Chapter 227 Disliked
A pair of eyes became brighter, and Ye Litian watched in amazement.Feeling that pair of agile pupils, as if passing through the air, he saw another figure, and his intuition told him that this person was Mo Ming.

He felt a little upset.

Suppressing the incompatibility in his heart, he smiled softly: "Miss Bao'er is really brave." His eyes were deep in thought, and the spirit body in front of him became more and more mysterious and more and more interesting to him.

I haven't met my opponent for a long time.

"Bao Er."

A familiar voice sounded outside the door, and Mei Yanluo, whom she had not seen for a long time, appeared.She didn't want to come here at first, but she cast her eyes on Ye Litian, since Ye Litian appeared in Feiyun College, it has attracted her attention.

She had to pay attention to a powerful man, and she had been wondering who the hero of this book was.Ye Litian was very suspicious, so when he knew that the other party appeared in Mei Baoer's yard, he hurried over.

She felt the terrifying aura just now from a distance, and seeing that the two of them were not getting along so happily, she breathed a sigh of relief.Walked in slowly, found a place to sit down.

"This is Elder Ye, right?"

Ye Litian is very familiar with this look, of course he knows who this person is.Mei Baoer's cousin, Mei Yanluo.He wanted to ignore it at first, but he didn't know what he thought of, so he gave a smile in the blink of an eye.

It has to be said that except for Mei Baoer, his smile will have a certain lethality on any woman.As expected, Mei Yanluo was stunned for a moment, but she quickly walked out of that smile, which really impressed him.

"Well, it's Elder Ben."

While propping his forehead, he turned the jade cup in his hand, looking relaxed and reckless, even more like a vagabond, the corners of Mei Baoer's eyes twitched.Why did she feel that this person is a veteran who has been courting countless maids? Thinking of this, she spat hard in her heart, such a dirty guy actually wanted to provoke her, bah bah bah!
Or her big black lotus is pure!
Lord Guidi didn't know at all, he was already disgusted by Mei Baoer to death.

"How did you come?"

The corners of Mei Bao'er's eyes were somewhat mocking. She couldn't believe that the other party was not annoyed at all when she was beaten so badly by her last time. Now she has the face to come over, isn't she afraid of being beaten again?

Mei Yanluo concealed it very well, even when she was on stage, she still didn't intend to break skin with Mei Baoer.She also relied on the other party's hand to fight against Qin Ruxue. It would be best for both of them to suffer a loss, and it would be her time to come forward in the end.At that time, she can do whatever she wants, and she doesn't have to be so aggrieved anymore.

In fact, if she didn't know that there was such an existence as Mo Ming beside the other party, how could she endure it.From all the experiences in her previous life, she only learned one word, forbearance!

Her advantage is tolerance!
"It's nothing, just come and see Bao'er, I've been practicing for a few years, I'm afraid I won't be in touch with Bao'er for a long time, I'm not familiar with it." There are still many people outside the door watching, all thinking about Ye Litian Girl, they both hate and fear Mei Baoer.

"You don't blame me for being in the ring, beating you speechless?"

Mei Bao'er swayed her calf, her tone was very relaxed.Just asking so straightforwardly, if it is an ordinary person, it must be unbearable.However, Mei Yanluo has never been a simple person.

"What is Bao'er talking about? How could I blame you? In the arena, there is no distinction between relatives and friends. Naturally, strength comes first." When she said this, she seemed to be standing on a high ground, and many people outside the door secretly to admire.

Secretly, Mei Yanluo has earned herself another popularity, which immediately sets off that Mei Baoer is a caring person.

"Oh, that's how it is." Mei Bao'er stroked her drooping hair, her eyes half-downcast, "You don't have to worry about it in the future, I should not be in the next game."

"Bao'er is going to practice?" Mei Yanluo's eyes flickered, and she secretly thought about whether there is anything she can use, and should she tell Qin Ruxue the news.

"No...but it's okay!"

Of course, Mei Bao'er saw the twinkling eyes of the other party, and smiled secretly in her heart, she was just teasing, and the other party had such a big reaction, she really wouldn't let her go.The other party has also learned to be good in the past two years, and she didn't go out at all, and she didn't make any more moves, which surprised her a little.She had a premonition that it was going to be lively again.

"I'm about to break through to the sky level."

In the end, she said these words lightly, from the peak of the earth level to the sky level, it is not so easy.Most of them break through to the sky level, and they are basically 30 years old, which is still very talented.However, when a teenage girl uttered these words, not only Mei Yanluo was stunned, but also the girls guarding the door were stunned.

The discussions in low voices disappeared one after another, and the only sound in the courtyard was the rustling of leaves blown by the wind.

"That's really congratulations Bao'er."

Mei Yanluo grabbed her thighs fiercely with both hands, and pinched her thighs with blood, but she didn't know it.The opponent is about to break through to the sky level, how long has it been!

The difficult smile on his face was very stiff.

Mei Bao'er stood up suddenly, with joy in her eyes, her big black lotus came back.Although she hadn't reached the door yet, she already felt his breath approaching, and ran out with her skirt in hand.

As soon as he reached the door, he bumped into his arms. He held her little hand, with a little anxiety in his eyes, and looked at her carefully. Seeing that she was not injured at all, he was relieved.He had already felt it when the seed was triggered before, but the distance was a little far away, and there was some annoyance in his eyes, knowing that Ye Litian was not a simple person, how could he go so far.

What if the other party really wants to hurt Bao'er!
Ye Litian felt that the man was protecting Mei Bao'er, just like a little hen, with a embarrassed expression, said "excuse me", and walked away.Mei Yanluo's eyes darkened, and she also left.

Seeing that Ye Litian had left, the rest hurried to follow, they were relieved, Mei Baoer didn't seem to have the slightest interest in Ye Litian.It looked like it was posted by their handsome Elder Ye.

Hmph, then Mei Baoer really has no vision!

"What did he come here for?"

Mo Ming thought deeply for a while, and hugged the person in his arms tightly, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart, wishing to tie her around his waist, so that no one would get her ideas.After finally sweeping away the rivals in love around him, he didn't expect another one to appear.

"He said he wanted to make friends with me!"

"Make friends!"

The Lord Demon King’s expression became vicious, as if someone had invaded his territory. Feeling his uneasiness, Mei Baoer hugged him: "Don't worry, I won't agree. That person has no good intentions. The ghost and him Be friends. By the way, what are you busy with?"

(End of this chapter)

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