Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 231 Good looking, good in the world!

Chapter 231 Good looking, good in the world!

Tong Yin founded an organization to do things like killing people and seizing treasures. She just didn't expect that the other party would be recruited by Qin Ruxue.By the way, the Qin family is a big aristocratic family, and there is no problem in subduing a mere child voice.

"So this person is called Tong Yin?"

"Yes, the legend is that his body and voice are no different from those of children, so he was named Tongyin." Qin Weixue became vigilant, "I heard that Tongyin is already at the peak of the heavenly level, Bao'er, as soon as we come out I met a big one." From then on, her face was not only vigilant, but also excited.

"Such a disgusting old thing!"

Mei Baoer couldn't help spitting again, thinking of an old thing who was dozens of years old, when he asked her to hug him, he felt a chill in his heart, and wished he could poison him to death!She had forgotten, her big black lotus is an old monster of tens of thousands of years, so why isn't it disgusting?

Mabel: Can you compare?The old monster was so handsome, and her beautiful body made her dizzy.

Sure enough, she looks good and works well in the world!

Tong Yin also realized that her invincible appearance was exposed by a little girl.He withdrew his childish and timid expression, and carefully looked at the little girl in front of him.With a slender figure and a cute appearance, his strength is already at the early stage of the heavenly level, and his eyes are a little jealous. He is so powerful at such a young age. If he eats the other party, he may be able to break through to the king level.

Yes, Tong Yin not only kills people cruelly, but when he meets a monk with excellent talent, he will also be sucked up by him. He is a big villain in the West!Many monks thought that getting rid of this person would be quick, but the other party was very cunning, they couldn't find out his whereabouts at all, and they had the ability to escape.

Tong Yin's eyes were salivating, he had already decided that the little girl in front of him was his lunch.It was because he couldn't go any further that he took refuge in Qin Ruxue.If he could break through to the king level after eating this little girl, how could he be bound like this.

"Since you have discovered it, the old man will not pretend anymore, two girls, if you are obedient and do not resist, this old man will give you a happy ending!"

From a child's mouth, they both laughed a little when they heard an "old man" in one mouthful.

"Are you listening to the old man?" Tong Yin saw that the two of them did not show the fear they expected, but were still laughing, sullen in their hearts, and immediately raised their voices.Although this virgin body can help him a lot, if possible, he would naturally prefer to have an ordinary body.

In his life, he hated people laughing at him the most.I made up my mind that I must teach the other party a good lesson later!
He waved his hand, and the people walking around showed their magic weapons one after another, and surrounded the two of them in the middle. Those who were really passing by, ran away quickly, and those who didn't, were beheaded by the rest of the people, and the blood splashed into the dust On the ground, it is extraordinarily bright, and the dust seeps into it, forming a piece of dark red soil.

"Are you scared?" Tong Yin was smug, as if the two of you were already on his plate, "One of you is at the beginning of the heavenly level, and the other is at the peak of the earth level. You can't escape today. If you want to suffer less pain, don't made a resistance."

With a smile in the corner of Mei Baoer's eyes, she raised her hand and snapped her fingers: "One." A low voice came out of her mouth, and everyone was stunned.


The small mouth is slightly turned up, and the pink lips are very attractive. Fortunately, Mo Ming is not here, otherwise he will definitely not be able to hold it.


"Fall down!"

She raised her hands vigorously, as if she was a conductor, no matter how she waved her hands, the people below had to follow her rhythm.The small body revealed a shocking aura, even though it was only for a moment, Qin Weixue felt a kind of suffocation.

With a crackling sound..., except for Tong Yin, everyone around fell heavily on the dust, and the dust flew up again.Qin Weixue's eyes flickered for a while, and she found that there was a kind of powder in the dust. Thinking of the pills that Mei Baoer gave her before, she felt relieved.

Bao'er has been poisoned again, which makes people hard to guard against!
Tong Yin didn't understand at first, but later his face turned livid, and he was vaguely wary.He is clearly a heaven-level powerhouse who can release his spiritual power, so he is curious about how Mei Baoer got his people to recruit him.The weakest people here are all in the middle stage of the earth level, and most of them are around the early stage of the sky level.

They were all recruited, except for himself, there was no one left.

"The performance was perfect. This girl will give you one hundred and one points, and I will give you one point to make you proud!" Mei Baoer laughed, and a bottle of medicine powder appeared in her hand, "Now this girl will return the words to you, obediently take the poison Suicide, or you will suffer."

That vicious little appearance made Qin Weixue laugh.It's always a lot of fun to be with Boa.She wanted to compete with Tong Yin, but considering the cunning of the other party, it was better to get rid of it directly.

"You... two yellow-haired girls, you still want the life of this old man!"

Tong Yin's child-like face was full of ferocity, and the horrible blue veins were exposed. He was very horrified. He shook his body, and his body suddenly gave off an aura that belonged to the peak of the sky. The dust was stirred so that he didn't know where to go. With the wind.

When Qin Weixue couldn't take it anymore, Mei Baoer suddenly held her hand, and felt that terrifying aura, and she was driven out.Mei Baoer lowered her head and smiled at the seeds in the placket.

No one can resist the momentum of her big black lotus!
Tong Yin's eyes were dazed. How could a teenage girl resist the oppression of her aura?This... His eyes were even more angry, even greedy.

"Today, the old man will catch you back and swallow you well!" Like a fierce tiger, he rushed over ferociously and grabbed the two of them with both hands.Mei Baoer had expected it a long time ago, and she and Qin Weixue both drew their swords, and the three of them became entangled.

With excitement in her heart, Qin Weixue desperately greeted the other party, more ferocious than ever, as if she had found a way to break through, and while fighting with the same voice, she fell into some kind of comprehension.

Mei Baoer saw her situation, and knew in her heart that if she seized this opportunity, Qin Weixue would be able to break through to the heavenly realm in one fell swoop.The little face also became excited, and it was a good start to come out to practice this time.Naturally, he worked even harder, protecting Qin Weixue from Tong Yin's harm while allowing Qin Weixue to fight the opponent, which was more difficult than fighting Tong Yin directly.

A lot of sweat had flowed down her face, she was that kind of person, she was not easy to treat others well, if she was her own, she would be even more kind to others.Qin Weixue counts as one.

In her mind, there are not many concepts of good and bad, and she does everything according to her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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