Chapter 232 A Gift

This road was full of corpses, and passers-by saw the three fighting in the dust from a distance, and fled quickly, turning to another road.

Qin Weixue has fallen into her own world, but she can clearly feel Mei Baoer's protection of her, and she is very grateful in her heart.With the accelerated swordsmanship in his hand, the spiritual power in his body also began to circulate crazily.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, slashed down with a sword, and landed on Tong Yin's back. Tong Yin quickly dodged, and was attacked by Mei Baoer at the same time. In the end, she managed to dodge and suffered a lot The injury, a terrifying sword mark on his back, and bright red blood falling on the ground made him feel aggrieved.

"Bao'er, I'm going to break through."

After Qin Weixue finished speaking, she closed her eyes again, thrust her sword into the ground, and stood motionless on one side, while the spiritual power around her frantically rushed towards her.Mei Bao'er understood, the water on her head had already wetted her skirt, and she landed in front of Tong Yin in a flash.

Those dark eyes, with a smile, said the words, but they were extremely gloomy: "You are useless."

"Stop talking..." Before he could utter the words "Stop talking nonsense", Tong Yin froze, and the pain in his chest made him use his last strength to look down, only to see that a sharp sword had pierced through the mouth. It passed through his heart and went all the way to his back. At the same time, his dantian seemed to explode, and there was a hole the size of a palm on it.

He widened his eyes, unbelievable, Mei Baoer! !He underestimated this little girl who was only at the early stage of the heavenly level, and felt extremely remorseful in his heart, and finally fell heavily to the ground, dying with regret.

To the end of his life, he didn't understand how Mei Baoer could be so powerful.

Mei Baoer wiped the water all over her body, feeling a little disgusted, she stayed beside Qin Weixue to protect the law.The corpses all over the ground disgusted her a little.I haven't seen such a scene for a long time, and I'm really not used to it.

Seeing the end of the battle here, many passers-by boldly walked over and rushed past the two of them, feeling that the goddess of death did not attack them, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people understood Tong Yin's identity, secretly remembered the appearance of the two in their hearts, and expressed that they must ignore it in the future. The legendary immortal Tong Tong Yin was killed by the other party, which shows that his methods are powerful.

"You stop!"

Just when a pair of young people were about to pass by in the same way, Mei Baoer's voice sounded, making them tremble and knelt down on the ground: "Girl, please forgive me, please forgive me, we are just passing by, we don't know anything..."

"I won't kill you."

The two raised their heads together: "What's your order, Miss?"

She took out a ring, it looked shiny, this one was given by Daheilian, it can't be used to hold a corpse, she found another one, this one was also given by Daheilian, it can't be reckless, finally touched several When she came out, she was annoyed to find that everything on her body had the breath of a big black lotus shining brightly.

The corners of his mouth hooked, very happy.

"Do you have a ring? It doesn't need to be expensive, as long as it can hold the corpse here."

The two young men didn't understand, so they nodded quickly, and one of them said boldly, "Girl, you only need a storage bag to store the corpse." bag, self-serving to help pack up the surrounding corpses is very flattering.

"Well, yes, then I will let you do something and pay for it."

She took out a few potions: "This one will allow you to break through a realm."

The two were hesitant at first, but the temptation was too great: "I don't know what the girl wants to do?" If they have such a panacea, they don't need to go out to experience and break through their own bottlenecks.Although the elixir was in front of them, they didn't dare to have any other thoughts. This girl killed people without blinking an eye, so they were obedient and obedient.

"Give this bag of corpses to Qin Ruxue of the Qin family. This is a gift from me. I hope she likes it." She laughed in a low voice, like a magic voice, which made everyone around tremble. shake.

Who the hell is this that dares to provoke the Qin family?
"If you don't agree, someone will always agree. If you give something, there must be a way to protect yourself." People who can walk out have no means.Her gloomy little face, everyone doesn't want to praise how cute she is at this moment, thinking of the face of the dead Tong Yin, and looking at the lovely woman in front of them, the two of them have something in common, using their appearance to confuse everyone .

The two thought for a while, then agreed.

"Very good, eat these two immediately, and break through first! There are many people around who are watching, it is not very safe if you carry it with you." She will not let other people spoil her chance, since Qin Ruxue If you dare to deal with her, then you have to accept the gift she gave to the other party. Such a gift will be available every day in the future.

A gust of cold wind around woke everyone up, and they kept their heads in silence, pretending to be passing by.Obviously, Mei Baoer's words pierced their minds.

"My name is Mei Bao'er, and I'm a student of Feiyun College. The person I killed was called Tong Yin. I think you all understand. By the way, Qin Ruxue is somewhat interested in Tong Yin. We are classmates, and today I accidentally killed Tong Yin." Tone, send her a present," Mei Baoer propped her chin and blinked, "She should be very happy."

"The two people in front of me are entrusted by me. I hope they can reach the Qin family safely."

The voice faintly reveals a kind of shock, people have said so, how dare they do anything?
Mabel? ?

Mei Baoer's name has already been spread all over the west, although it is not pleasant, everyone knows that beside her, there is an elder who dotes on her, he almost spoils her to heaven, that elder is called Mo Ming, Very impressive.Even the dean would give her some face, so that people would not dare to provoke her. He also heard that Mei Baoer beat Qin Ruxue until her mother didn't even know her during Mei Baoer's first assessment. …

A series of things came to mind. If they had some thoughts before, now they have no thoughts at all.Provoking Mei Baoer is tantamount to provoking Elder Mo, and provoking Elder Mo is tantamount to provoking Feiyun Academy.

Qin Ruxue dared to beat her up, not to mention these scattered little people.

Feeling that the restless hearts around her calmed down, Mei Baoer was very satisfied.The two people in front of them did not refuse, quickly swallowed the potion, and broke through on the spot.

It didn't take long for the two of them to step over the bottleneck together, and after reaching a new realm, they bid farewell to Mei Baoer and left.

(End of this chapter)

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