Chapter 266 What did I remember

"Zhaofeng, are you sure you want to go and have a look?"

Mei Baoer hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Well, Bao'er, I know what you mean, but it's been so long, I want to see if I still have thoughts about him, if I do, I'll try again, if not, I just got my wish, So let's see him again!"

Mei Baoer frowned, judging from the appearance, Zhaofeng might still have something in her heart, if not, why would she still think of visiting Li Xichen in the past?

Forget it, it's not easy for her to ask about emotional matters, everyone has their own destiny.Li Xichen didn't have any more information on the Forgetfulness Curse. She only studied elixir, which is not good at it. She wanted to help, but she was powerless, but she could guarantee to solve any poison.


"Brother, don't go out these days, it's not so peaceful now that Asura is gradually appearing outside."

Li Xingwen was a little worried, bitter in her heart, even though she used the Forgetfulness Curse on her eldest brother, and hinted to him that she was his closest relative, and forced Nangong Zhaofeng to leave.However, she always felt that her elder brother was still so strange to her, even though he was much better than before, even if he helped her every time, it seemed that it was only catalyzed by the spell of forgetting love, not from his original intention.

She quickly covered up her emotions, and smiled comfortably, no matter what, as long as the eldest brother is by her side, it will be fine.

"Well," Li Xichen replied lightly, standing in a corner of the yard, but his eyes didn't know which direction to look at, his brows were tightly frowned, "I see."

He didn't know what he was thinking about, he always felt that he had forgotten something, he was the most important person in his heart, as if a corner of his heart was missing, and a corner could not be complete.

"Brother, are you feeling unwell, or are you encountering difficulties in cultivation, why are you always distracted, you don't know when Shura will hit the mainland, you have to be careful."

In case something goes wrong in dealing with Asura, what should she do?
Now Qin Ruxue doesn't come to look for her anymore, Mei Yanluo never shows up again, the original cooperation seems to be a puff of green smoke that has dissipated with the wind, she finally got along with him peacefully, she doesn't want to lose such a bland but somewhat happy day.

"It's nothing." Li Xichen turned his head slowly, and his eyes fell on her, "Xingwen, did I forget something?"

Li Xingwen's face suddenly turned pale, could it be, did the eldest brother remember something?She couldn't stop the trembling of her body, and kept thinking that if the eldest brother knew that it was her own fault that made him forget Nangong Zhaofeng, then... no, no, it's impossible, the eldest brother is hers, hers, no matter what, The eldest brother is hers.

"Brother, what are you talking about? How can you forget something? You have always had a good memory. If you forget something, it may be when you were very young, but Xingwen was not born at that time!"

Even though she said that, her heart beat fiercely, don't think about it, don't think about it, brother, please, don't think about it, isn't it good?In this way, they can always be brother and sister, she is his only sister, and he is her only brother, isn't it good?

Is it bad?
Li Xichen gave her a serious look, which made her tremble with fear.

"You're right."

Li Xingwen breathed a sigh of relief, the eldest brother is not sober, maybe it's because he has a feeling in his heart!Li Xichen turned around, his eyes wandered again, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although he didn't know what he had forgotten, it seemed that Li Xingwen was very suspicious.

From the facial expression of the other party, you can see everything.But he was just testing it out, and didn't ask anything. What he wanted to ask, he had already asked someone else, and he really couldn't ask anything from her mouth.

His eyes darkened a little, Nangong Zhaofeng?
If he was really like this, then he must solve the mystery. He can feel that every time he thinks of Nangong Zhaofeng, the missing corner of his heart seems to be slowly healing.

Li Xingwen looked at the figure that seemed to be flying away, and felt anxious, she quickly stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve: "Brother, you just came back, why don't you take a rest first?"

He just answered, but footsteps sounded outside the door, followed by the sound of knocking on the door.

"come in!"

Nangong Zhaofeng gently pushed the door open, and looked at him, she still couldn't let go of him, she thought she let go, but when she saw him, she suddenly found that she still didn't let go, she couldn't let go even more than before.After being separated for a long time, she always felt that her eyes were a little warm. She was not a hypocritical person, but when she looked at the person in her heart, she still couldn't help it.

"It turns out that Mr. Li is busy." Seeing the closeness of the two brothers and sisters, she felt a little uncomfortable, her eyes were half downcast, the corners of her mouth were also bent down, and she was extremely disappointed. "In that case, Zhaofeng will not disturb you."

So what if she likes it, it's not as deep as their brother and sister.

"Please stay."

Hearing this, she resolutely left but couldn't move her footsteps, but she didn't look up, she didn't want to see Li Xingwen's triumphant face again, and she couldn't blame him even more.If he hadn't been under any spell to treat her like this, she might have let go of it long ago. It was precisely because she knew the reason that she was so unwilling.

Unfortunately, it was too late for her to wake up to her feelings for him, and everything seemed to be too late.

"I don't know if Mr. Li still has something to do. I just came back, and there are still many things to deal with. If there is anything, please speak directly, Mr. Li!"

Here, she didn't want to stay here for a moment. She thought she had great courage. When she faced it again, she felt that she was going crazy. Nostalgia, no love, no trace of tenderness, indifference, apart from indifference, it is unfamiliarity.

Perhaps, this is really retribution!

Laughed at myself, what hope?


Li Xichen didn't know when, he had already walked in front of her, and murmured softly, as if he had called out many times, with incomparable proficiency, he naturally called out the intimacy before.

Even he himself was very surprised, he suddenly found that he liked to call her that.


Nangong Zhaofeng looked up in disbelief, his expression was a little excited, and there were tears in his eyes, but looking at that indifferent face, it was like a basin of ice water was pouring on the top of his head.It's just calling her name, it's not like she's being remembered, why is she so excited.

Turning around staggeringly: "If Mr. Li just wants to call my name, to confirm whether I am this person..."

(End of this chapter)

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