

Everyone below began to discuss, everyone knows ice silk, but they don't know that there is snow silk on top of ice silk, this snow silk has one function more than ice silk, that is, it is invulnerable to all poisons.

Snow silk?
After thinking about it, Mei Baoer understood.She couldn't help laughing, the voice like a silver bell made the person under the stage smile slightly.He stood with his hands folded, wearing a luxurious black robe that made people inaccessible.Seeing him laughing there attracted everyone's attention, and no one didn't know the relationship between them.

How can his Bao'er be so easy to deal with, it's just a snow silk, and it can be broken with a few fists!

Can't use poison, then use violence!
If Mei Baoer knew what he was thinking, she would definitely praise him greatly. This person really knows her heart very well.

"So it's snow silk!"

She frowned in distress, "I'm afraid I can't use poison."

"It's good to understand, then, let's start!"

Qin Ruxue couldn't wait any longer. With a kick of her legs, her figure flew towards her like a sharp arrow.Mei Bao'er seemed to have been frightened stupid, and stood still in a daze. Qin Weixue and everyone couldn't help but clenched their fists. Bao'er will be fine, right?

Thinking of what her Nangong Zhaofeng told them about being tough, they felt relieved again.Although other people didn't know about the matter in the dungeon, Qin Weixue and the others had heard Nangong Zhaofeng clearly say it, so they knew about it.

Just when Qin Ruxue's fist was about to land on Mei Bao'er's cheek, she raised her small hand and pinched the opponent's hands easily. In an instant, Qin Ruxue felt an explosive force , imprisoned her arm and couldn't move at all.

Surprised, she knew that Mei Baoer's strength was not weaker than hers, and even a little bit stronger.

Without giving her a chance to think, Mei Baoer flipped her hands, pulled the opponent's body up, and then pushed forward violently, the latter's body backed up uncontrollably until it reached the edge of the ring, which was embarrassing. Stabilized his figure.

Her complexion was ugly: "I underestimated you, but if you only have this ability, then it's really not enough!"

"Aren't you convinced?"

Mei Bao'er raised her fist, opened the corner of her mouth, and showed a wanton smile: "Ben Bao'er's fist is tyrannical!" After saying that, her figure turned into an afterimage, and when everyone reacted, she had already In front of Qin Ruxue.

Fast, too fast.

Qin Ruxue quickly responded to the attack, but she didn't want Mei Baoer to stand up, a laugh came from her ear, which made her stunned: "Look at your nervousness, isn't it just to scare you?"

(End of this chapter)

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