Chapter 264 Finally Breakthrough
"what happened?"

"Are you going to break through?"

Mei Baoer has been busy these days and forgot to observe the cultivation of the two rabbits, "You are about to break through to the king level, and I will give you some potions. When Mei Zhuang breaks through, you will also break through. I think Your body just needs to replenish enough spiritual power, and you don’t need to cultivate the realm. Recently, you have obtained a lot of good things. When the time comes, I will refine the medicine for you and strive to break through to the emperor level. The whole continent is full, and you can help out when the time comes."

Because Bu Tianya is different, there is no need to go through the transformation and thunder tribulation.

Bu Tianya had a black line, and after talking for a long time, the last thing is the point, but he also knew that Mei Baoer also gave him the ability to protect himself: "Okay, thank you, Mei Baoer, you are the first one in Bu Tianya. friend."

"Hey, you are my contracted beast, my employee, go, don't disturb me refining potions, my yard has been set up by the big black lotus, you will not leak your breath, you can move around at will."

Bu Tianya's heart was still warm, and with his plum makeup on, he quickly ran to the next room, seeing the man walking in, he ran even faster.This man is more terrifying than Ye Litian, he can't afford to provoke him.

"This is for plants, and we have made [-] copies so far." Mei Bao'er touched a ring and came out, inside which were neatly placed porcelain vases. As for the beautiful colored glaze, plants would not appreciate it. That's her ring. Keep it for yourself, especially to collect the most precious potions.

Mo Ming held the ring, hooked the corners of his mouth, looked very happy, and touched her cheek: "Don't worry, take your time, Shura has no chance to invade the mainland." Even without her help, he would not look at the entire continent In distress, this is their place.

However, knowing her temperament, and her medicine is indeed very fast, which can reduce many troubles.

"Well, I understand. I regret my life very much. I almost broke through now. Refining potions can make my spiritual power run quickly. With constant consumption and replenishment, I may break through in two days. "

In the early stage, she didn't deliberately practice fast, step by step. In fact, she was suppressing her strength. Otherwise, with her aptitude, she would have already broken through to the king level, and maybe the emperor level would not be a problem, but cultivation is like building a wall. If the foundation is not laid well, no matter how high the level of cultivation is in the future, once a strong wind comes, it will be crushed.

Therefore, although she can extract potions to improve strength, she has never used them.Yes, every breakthrough is the result of her gushing after suppression, and she has never used a breakthrough potion.Although the potion is good, she doesn't want to use it.

Mo Ming also knows this, and he very much agrees with such actions.

So, the two of them stayed in the same room without any extra words, one sat on the side, each busy with their own affairs.In front of Mei Baoer was a very large experimental table, which was drawn by her and built with the help of the Lord Demon King. She would take it with her wherever she went, and the shelf behind her was also made by the Lord Demon King.

The respected Lord Demon King tried every means to leave his figure deeply in every item of hers, which shows his deep scheming.

Her gaze was like a torch, and she kept flipping her hands, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.Mo Ming's expression is faint, and there is a faint gray airflow around him. With the operation of his exercises, this airflow is getting bigger and bigger. This is the consciousness that he has separated these days. In fact, it is from the soul. Divided, but not the soul.

In just a little while, he will be able to remotely control the plants of the entire continent.Mei Baoer didn't know what this meant. After all, she was an ordinary person. She didn't understand how powerful a monk needed to control her own consciousness and make it grow outside her body.

If Pei He knew, his legs would be too weak to stand up.

Suddenly, Mei Baoer felt that something had been touched by her, she was shocked, quickly put away everything in front of her, and then sat cross-legged on the side.Lord Demon King certainly noticed, and quickly arranged an isolation formation around it, only allowing spiritual energy to enter, and nothing else could pass through, and naturally everything inside could not pass through.After the precise formation fell, he quietly stood by her side, and the previous consciousness was also put away by him, and continued to grow in another place.

Mei Baoer only felt that she had entered a volcano, like a glacier. Every gust of air flowed through her body endlessly, breaking her meridians and crushing her bones. The pain made her soul tremble. It was a pain from the soul, and nothing seemed to happen on the surface of the body.

Just when she felt that the flesh and blood in her whole body was reduced to pieces, a stream of clear water poured into her whole body from the top of her head, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, obviously enjoying it very much.Mo Ming also showed a smile, the breakthrough went smoothly, of course he knew that from the sky level to the king level is a hurdle, the breakthrough is also very painful, his baby is still different.

Satisfied, he released that consciousness, and his movements couldn't help speeding up, as if it was no longer a consciousness, but a soldier he was practicing.If the consciousness is not his, if he can speak, he will definitely curse.

The surrounding spiritual power still poured into Mei Bao'er's body, replenishing all that she had consumed just now, and it became more concentrated and solidified.After a day, she finally woke up, opened her eyes, and looked at the handsome face approaching in front of her.She smiled knowingly, touched his face, and couldn't help but stick it up and kiss his lips.

Unexpectedly, the baby would be rewarded when he woke up, the Lord Demon King seemed very excited, and clasped the little head with one hand, deepening the kiss.The attractive pink lips and the sweet honey juice always make him want to stop.

He can't leave this attractive baby anymore. He likes everything about her, whether it's her beauty, her wisdom, or her occasional silly smile. Gu Ren's appearance is so beautiful.

After letting her go for a long time, the crimson lips made him stiff, he quickly hugged her, and silently recited the Qingxin formula several times in his heart, the little devil king reluctantly bowed his head.

"What's the matter with you?"

She really didn't notice anything unusual this time. After all, he was sitting beside her and hugged her, so she felt him stiffen, and asked suspiciously.

"No, the potion has already been distributed, and the reaction below says it's very good, Bao'er is very powerful."

"Of course, that's right. Now that I have broken through to the king level, it is easier to refine potions. I plan to refine all the current elixir. How is the current strength of your little monsters?" She asked The batch that was going to be trained had about 3 people at the end of the month, spread all over the entire continent, and they were all heroes from all walks of life. It took Mo Ming a lot of time to find them.

(End of this chapter)

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