Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 270 When did the Demon King become a mother-in-law?

Chapter 270 When did the Demon King become a mother-in-law?

"Have you still not found a way for Shura to appear?" Mei Bao'er was also a little worried. If she didn't find it, wouldn't it be easy for the other party to lead more people to appear? Although she was worried, she didn't have much panic.

Dongfang Ce shook his head: "Not yet."

"Perhaps, there is no other sealing channel at all. They came out in other ways, such as space tearing." Finally, the great Lord Demon King put forward his own idea, "This method is not impossible, but it can tear space The strong man still needs to use such a method?"

Mei Baoer lowered her eyes: "What if this is not a strong person, but just used a certain method?"

"For example, with the help of something, you can see that every time these Shuras come out, there are not a lot of them, but only a few hundred or so, which means that there can only be so many."

"Picture it slowly?" Dongfang Ce is also well-informed, "What Bao'er means is that the other party used this method to attract attention with some Shuras, and actually made many Shuras stealth?" He was a little surprised, If this is the case, then...there may already be a certain number of Shuras. After all, this matter started a year ago, and there are a few appearing every day, and there are also a large number.

"What Bao'er said should be true."

Mo Ming said calmly, as if he didn't pay attention to all this, Dongfang Ce's forehead twitched, knowing how powerful this man is, but you don't want to hit him like this.

"Dongfang Ce, I think you should gather your north as soon as possible. The war between Shura and humans is imminent. Don't let those clowns jump around."

Mei Bao'er didn't want to pay attention to such crap, but Dongfang Ce was her friend's man, so she had to remind her.

"Bao'er is right, I have already made arrangements."

Recently, he heard that the Mu family was ready to annex the Dongfang family, and he didn't care how much he had. Not everyone could do such a thing.

"Yuan Jiu, prepare to go back and annex the Mu family."

"Understood, son."

Yuan Jiu's eyes were burning hot, and the recent news from over there really made him furious.If the Dongfang family didn't have a son, it would have been gone long ago, and these people are still complacent.

Recently, the Dongfang family's business has plummeted, and some unknown opponents have repeatedly attacked. The old lady is already in a hurry, and she is probably regretting it in her heart, right?After all, it's a good life, but it's right to fight against Dongfang Ce, and now to hang out with those incompetent clans!

On Mei Baoer's side, everyone is proceeding without delay. Every ten days, she and Mo Ming will go to the hot spring place to give herself acupuncture. It's like this three times a month, never falling behind. more than a year.

Today, she had given herself the last needle, and she fell into the water on the spot. The spring water was now full of bright red compared to the light stain before, which was very scary to see.

A certain demon king kept his face gloomy, hugged her with one hand, cleaned the spring water with the other, released clean spring water from above, changed her into clean clothes, and hugged her tightly, who was still awake.

Feeling that her body was already running, I was relieved.For the instigator of this matter, Lord Demon King has cursed hard in his heart no less than a thousand times.

Compared with more than a year ago, the person in front of me is much thinner. It is all because of the continuous acupuncture three times a month, and the flesh that was finally mended is gone.

When Mei Baoer woke up, she felt the Lord Demon King's gaze. Although it looked scary just now, it didn't deplete her. It just wanted to get rid of some things from the past. At this moment, her strength has been automatically promoted to the emperor level.

Feeling the crazy influx of spiritual power, there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.But feeling the angry look of the man, she squeezed it carefully, expressing that she was safe and she was fine.

The soft little hands touched his body, his cheeks softened, he grabbed the back of her head suddenly, and kissed her down.

"What a worry."


When did her Lord Demon King become a mother-in-law?

"Is it ok now?"

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm fine."

Now she finally has no scruples, but she still has to find the plum tone needle, her expression darkened, she wants to see what will happen if she finds the plum tone needle.Is it really possible to call everyone in the Mei family back, and what is the ultimate goal of that person.

Don't forget, there are her relatives among them. Even if she doesn't have much affection, she doesn't want this so-called "curse" to continue.Including those people in modern times, if they can go back, she will help them change all this, let this curse end from her!
That person wants to be happy, but she wants to destroy everything!
Before he knew it, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Naturally, Lord Demon King would not be frightened. Instead, he felt how cute this smile was. He liked how cruel Xiao Baoer looked.

Couldn't help biting the pink lips again: "Go back to recuperate for two days." His eyes were a little darker, she looked at him seriously, the emotion inside couldn't be clearer, she smiled, on his face kissed.

Holding her body, Lord Demon King became unhappy again: "I still have to take care of her. I have lost a lot of weight in a year. Go back and eat more." Regardless of her answer, she was taken away and appeared in Emerald City not long after. .

In a luxurious restaurant, the waiter looked at the two of them, and hurriedly greeted them warmly: "So it's Mr. Mo and Miss Bao'er, please come in." The waiter happily entertained them. Eat well, the better the better, and is a frequent visitor here.

"What do you two want to have today?"

"To replenish the body."

Mo Ming weighed Mei Bao'er's body, "Firm body, fleshy one."

Xiao Er also had some twitches, but Miss Bao'er has lost a lot of weight recently, he doesn't understand, many things in their restaurant are full of supplements, why is Miss Bao'er still thin?
After hearing this, he quickly flipped through the menu, pointed to the dishes on it and recommended them one by one, knowing that these two were not short of money, he didn't play too carefully, after all, Mr. Mo is very generous.

"Okay, that's all. By the way, these will be sent to the academy every day at noon and evening."

"Understood, Mr. Mo."

He was thinking in his heart, Mr. Mo really likes Miss Baoer, and now not only Feiyun College, but the whole Jade City knows that Mr. Mo is holding Miss Baoer in his hands, for fear of losing her.

"Yirou, I heard that many people have come to your house recently. Where do these people come from?"

Um?Both Mei Baoer and Mo Ming became alert.

(End of this chapter)

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