Chapter 269 All Reasons

Lord Demon King did some tricks, the water in the hot spring returned to its original state, and he helped the man in his arms to wash his blood-stained body, the thin clothes on his body were already dyed red.

When a certain Baoer had no choice but to do anything, she was forcibly changed into clothes.

"You rascal!"

His pale face finally turned red, he grabbed his clothes and gave him a hard look, "Are you trying to take advantage of me before I recover?"


He responded, but it made her choke.

This pervert!
"Come on, hug!"

He opened his arms and signaled her who was hiding in the corner to come over. She didn't want to go, but her legs didn't seem to be in control, so she walked in front of him and was hugged firmly by him.Take a deep breath, this guy is not only a color embryo, but also a very attractive person who can use his color.

"48 times left."

He sighed, "I regret it a bit!"

"It's too late to regret it. The operation of the meridians has changed now, and it can't be stopped," she pouted. "Anyway, it's better than being in someone else's hands at the end. It's just suffering a little bit of pain ahead."

She really doesn't care, the pain she has suffered in the past is much more than this.

"If it's possible, I'll take it on your behalf."

When he looked at this little face with no blood, he felt his heart was split.

Wrapping his arms around his waist, he murmured in a low voice: "As long as you have a heart, isn't there no problem with this method? I believe you, an old monster, know that you must have come down from somewhere."

As for why it happened like this, Lord Demon King had already planned it after he knew that Mei Baoer's skills were abnormal. Later, after hearing about her Mei family's curse, he read all kinds of classics and finally found the flaw.

It turns out that the so-called curse is not a curse, but a drawback of the exercise. I don't know if it is human-made or for other reasons. In short, this exercise is a good exercise, but there are some abnormalities in the running meridians.

In order to solve this disadvantage, Lord Demon King devoted himself to studying various classics, and finally came up with several methods, and the method implemented today is the safest.

But when he actually used it, it really frightened him.

Mei Bao'er was already proficient in medical theory, coupled with her understanding of her own meridians, so at the beginning, it would be very scary to tell her for a while.

"I don't know who did it."

Her eyes darkened, and there was a vague guess in her heart, but she still couldn't believe it, "Just what is the purpose? What good does it do him?"

"No matter what the other party thinks, whoever hurts you deserves to die!"

The murderous words made her feel extremely sweet.

"Then... I will wait for you to help me vent my anger from now on, dear Lord Demon King." He raised his head, looked at him with wet eyes, how could that pouty little mouth be so cute?
He squeezed his delicate chin, and lightly pecked his lips: "Okay." The corners of his mouth were bent, expressing his joy, "Let's practice first, and recover your physical strength. I'll be here for the future. won't put you in danger."

Nodding with a smile, she got up and kissed him, then leaned on his body, and slowly operated the exercises. Although the operation route had been changed, it looked the same as before. Mo Ming's method, both He was able to hide that person from the master, and kept all the benefits of this exercise.

It is only to blame that person who met is not good, but he actually met the great Lord Demon King, which can only show that he is too unlucky.

Although the two of them didn't guess the person's purpose, they also understood that if they continued to practice this exercise, it would only be harmful to Mei Bao'er, and what could be solved by finding the Meiyin Needle was just a lie. After beginning to believe, May Boa was already suspicious.

It's just that there is no way to deal with it for a while. After all, Lord Demon King is really her lucky star.

In the spring water, the mist was thick, and the men and women clinging to each other only exuded that kind of sacred aura. Even though they didn't wear much, they couldn't see any lust/desire.They all had their eyes closed, the man was tall and strong, with handsome cheeks, and the woman was petite and exquisite, with an extremely delicate face.

They seemed to be made for each other, and the actions between them seemed to be the way they were meant to be.If someone sees it, they will be surprised that there are still such couples in the world.

a day later.

"Sure enough, it's much better."

At this moment, the two of them were fully dressed, Mei Baoer seemed to have no changes, but earth-shaking changes took place inside her body.As long as the next 48 needles are completed, she will be able to gain a new life.She did the math, and within a year, she could finish it.It would be more beneficial for her to finish this kind of thing early, even if it is more painful.

The change of operation method this time, with the participation of Lord Demon King, will allow her to upgrade her skills to a higher level.She is also gradually changing the database that also exists in her consciousness, and is now able to control it by herself. Only when she wants to, can she send information into it, otherwise no one can stop her from doing anything.

"It still feels good."

Hugging Lord Demon King's arm, she hooked the corners of her lips, expressing she was very happy.

"I decided to come back in ten days."

He happily stated his decision, which made Lord Demon King's expression change, but he didn't stop him, "I'll accompany you."

"Of course you want to come with me!"

She stared at him, "If you don't come with me, I'll find a handsome man to come with me."

"Are you looking for a handsome man?" His forehead was lowered and his waist was hugged, as if he was about to get angry.

His eyes rolled around, and his arms hung around his neck: "Why, isn't it you, a handsome man? Don't you think you are not a handsome man?"

"It's almost there."

Scratching his little nose, Lord Demon King happily hugged her and disappeared here, as this place has already been taken by him.The original little demon was dismissed by some benefits, and he was very happy, after all, it was requisitioned by the Lord Demon King.From now on, it will be more cost-effective to hang out with Lord Demon King than guarding a hot spring.

After the two returned to the academy, Qin Weixue and the others had already started their respective training in the dungeon.At the same time, they heard that asuras had appeared on a large scale in various places, ranging from as few as a dozen to as many as hundreds, and the situation became more and more severe.

Of course, the places where Asura appeared were the west and the east, and the south and north were still so quiet.

"Perhaps they think that the North and South Palaces are not so easy to break through, and they want to occupy these two places first." Mei Baoer paused, "There is another reason, that is, she has never thought about those two places at all. It may be that the South suffered a loss last time and decided to give up."

Mo Ming and Dongfang Ce were silent for a moment, then nodded to agree with this statement.

(End of this chapter)

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