Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 230 Are You Ashamed or Shameless?

Chapter 230 Are You Ashamed or Shameless?
Sure enough, Qin Ruxue's eyes lit up: "Since they don't want their lives, Miss Ben will not be polite."


She slammed her fist hard on the table, and it suddenly cracked open, and sawdust splashed all around. There were also a lot of sawdust stuck in her fist, but she didn't know it at all, maybe she knew it, and she didn't care.

"Arrange people right away, I want to see the bodies of Mei Baoer and Qin Weixue! Call the heavenly masters!"

Below the sky level, I'm afraid I can't deal with them.

If possible, she still wants to mobilize king-level masters, but king-level masters are not something she can mobilize.

"Yes, Miss."

Besides, after Mei Baoer and Qin Weixue left the Emerald City, they went all the way to the north, and they didn't encounter any obstacles during the period. If they didn't understand that Qin Ruxue would not let them go so easily, I'm afraid they would have doubted that they would go all the way safely. north.

There is also a reason why Mei Baoer chose to go to the north for training. Apart from the Western Feiyun Academy, there is another place where Shura can be sealed in the land of demons in the south, and that is the north.She even secretly guessed that the seal of the North might also be broken.

Whether it will or not, you have to be on guard.

The broken parts of Feiyun Academy were repaired by Mo Ming, and there are masters from the entire academy sitting in charge, so there shouldn't be any problems.The north direction is mysterious. First, you can come here to practice and explore the secrets inside. Second, you can check to see if there is any broken seal.

If there is a crisis in the Emerald Cloud Continent, it will be difficult for them humans to survive first.She didn't say the reason, but secretly kept it in her heart.In any case, the north is a good place for experience.

The south is the territory of Daheilian, so it is impossible for her to chase after and kill monsters, right?The east is even more impossible. Most of the people living in it are human beings, and their strength is still the weakest.

"Bao'er, what are you thinking about, with a serious face?"

The two walked on foot without any walking tools, holding a sword in one hand.The dust they stepped on did not stain their dresses at all, and there seemed to be a transparent mask around them that could isolate all the dust from the outside.Even if it rains, it can't drip on their heads.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually covered them, and they floated over their heads, covering the ray of sunshine just now.Feeling the shadow, both of them raised their heads, feeling strange.

Mei Baoer noticed the people walking on the left and right, and the corner of her lips curled up: "Weixue!"


Qin Weixue seemed to have a tacit understanding with her in every possible way, just hearing her two words, he understood.Although she is not as sharp as Mei Baoer, she is a smart person, and the sword in her hand is already clenched tightly.The figures of the two seem to have not changed, but they have actually adjusted to the best combat state.

The people around didn't seem to notice all this, and they were still walking back and forth. Although they were walking, they were looking at the two of them from the corner of their eyes, as if they were looking for the best time to attack.

Suddenly there was a burst of crying in front of them. The two looked from a distance, and saw a dirty child fell on the road. In front of him, there was a young woman lying on the ground with bruises all over her body. Seeing those dry bloodstains, it seemed that he was fighting with others and was defeated and died.

There is a lonely child left here, pitiful and weird.If it was an ordinary woman, seeing this scene, she would definitely have a heart of compassion, and immediately stepped forward to comfort and inquire, and maybe even send the child to his other family members.

Especially the child's dark eyes, shining brightly, are very cute.

The two just glanced at each other, then walked past with no expression on their faces.

"elder sister……"

The child's timid voice sounded very pleasant, soft and soft, coupled with that pitiful expression, it was definitely a big killer for women.The child's voice really made the two of them stop, turned around and looked over.

There was a smile in the corner of Mei Baoer's eyes, and those round eyeballs sparkled with interest: "Call me?" She pointed at herself with the hilt of her sword, as if she was a little surprised. On that face, there were all kinds of expressions, just There is no mercy and kindness.

The child tilted his head, the disbelief quickly disappeared from his eyes, and he still nodded weakly: "Sister." He cried and cried in a low voice, and even stretched out his hands, um, he wants a hug!It's just that when he lowered his eyes, the corners of his lips curled up, and there was a cold light.

"You call me sister?"

Mei Baoer's eyes widened this time, she pointed to her nose, and asked seriously, there was a look of disbelief in her eyes, as if she was listening to a big joke.The child hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.


Mei Baoer pulled Qin Weixue's sleeve, laughed loudly, and hooked her fingers: "Call me sister?" She looked contemptuous, "Do you want me to hug you?"

The surroundings seem to be still, and they don't understand what she means. Is there something wrong?A child who lost his mother, seeing a kind-hearted woman passing by, naturally aroused his nostalgia for his mother, wanted to seek comfort, wanted a hug, it was nothing, right?

Qin Weixue thought the same way. She didn't help the child, but she felt something strange in front of her. She didn't think there was anything wrong with the child's behavior at all. She even felt that the child's mother was probably killed by the people around her, so she came to lure them fooled.

After many fights with Qin Ruxue, the other party also knew that it must not be that simple to kill them openly, and there is nothing wrong with such a strategy of getting along.

His eyes shifted to Mei Baoer, and he wanted her to explain. The child wanted a hug and called me sister. Is there anything wrong with that?

Mei Baoer seemed to understand her doubts, she folded her hands, her little face that was about to grow apart, looked so beautiful in the flying dust, especially her eyes, the most beautiful ones Qin Weixue had ever seen .

"Old man, I think you are dozens of years old, and this girl is only in her teens. She is called my sister?? You still want this girl to hug you? You think beautifully, seeing that you have a child's face , to do such an embarrassing thing, do you know how to be ashamed and shameless? This girl sees that you are really shameless, otherwise you wouldn't be able to scream at a teenage girl!" Mei Bao'er's words shocked everyone present, especially Qin Weixue.

old stuff? ?

Dozens of old things?
This child, she shook her head suddenly, can't she?For a while, I was a little lost, and suddenly I thought of a person in my mind, and said a little: "He is a child, a legendary boy who is not old, a killer among monks, and the method of killing is very cruel. He looks like a child, but he does all kinds of evil. I don’t know how many people have been harmed by my appearance?”

(End of this chapter)

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