Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 226 Do You Know How Thick the City Wall Is?

Chapter 226 Do You Know How Thick the City Wall Is?

From the very beginning, he put Mo Ming opposite.

Looking at the small courtyard in front of him, surrounded by flowers and plants, and a thousand-year-old tree... demon, feeling that the tree demon was secretly hiding underground, he sneered, and pushed the door open.

An elf-like woman appeared in the field of vision, with a small body, lying on her back on a rattan chair, her calves were dangling every now and then, humming an unknown song, the corners of her lips curled slightly, with Pink is really attractive.

He walked over in a strange way, and when he was in front of her, he felt a vigilant look, and then he reacted, helped his forehead, and laughed a little.He is a majestic ghost emperor, but he was so fascinated by a little girl's film that he couldn't find the north or south.

It can be seen that the spirit body is really capable.Without any embarrassment, he turned around and sat on the other side, propping his forehead with one hand, while scrutinizing that vigilant little face, it was really interesting to watch, no wonder the unfathomable Mo Ming could be by her side for several years .From Ye Yi's mouth, he learned that the two seem to love each other very much.

With a sneer, so what?
No matter how powerful Mo Ming is, he is just a monster in the human world, can he compare to the ghost emperor?

"Miss Bao'er."

His voice sounded very gentle, thinking back then that countless women in the ghost world would be dazed by his voice, and they would do whatever they asked.A little girl's movie is not easy to catch.The self-styled and suave Ghost Emperor doesn't know that he will try and fail here that he has never tried before.

"Why did Elder Ye come here?"

Mei Baoer narrowed her eyes and looked carefully, she guessed right, this person is a man full of anger.A pair of blue eyes looked very good-looking, but matched with a royal blue robe, it was not coquettish or something.She was rejoicing that this man was not wearing a red shirt, otherwise she would have laughed out loud.

She didn't know that the former Lord Ghost Emperor loved a red shirt, but at some point, he changed to a blue robe.Taking a closer look, the blue robe was embroidered with very strange patterns. If you took a second look, you would feel terrified.

"Miss Bao'er is serious about it, do you think this elder looks good too?"

He squinted his eyes halfway, the sockets of his eyes were just big enough to hold her alone, and he could see all her expressions.Instead of being obsessed with him like usual, women saw a kind of vigilance and disdain.

It's really special that someone doesn't like him!
"Elder Ye, do you know how thick the city wall is?"

He didn't get the answer to his own question, but the other party asked another question instead, as if she really wanted him to answer it, which stunned him a little, city wall?He was thinking carefully about the city walls he had seen before. After a while, he gestured in front of him with his hands, as if nothing could match the thickness of the city walls.

Finally, he stood up, walked from side to side, and finally drew out the thickness he had seen. Finally, he remembered something. He seemed a little embarrassed, smiled awkwardly, sat back in his seat, and shrugged his shoulders.

Mei Baoer's eyes widened, she suppressed her smile, propped her chin, and her eyeballs moved wildly: "It seems that Elder Ye knows that the thickness of this city wall is about the same as your skin!"

Ye Yi couldn't bear it at first, and previously felt that Mei Bao'er was usually not so easy to talk about. His soul was broken everywhere, so he naturally saw all the things around the academy, and he understood her various deeds very well.

The ghost emperor of his family was tricked by Mei Baoer.

Drenched in cold sweat, he stared at Lord Ghost Emperor, for fear that he would get angry.

"Miss Bao'er is indeed a wonderful person!"

Ye Litian didn't expect that someone would beat around the bush and call him thicker than the city wall, and she was the only one.Therefore, he became more and more interested in her. If he only wanted to get her spiritual body at the beginning, so as to help him ascend to the throne of God, now he has other thoughts in his heart, and he has such an elf-like woman by his side. Around, is also good.

"Miss Bao'er, can we make a friend?"

After becoming a friend, he can walk beside her in an open and honest manner.It would be interesting to think about being able to hear her talk every day and see her eccentric appearance.

If she is brought back to the ghost world, maybe it can dissipate the dead energy of the ghost world and make the ghost world active.The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was a good one. The arrogant Ghost Emperor couldn't help letting go of his anger, and for a while, the entire courtyard was filled with anger, causing passers-by to look inside.

"Friend?" Mei Baoer shook her head, "I dare not make friends with you."

Who knows if making friends with you will be torn apart by you, and you don't even know if you will lose your life.

Don't want to?
The emperor put down his honor to make friends with a small human being, but he was unwilling?No matter how good his temper was, it made the once powerful Ghost Emperor a little angry.

The agitation in her whole body disappeared immediately, and instead, a terrifying aura vibrated around her, and Mei Baoer felt suffocated in an instant.She propped her hands on the table, her eyes were a little horrified, the ghost emperor is really powerful, even with such a little strength, it is still unbearable.

She didn't feel inferior at all, she was only in her teens, and the other party was an old ghost who didn't know how many years old, bullying the younger with big bullying, without any measure.I feel more and more in my heart that I must not be able to make friends with each other.

Just when she was about to be unable to hold on anymore, a sudden burst of warmth wrapped her around her neck, and waves of gentle force suppressed Ghost Emperor's ferocious aura.

Ye Litian was a little surprised. He thought it was a small human being, but he could handle it at will, but he didn't expect that there was a treasure on the opponent's body that could resist his aura, so he immediately withdrew his aura.He was just trying to scare the little girl in front of him, even though she knew she couldn't resist, she still didn't have the slightest fear.

Yes, bold, for so many years, those strong men in the ghost world are all afraid in front of him, but a small human being has no fear of him at all.

All this made him feel too fresh.

"Mabel, are you alright?"

After these few days of observation, Bu Tianya felt that he was staying in the contract space and could not be discovered by the ghost emperor, so he dared to talk to her now.Seeing that the other party was still so cruel, he was a little worried, and he didn't know where Mo Ming had gone.Usually he hates Mo Ming's presence, but now he wishes Mo Ming could be by Mei Baoer's side all the time.

Mei Baoer stroked the seeds inside the skirt, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Daheilian gave her a treasure, and she must keep this seed well. Not everyone can give up 1000 years of cultivation. Thinking of Daheilian's affection, she was moved countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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