Chapter 265 Feels Like Convulsion

"Currently the highest level is in the north. In the middle of the emperor level, the others in the north are mostly in the king level realm." Because of the superior terrain in the north, these little monsters were originally in the sky level realm, but they were raised to the king level by Mei Baoer's potion. For the imperial level, she has not yet found the precious elixir to refine it to advance, "The eastern ones are the weakest, but after using Bao'er's potion, their strength has gradually become the same. They are all in the early days of the heavenly level. At the late stage of the sky level, as for the south, it is basically the middle stage of the king level, and there are also a few emperor level and god level."

Mei Baoer's eyes lit up. If she worked harder, there would be tens of thousands of king-level realms, and she speculated that many emperor-level realms would be born. If she were to deal with Shura, there should be no problem. He suffered a severe meal.

"Then let the little monsters continue to look for the elixir, by the way, where is the Beastmaster?"

The Beast King has now become Mo Ming's lackey, he listens to what Mo Ming says, he has become another little brother after Mo You.She said in admiration, as expected of her man, his charm is so great.

"The progress of monster beasts is not small. There are about [-] heaven-level realms, about [-] king-level realms, and the beast king is the emperor-level realm."

"It's great, let them take it easy, hide their strength, and then give the Asuras a big meal that they are caught off guard, so that they will never forget it. By the way, we have to catch Mei Yanluo," Mei Baoer twisted. Brows, "This person is too cunning. I think she probably won't leave the Asura Realm until the end. After all, she knows that once she appears, we won't let her go."

"Then lead people to attack the Asura Realm!"

He said calmly, but she listened to it: "This is a good idea. The Shura world is not suitable for human survival, but there are also many treasures. They all come to snatch our things, and we also enter them. They stole their things, let them drink the northwest wind!!"

"Well, very good, let's plan this matter slowly." A certain demon king is already planning, whether he wants to hit a rival in love in the Asura Realm, knowing that Nangong Fuchen didn't intervene in this matter, he still feels a little regretful.But it's okay to teach a little lesson, after all, the Asura Realm is the opponent's territory, and if one's own people can't manage well, it's a crime of dereliction of duty, isn't it?

Although it's Bao'er's friend, it's not easy to kill him, but it's okay to beat him up to vent his anger.

A certain demon king found a very legitimate reason for himself, and looked very happy, with the corners of his mouth curled up.A small hand was placed on his forehead, making him come back to his senses.

"I'm not sick, why are you stiff for a while and laughing for a while?"

It feels like a convulsion.

Holding the slippery little hand, a certain demon king smiled meaningfully, but he didn't say why, which made her a little depressed.That's what's wrong with Daheilian. When she has fun, she always likes to have fun alone. It's all because of her curiosity that he still has fun alone.

"By the way, I will send the potion to other people first. Do you think we should train them well? Their strength is too weak, and many of them haven't broken through to the sky level. When they encounter danger, I'm afraid it will be too late."

"It is."

It's impossible to lock these people up, right?

When the two of them came together, it was decided.Xingyue and the others didn't know that they were about to usher in a nightmarish devil training.

"Bao'er, what do you want us to do?"

Xingyue is a talkative person. At first, Mei Baoer thought it was cold and cold, and Xingchen didn't like to talk. After getting along for a long time, she found that Xingyue was always rushing to talk. got used to it.

"I think your strength is too weak."

Xingyue blushed, that's right, except for Leng Zhu, the other three of them were not even close to the Heavenly Realm.Qin Weixue was already at the late stage of the heavenly level, which made them feel even more embarrassed.Obviously Qin Weixue was much weaker than them at the beginning, but now he can only look forward to the opponent's breakthrough again and again.

"Xingyue, Lengqing, Xingchen, the three of you are currently at the peak of the prefecture level, and I will arrange special training for you next. If you are willing, you can nod. If you are not willing, I will not force you."

The three of them nodded quickly, expressing their willingness, and they nodded several times in case Mei Baoer didn't see it.

"Very well, then your goal is to reach the peak of the heavenly level. If you fail to achieve this goal, then you are not qualified to come out, and you can only continue special training." She also wanted to help them enter the king-level realm, but the peak of the heavenly level has reached the peak level. The early stage of the king level is a very important stage, which can only be broken through by themselves.

The three were a little happy and agreed.

"Weixue shouldn't need it. If you comprehend it well, you will be able to break through to the king level. If you want, after breaking through to the king level, I will make a training plan for you."


As long as the strength can be improved, Qin Weixue has no objection, she believes that Mei Baoer is for them.

"Zhaofeng, Qianqiu, you also have to train. You are all at the early days of the heavenly level, and Leng Zhu is in the middle of the heavenly level, so you should train to the peak of the heavenly level." Mei Baoer thought for a while, "When the time comes, you will all break through After reaching the early stage of the king class, you can continue if you want, and there will be a new training plan at that time."

As for the person who came up with the training plan, who else but Mo Ming?Elder Mo of her family is omnipotent.

"That Lei Sheng, are you sure you want to join us?"

Mei Baoer blinked. Lei Sheng only found her after hearing her coming back, and said that he wanted to join her team. In fact, they are just good friends here, not a team.Lei Sheng is a good person, and he was quite familiar with him before, so she wanted to make sure again.

"Yeah, Bao'er, I think you're playing really well, and I'm very envious." Lei Sheng rubbed his head, "I usually practice faster than others, and I can't get along with them, but I'm not as good as you guys." We can chat."

"Okay, you are already at the peak of the heavenly rank, and when you reach the king rank, you can start training."

"it is good."

Lei Sheng was very happy. He was very happy to be able to join such a strong team. After several years, he finally had his own circle of friends.The others also smiled kindly. In their eyes, Lei Sheng was indeed a good person.

In a short time, the training plans of several people were all arranged, and then the respected Lord Demon King beckoned, and the little demon who came out of nowhere recorded the training plans of these people one by one.Originally, he wanted to bring these back to the south, but he thought that it was a troubled time and the south was not peaceful.

So, I asked Pei He for the permission of the dungeon, and allocated a piece of land to them. With the formation of Lord Demon King, no one would dare to break in.After three days of preparation, they went into the dungeon together. This time, Mo Ming also recruited a master from the monster clan. As the trainer for these people, even a fool would know that Mo Ming is probably not human.

(End of this chapter)

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